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Command Line Fung

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What is command line ? How command line works? Why command line?

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What is command line?

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Formal name command line interface (CLI) character user interface (CUI)

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How command line works?

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Hardware Kernal System call Shell(CLI / GUI) User Computer

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Shell(CLI / GUI)

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shell 是⼀一個可以讓我們 可以透過純⽂文字與 OS 層 安全溝通的⼯工作環境

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/bin /dev /etc /lib /var

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some common shells sh csh bash zsh

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cat /etc/shells

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shell script

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#!/bin/sh name="frozenfung" echo $name

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Why command line?

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我⽤用 GUI 就好

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Graphical User Interface(GUI) Command Line Interface(CLI) 操作⽅方式 有圖有真相 純⽂文字 上⼿手速度 ⼀一秒上⼿手 ⼀一年都還沒學會 潮度 沙漠 熱帶⾬雨林 專業性 三寶都會⽤用 救世主等級 勝 勝 勝 勝

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有些事情 ⽤用CLI來做⽐比較快

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Move files between directory

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mv ./file path/to/file mv file path/to/file

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if there are thousands of files…

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mv file_a file_b path/to/file

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⽣生命就該浪費 在美好的事物上

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⽐比如說學習怎麼⽤用 CLI

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有些事情 只能⽤用CLI做

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Deploy application to remote

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There is no GUI on remote server

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有些事情 你以為 CLI 不能做

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Online resources linuxfoundationx-lfs101x-2 command-line

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Let’s rock !