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Scene 2 Duration 01:26:13 Panel 1 Duration 04:20 Am I Lazy? Page 1/39

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Scene 2 Duration 01:26:13 Panel 2 Duration 02:07 Am I Lazy? Page 2/39

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Scene 2 Duration 01:26:13 Panel 3 Duration 03:03 Dialog Shorty: Do you think I'm lazy? Am I Lazy? Page 3/39

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Scene 2 Duration 01:26:13 Panel 4 Duration 01:11 Dialog Tally: I do. Am I Lazy? Page 4/39

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Scene 2 Duration 01:26:13 Panel 5 Duration 00:14 Am I Lazy? Page 5/39

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Scene 2 Duration 01:26:13 Panel 6 Duration 02:06 Dialog Shorty: Then why don't you say it? Am I Lazy? Page 6/39

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Scene 2 Duration 01:26:13 Panel 7 Duration 01:13 Dialog Tally: Because I dont wanna hurt you... Am I Lazy? Page 7/39

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Scene 2 Duration 01:26:13 Panel 8 Duration 09:03 Dialog Shorty: I’ve hurt a lot, you have put me through so much you should have thought about that a long time ago. Am I Lazy? Page 8/39

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Scene 2 Duration 01:26:13 Panel 9 Duration 02:07 Am I Lazy? Page 9/39

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Scene 2 Duration 01:26:13 Panel 10 Duration 04:01 Action Notes Tally: I'm sorry, I didnt know what do, I was scared too Am I Lazy? Page 10/39

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Scene 2 Duration 01:26:13 Panel 11 Duration 01:23 Dialog Shorty: It really left me messed up, Am I Lazy? Page 11/39

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Scene 2 Duration 01:26:13 Panel 12 Duration 00:23 Dialog Shorty: I was just a child then, Am I Lazy? Page 12/39

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Scene 2 Duration 01:26:13 Panel 13 Duration 00:06 Dialog Shorty: and... Am I Lazy? Page 13/39

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Scene 2 Duration 01:26:13 Panel 14 Duration 00:05 Am I Lazy? Page 14/39

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Scene 2 Duration 01:26:13 Panel 15 Duration 00:05 Dialog Shorty: you failed me.... Am I Lazy? Page 15/39

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Scene 2 Duration 01:26:13 Panel 16 Duration 01:23 Dialog Shorty: you failed me.... Am I Lazy? Page 16/39

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Scene 2 Duration 01:26:13 Panel 17 Duration 08:02 Dialog Tally: You cant put this only on me, youre a grown ass woman, you can choose to change any day you want but no you dont, Am I Lazy? Page 17/39

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Scene 2 Duration 01:26:13 Panel 18 Duration 01:19 Dialog Tally: You're lazy Am I Lazy? Page 18/39

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Scene 2 Duration 01:26:13 Panel 19 Duration 07:15 Dialog Shorty: you act like i dont know this? Its so hard to even get up and even do anything these couple of weeks, i dont wanna deal with it. Am I Lazy? Page 19/39

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Scene 2 Duration 01:26:13 Panel 20 Duration 03:04 Dialog Tally: Ohhh, you don't wanna deal with it?? Well thats adulthood though, isnt it? Am I Lazy? Page 20/39

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Scene 2 Duration 01:26:13 Panel 21 Duration 01:15 Dialog Tally: Dealing things that we dont want to deal with? Am I Lazy? Page 21/39

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Scene 2 Duration 01:26:13 Panel 22 Duration 01:00 Dialog Tally: You gotta grow up eventually... Am I Lazy? Page 22/39

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Scene 2 Duration 01:26:13 Panel 23 Duration 03:10 Am I Lazy? Page 23/39

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Scene 2 Duration 01:26:13 Panel 24 Duration 00:07 Am I Lazy? Page 24/39

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Scene 2 Duration 01:26:13 Panel 25 Duration 00:08 Am I Lazy? Page 25/39

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Scene 2 Duration 01:26:13 Panel 26 Duration 00:05 Am I Lazy? Page 26/39

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Scene 2 Duration 01:26:13 Panel 27 Duration 00:09 Am I Lazy? Page 27/39

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Scene 2 Duration 01:26:13 Panel 28 Duration 00:09 Action Notes *FAST PUNCH* Am I Lazy? Page 28/39

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Scene 2 Duration 01:26:13 Panel 29 Duration 00:10 Action Notes Tally grunts in pain from the punch Am I Lazy? Page 29/39

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Scene 2 Duration 01:26:13 Panel 31 Duration 00:07 Am I Lazy? Page 31/39

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Scene 2 Duration 01:26:13 Panel 32 Duration 00:07 Notes *Crackling Noise* Am I Lazy? Page 32/39

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Scene 2 Duration 01:26:13 Panel 33 Duration 01:00 Notes *Glass shattering noises everywhere!* Am I Lazy? Page 33/39

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Scene 2 Duration 01:26:13 Panel 34 Duration 01:12 Am I Lazy? Page 34/39

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Scene 2 Duration 01:26:13 Panel 35 Duration 02:14 Am I Lazy? Page 35/39

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Scene 2 Duration 01:26:13 Panel 36 Duration 03:18 Action Notes Shorty walks up to the remains of Tally Am I Lazy? Page 36/39

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Scene 2 Duration 01:26:13 Panel 37 Duration 05:02 Dialog Shorty Sighs Am I Lazy? Page 37/39

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Scene 2 Duration 01:26:13 Panel 38 Duration 01:00 Am I Lazy? Page 38/39

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Scene 2 Duration 01:26:13 Panel 39 Duration 04:20 Am I Lazy? Page 39/39