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Jomar Tigcal GDG HackFair Philippines 2015 Voice Interaction API

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Jomar Tigcal GDG Philippines Community Manager Android Developer, Trainer, and Consultant Have Android (and Android Wear) apps on Google Play Store [email protected] @jomartigcal

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Voice Interaction API ● New in Marshmallow (23+) ● Enables apps to interact with users via voice ● Confirm actions and select from a list of options using user’s voice

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Voice Interaction API

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Manifest configuration

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build.gradle android { compileSdkVersion 23 buildToolsVersion "23.0.2" defaultConfig { minSdkVersion 23 targetSdkVersion 23 } ….

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Handle Voice Interaction boolean Activity.isVoiceInteraction() Is activity running as part of a voice interaction with the user? boolean Activity.isVoiceInteractionRoot() Was activity started directly by a user’s voice action in the Google Search App?

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Confirmation Request class Confirm extends VoiceInteractor.ConfirmationRequest { public Confirm(String ttsPrompt, String visualPrompt) { VoiceInteractor.Prompt prompt = new VoiceInteractor.Prompt( new String[] {ttsPrompt}, visualPrompt); super(prompt, null); } … };

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Confirmation Request @Override public void onConfirmationResult( boolean confirmed, Bundle null) { if (confirmed) { doAction(); } finish(); }

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VoiceInteractor VoiceInteractor VoiceInteractor Activity.getVoiceInteractor ()

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VoiceInteractor VoiceInteractor.submitRequest(VoiceInteractor.Request) ❖ VoiceInteractor.ConfirmationRequest ❖ VoiceInteractor.PickOptionRequest ❖ VoiceInteractor.CompleteVoiceRequest ❖ VoiceInteractor.AbortVoiceRequest ❖ VoiceInteractor.CommandRequest.

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Questions? Image Source:

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Jomar Tigcal GDG HackFair Philippines 2015 Voice Interaction API