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MongoDB Replication

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Philipp Krenn @xeraa ecosio & ViennaDB

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Motivation Availability & data safety Read scalability Helping backups

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Data migration Delayed members Oplog Tailing (Meteor.js)

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Terminology Primary + Secondaries Master + Slaves problematic — renamed Arbiter

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Limits 50 replica set members 12 before 2.7.8 7 voting members

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Single instance $ mkdir 1 $ mongod --dbpath 1 --port 27001 --logpath log1 $ mongo --port 27001 > db.test.insert({ name: "Philipp", city: "Wien" }) > db.test.find() Stop instance

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Add replication $ mkdir 2 $ mkdir 3 $ mongod --replSet javantura --dbpath 1 --port 27001 --logpath log1 --oplogSize 20 $ mongod --replSet javantura --dbpath 2 --port 27002 --logpath log2 --oplogSize 20 $ mongod --replSet javantura --dbpath 3 --port 27003 --logpath log3 --oplogSize 20

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Connect $ hostname $ mongo --port 27001 > db.test.find()

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Configure replication Start on the old instance, otherwise data lost rs.initiate() rs.status() rs.add("PK-MBP:27002") rs.add("PK-MBP:27003") rs.status() db.isMaster() db.test.find() db.test.insert({ name: "Peter", city: "Steyr" }) db.test.find()

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Read from secondaries $ mongo --port 27002 > db.test.find() > rs.slaveOk() > db.test.find() > db.test.insert({ name: "Dieter", city: "Graz" }) slaveOk only valid for the current connection

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Failover Kill primary with [Ctrl]+[C] Write to new primary > rs.status() > db.test.insert({ name: "Dieter", city: "Graz" }) > db.test.find()

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Restart old primary $ mongod --replSet name --dbpath 1 --port 27001 --logpath log1 --oplogSize 20 $ mongo --port 27001 > rs.status() > rs.slaveOk() > db.test.find()

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Heartbeat 2s interval 10s until election

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Election rules 1. Priority 2. Optime 3. Connections

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Priority cfg = rs.conf() cfg.members[0].priority = 0 cfg.members[1].priority = 1 cfg.members[2].priority = 2 rs.reconfig(cfg)

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Election Candidate node asks for a vote Others can veto

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Election One yes for one node within 30s Majority yes elects a new primary

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CAP Select Availability or Consistency Partition-tolerance is a prerequisite for distributed systems "The network is reliable":

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Rollback Old primary rolls back unreplicated changes once it rejoins the replica set

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Rollback file rollback/ in data folder File name: .. .bson

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Election time At times 5 to 7 minutes part-2-how-elections-and-failover-currently-work/

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Missing synchronization during election Old primary sends last changes to a single node If not new primary: rollback

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Remember Replication is asynchronous

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Multiple primaries Unlikely but possible Bugs: Test script with no replies: forum/#!topic/mongodb-dev/-mH6BOYyzeI

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Kyle Kingsbury @aphyr: Call Me Maybe PostgreSQL, Redis, MongoDB, Riak, Zookeeper, RabbitMQ, etcd + Consul, ElasticSearch

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Slide 39 text maybe-mongodb 05/2013 version 2.4 Up to 42% data lost Data written to old primary: rollback

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WriteConcern Configure durability vs performance master/src/main/com/mongodb/

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WriteConcern. UNACKNOWLEDGED w=0, j=0 Fire and forget Default until 11/2012

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WriteConcern. ACKNOWLEDGED w=1, j=0 Current default Operation successful in memory

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WriteConcern. JOURNALED w=1, j=1 Operation written to the journal file Since 1.8, single server durability

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WriteConcern.FSYNCED w=1, fsync=true Operation written to disk

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WriteConcern. REPLICA_ACKNOWLEDGED w=2, j=0 Acknowledged by primary and at least one secondary w is the server number

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WriteConcern. MAJORITY w=majority, j=0 Acknowledgement by the majority of nodes wtimeout recommended

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WriteConcern. MAJORITY Nearly no data lost, but high overhead

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Write concern performance compute-engine-tips-and-benchmarks/ 3 x 1,000 inserts on GCE Local 10GB system disk Dedicated 200GB disk Dedicated 200GB for data and journal

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Thanks! Questions? Now, later today, or @xeraa

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Backup Slides

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Replication via logs MongoDB: Operations log (Oplog) MySQL: Binary log (Binlog)

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Naiv approach: Transmit original query Statement Based Replication (SBR) DELETE FROM test.table WHERE quantity > 20 LIMIT 1 db.collection.remove({ quantity: { $gt: 20 }}, true) //justOne: true

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Unambiguous representation Row-Based Replication (RBR): Oplog

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MongoDB Asynchronous replication Secondaries can get the Oplog from: their primary a secondary with more recent data

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Oplog size 32bit: 48MB 64bit OS X: 183MB 64bit *nix, Windows: 1GB to 50GB (5% free disk)

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Inner details

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Capped collection in of the local database > use local > show collections me 0.000MB / 0.008MB 0.000MB / 20.000MB replset.minvalid 0.000MB / 0.008MB slaves 0.000MB / 0.008MB startup_log 0.003MB / 10.000MB system.indexes 0.001MB / 0.008MB system.replset 0.000MB / 0.008MB

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> { "h": NumberLong("-265486071808715859"), "ns": "test.test", "o": { "_id": ObjectId("541a8ed285ea5f8ae059d530"), "name": "Dieter" "city": "Graz" }, "op": "i", "ts": Timestamp(1411026642, 1), "v": 2 } ...