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Recent PAUSE Changes Kenichi Ishigaki @charsbar PerlCon 2019 Aug 7, 2019

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me • DBD::SQLite • JSON/JSON::PP • Perl::PrereqScanner::NotQuiteLite • CPANTS • CPAN::Groonga • PAUSE on Mojolicious

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Perl Toolchain Summit (formerly known as Perl QA Hackathon) 2019 Sponsors, cPanel, MaxMind, FastMail, ZipRecruiter, Cogendo, Elastic, OpenCage Data, Perl Services, Zoopla, Archer Education, OpusVL, Oetiker+Partner, SureVoIP, YEF

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PAUSE has been a hot topic

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• The Perl programming Authors Upload SErver • The back stage entrance to the CPAN • Written by Andreas König in 1995 • Generates indices of authors/packages What's PAUSE?

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• Its UI was (last) overhauled in 1999 • It may look old-fashioned compared with other portals including MetaCPAN or • Things around us has been changing PAUSE has been serving us well for a long time

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0 500 1000 1500 2000 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Active authors Authors with new releases PAUSE itself can't stop our downtrend 0 200 400 600 800 1000 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 New authors New active authors

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Maybe we can help a little • to make it easier to transfer abandoned modules to someone • to show beginners how to make a release (PAUSE has some under "About PAUSE" section)

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Growing pains • PAUSE used to list everything on a single page • This may not have been a problem before • Too many checkboxes for some authors (150 authors have or had 50+ distributions, and 50+ authors have or had 100+ dists now)

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External PAUSE Tools but shouldn't it be better to fix PAUSE? (plus a few uploaders and scripts, etc) App::pause PERLANCAR App::PAUSE::CheckPerms NEILB App::PAUSE::cleanup YANICK App::PAUSE::Comaint MIYAGAWA Pcore::API::PAUSE ZDM WWW::PAUSE::CleanUpHomeDir ZOFFIX WWW::PAUSE::Simple PERLANCAR

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PAUSE on Plack (2015~16) • Replaced mod_perl/Apache with Plack/Starman (2015) • Went into production (2016) • Occasional stability issue(s) (~2019?)

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PAUSE on Mojolicious (2017~19) • Big rewrite for templates and plugins (2017) • Went into produciton from my mojo_wip branch (2018) • Fell back to PAUSE on Plack sometimes (2018) • Merged into master (2019)

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Markdown rendering (2018) • Made it easier to add new documents • PAUSE Operating Model • Privacy Policy • More to come

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From XHTML to HTML5 (2018) • No more table layout • Min.css just for grid layout • Not optimized yet New UI mockup by Babs Veloso (Not implemented yet)

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JavaScript for Paging/Filtering (2018) • No time for a real pager • List.js

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How many items in a page? • 100 items per page was too small for Mojolicious, DBIx::Class etc. • Increased to 300 for the time being • How can we help distributions with thousands of modules?

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Permission management per distribution (2019) Transfer everything in a distribution with one check

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No more partial transfer Filtering by "Starman" module was not enough because Starman contains a module under a different namespace (HTTP::Server::PSGI::Net::Server::PreFork)

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Incomplete ownership • Distributions may be owned by multiple owners (because a new contributor releases a new module without specifying x-authority, or because of partial transfer) • If you want to be a new contributor, you (usually) need to ask all of the owners for permission

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"Permission manager" permission • Formerly known as "Admin" permission • To let someone grant permissions to someone else without giving up your owner rights • Permission manager needs to know new modules added by others, but how? • Discussed but not implemented yet

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reCAPTCHA (2018) • ID requests used to be approved by the PAUSE admins, but this process takes time • 25% of new users release their first distribution on the day of approval • David Golden introduced reCAPTCHA to eliminate this delay and admins' burden

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Abused by spammer(s) It's disabled now

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Exposed user status (2019) • For other CPAN services to remove/hide spammers' information • We may need "system" status as well for special users (ADOPTME etc)

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GDPR: Right to be forgotten • You can't delete your account if you have uploaded something • You can empty most of your personal data by yourself • We started hiding data of deleted accounts (2019) • More to come

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OAuth2 as authorization • Lee Johnson made a branch for this • For ACT users to allow ACT to use their personal data • ... but almost everything is exposed via indices now • Providing official API would be nice • (Ab)use for user verification for RT/MetaCPAN?

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CSRF protection (2018) • Mojolicious::Plugin::WithCSRFProtection • Some of the pages are protected now

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Multi-factor Auth • Recent account hijackings for other portals (rubygems, npm) • Not implemented yet but we should • As long as other CPAN clients/services support this •

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Perl6 indices • Actually there are two indices (+ empty one) for Perl 6 • is making its own indices # CPAN/authors/p6dists.json.gz { "A/AK/AKIYM/Perl6/JSON-Hjson-0.0.1.tar.gz" : { "name" : "JSON::Hjson", "auth" : "AKIYM", "ver" : "0.0.1" }, ... } # CPAN/authors/p6provides.json.gz { "Math::Random" : [ "P/PS/PSIXDISTS/Perl6/Math-Random-0.000.001.tar.gz" ], "Math::FFT::Libfftw3::Exception" : [ "F/FR/FRITH/Perl6/Math-FFT-Libfftw3-0.1.1.tar.gz", "F/FR/FRITH/Perl6/Math-FFT-Libfftw3-0.1.2.tar.gz", "F/FR/FRITH/Perl6/Math-FFT-Libfftw3-0.1.3.tar.gz" ], ... }

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Transferring Perl6 modules • Currently there's no permission management for Perl6 modules • Just author(s), instead of P5's first-come + contributors? • ADOPTME/HANDOFF/NEEDHELP/NOXFER?

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Other changes • Ricardo Signes and Neil Bowers finished their efforts to make PAUSE indices case insensitive • Slaven Reziç fixed certification issue • Abandon primary permissions now means transfer to ADOPTME • Various test/logging improvements • Burp reports by Lee Johnson

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Further reading Blog posts about PAUSE at PTS 2019 • • • • • summit-and-pause-permission-management-per-distribution.html PTS 2019 in general • •

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Looking forward to your input

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Thank you