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Go language (not only) for PHP developers by Dmitry Morozov

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Marketing slide Transact Pro is a leading online payment processing and card issuance non-banking institution in Baltic States with 12 year industry experience. Transact Pro provides online payment acceptance and processing turnkey solutions for more than 2500 e-commerce merchants worldwide. Services and solutions • Online processing services • Payment Gateway solution • Payment accounts • MasterCard payment cards • Online Bank and Mobile Bank • Consulting • Support

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Why we need yet another programming language ? 694+1 = 695

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Google preconditions • Ease of development • A lot of developers working with code base • Speed of compile • Good ecosystem • High performance • Efficient with modern computer environment • Static binaries

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Google approach • Designed by: Rob Pike, Robert Griesemer, Ken Thompson • Paradigm: compiled, concurrent, imperative, structured • C-family, with ideas from Java/Pascal/Modula/Limbo/… • As simple and plain as possible

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Google approach • Conventions • Code style • Language tools • Simplicity

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Adopters • System stuff guys • Adopters from scripting languages

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Web adopters • Concurrency out of the box • Awesome stdlib (HTTP stuff out of the box) • Execution and compilation speed • Simple language = faster development speed • Unit tests out of the box

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Transact Pro demands • Ideology (codestyle, types) • Great stdlib • Great documentation • Concurrency (goroutines and channels) • Execution speed • Easy to start

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Go and PHP Go PHP Compiled Interpreted Functional OOP Static Dynamic Gopher Elephant

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First month with Go :) :( A lot of errors caught before runtime No vendoring management Maps and slices (go high-level arrays) No projects isolation No type casting magic No local community in Riga Routing and template engine out of the box Non-standard error handling - no exceptions Easy to install, no dependencies JSON, UTF-8 out of the box Builds without dependencies Awesome community not in Riga

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Hello, Go ! package main import ( "fmt" "net/http" ) 
 func main() { helloConst := func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { fmt.Fprintf(w, "hi there !") } helloVariable := func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { title := r.URL.Path[len("/hello/"):] fmt.Fprintf(w, "hello, "+title) } 
 http.HandleFunc("/hello/", helloVariable) http.HandleFunc("/", helloConst) http.ListenAndServe(":8082", nil) }

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Return values func split(sum int) (x, y int) { x = sum * 4 / 9 y = sum - x return }
 func main() { fmt.Println(split(17)) }

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Concurrency runtime.GOMAXPROCS(2) var wg sync.WaitGroup wg.Add(2) fmt.Println("Starting Go Routines")
 go func() { defer wg.Done() for char := 'a'; char < 'a'+26; char++ { fmt.Printf("%c ", char) } }()
 go func() { defer wg.Done() for number := 1; number < 27; number++ { fmt.Printf("%d ", number) } }()
 fmt.Println("Waiting To Finish") wg.Wait() fmt.Println("\nTerminating Program")

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Concurrency Starting Go Routines Waiting To Finish a b 1 2 3 4 c d e f 5 g h 6 i 7 j 8 k 9 10 11 12 l m n o p q 13 r s 14 t 15 u v 16 w 17 x y 18

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Concurrency is not parallelism • 1 routine = 2Kb of stack space • Cheap to create, destroy and switch • Channels, for high-level communications • Package sync for low-level sync

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Where are my classes ? "Bad programmers worry about the code. Good programmers worry about data structures and their relationships.” Linus Torvalds

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Where are my classes ? class Rectangle { public $w; public $h; public function __construct($w, $h){ $this->w = $w; $this->h = $h; } public function getArea(){ $this->logGetArea(); return $this->w*$this->h; } private function logGetArea(){ //do something } } $R = new Rectangle(10, 15); echo $R->getArea();
 package main import "fmt"
 type Rectangle struct{ w int h int }
 func (r Rectangle) GetArea() int{ logGetArea() return r.w*r.h }
 func logGetArea() { //do something } 
 func main() { r := Rectangle{w:10, h: 15} fmt.Println(r.GetArea()) }

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Web frameworks in Go func main() { router := gin.Default() router.GET("/user/:name", func(c *gin.Context) { name := c.Param("name") c.String(http.StatusOK, "Hello %s", name) }) router.GET("/user/:name/*action", func(c *gin.Context) { name := c.Param("name") action := c.Param("action") message := name + " is " + action c.String(http.StatusOK, message) }) router.Run(":8080") }

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ORM in Go type Model struct { ID uint `gorm:"primary_key"` CreatedAt time.Time UpdatedAt time.Time DeletedAt *time.Time }
 type User struct { gorm.Model Name string }
 db, err := gorm.Open("postgres", "user=gorm dbname=gorm sslmode=disable") // Update an existing struct db.First(&user) user.Name = “John” user.Age = 34 db.Save(&user)

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Custom logs in go import ( "os" log "" )
 func init() { // Log as JSON instead of the default ASCII formatter. log.SetFormatter(&log.JSONFormatter{}) // Output to stderr instead of stdout, could also be a file. log.SetOutput(os.Stderr) // Only log the warning severity or above. log.SetLevel(log.WarnLevel) }
 func main() { log.WithFields(log.Fields{ ."animal": "walrus", ."size": 10, }).Info("A group of walrus emerges from the ocean")

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How to start • Install Go properly • Setup your editor properly • Read “Effective Go” document • Do not skip steps into the manual • Profit !

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Atom: go-plus

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VIM: vim-go plugin

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JetBrains: golang plugin

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Language adoption • Fear: Google will drop Go support • Calmness: Community around the language

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Language adoption • Fear: It’s not production ready • Calmness: It’s used into production by many big and small companies: Docker, HashiCorp,, DropBox, BBC, SpaceX, Amazon, …

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Language adoption • Fear: We don’t need technology zoo • Calmness: Yes, you have to decide if you need Go into your technology stack

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TL;DR • created by Google for Google • fits for us, can fit for you • does it’s job really good • community around language • not a silver bullet • not a language X • haters gonna hate

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Questions ?