Slide 21
Slide 21 text
Russell’s Paradox in ”Foundations of Arithmetic”
Axiom V, 𝜖𝑃 = 𝜖𝑄 ≡ ∀𝑥[𝑃(𝑥) ≡ 𝑄(𝑥)], leads to
∘ 𝜖𝑃 denotes the set of elements satisfying predicate 𝑃.
∘ 𝑅 can be expressed as ∃𝑃[𝑥 = 𝜖𝑃 ∧ ¬𝑃(𝑥)] in predicate
∘ Substituting 𝑥 as 𝜖𝑅, we find 𝑅(𝜖𝑅) ≡ ¬𝑅(𝜖𝑅).
∘ In Frege’s work, there is a distinction between objects,
predicates, and predicates of predicates. This hierarchy
can be seen as an early notion of type theory.