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Open Science Projects 
 I would like to do Martin Fenner

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– Michael Nielsen Open science is the idea that scientific knowledge of all kinds should be openly shared as early as is practical in the discovery process.

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Open Science Definitions • Infrastructure School
 Efficient research depends on the available tools and applications. • Public School
 Science needs to be made accessible to the public. • Democratic School
 The access to knowledge is unequally distributed. • Pragmatic School
 Knowledge-creation could be more efficient if scientists worked together. • Measurement School
 Scientific contributions today need alternative impact measurements. Fecher & Friesike (2014).

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Infrastructure • Our scholarly communication concepts and tools have not properly adapted to today’s digital workflows. • The concept of a scholarly citation is a good example: • Thousands of citation styles that differ little • Limited standards and tools to cite data, software, reagents, or other resources • Confusion about formal vs. informal citations • Restricted access to reference lists and informal citations

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– Wf4Ever Research Object Model 1.0 A research object aggregates a number of resources that are used and/or produced in a given scientific investigation. This aggregation supports access to those collected resources – or at least access to the identification of those resources.

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Research Objects • Can we use the concept of aggregation in research objects to replace the traditional reference list? • What is the equivalent of the research object manifest file in JATS and TEI? • Can we agree on a standard to describe the relationships between research objects? • Convert a large set of scholarly works to research objects for analysis of associated resources. Belhajjame et al. (2014)

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Democratic School • The access to knowledge is unequally distributed. • One important barrier is the cost for creating and distributing scholarly documents. • Tools that make document creation and distribution easier and thus cheaper can help to increase access to knowledge.

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Document Conversion • JATS and TEI have become the de-facto XML-based standards for scholarly documents. • Scholarly documents are written in Microsoft Word and LaTeX. • PDF remains the standard for reading scholarly documents, although people increasingly expect HTML and ePub. • Conversion of the author-submitted text is often manual, slow, and expensive. Or, important document structure and metadata are lost in the conversion.

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Document Conversion • Can the conversion between formats be automated, or will we always need manual intervention? And how do we handle document versions? • Can we develop linting tools to automate the quality control of document conversion? • What enhancements/standards are needed for HTML/ePub to become an alternative to XML? • What features are needed for Scholarly Markdown to become an alternative writing format?

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Collaboration • Formal and informal collaborations are essential components of the scholarly process. • Despite an increasing number of digital collaboration tools, conferences remain a mainstay of scholarly communication. • Presentation slides and posters are more difficult to find and access compared to journal articles and books. • Slides and posters offer a unique value compared to more formal publications, e .g. immediacy and conciseness

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Conferences • Do conceptual work for increasing the discoverability of slides and posters, e.g. assigning persistent identifiers, creating a discovery index, or offering a repository • Track relations between slides, posters and formal publications. • Investigate social media activity around conference presentations, and correlate with later outcomes such as formal publication.

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Measurement • It has become more important where you publish than what you publish. The journal article (in the right journal) is increasingly becoming the currency for promotion and funding. • Other research outputs are less visible, and metrics often not available. • We increasingly use metrics instead of individual judgement to evaluate researchers and research. • One unintended consequence is that assessment is more and more controlled by journal publishers instead of institutions or individual researchers.

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Assessment • Discuss definitions and best practices for alternative assessment metrics • Collect metrics for novel research outputs, e.g. scientific software • Investigate data quality: differences between providers • Do conceptual model for the appropriate use of metrics to assess individual researchers Zahedi, Fenner & Costas (2014)

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Discovery • While the role of the journal as a filter might have become less important, discovery of relevant scholarly content remains a major challenge. • While scholarly metrics are mainly used for assessment, they can also help with the discovery of scholarly content. • Altmetrics and usage stats are particularly relevant because of their immediate availability. • Little is known about the role of these metrics in the discovery process, e.g. in distinguishing popularity from relevance.

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