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Consumer Driven Contracts Say what you mean and mean what you say @robdcrowley robdcrowley

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Session Goals Learn how consumer driven contracts facilitate a low friction approach to service evolution Explore how Pact enables service providers to know if a change would break consumers before deploying Consumer driven contracts as a catalyst for cultural change Empower you with innovative ideas to bring back to your organisation!

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Digital disruption is driving change across established industries

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The agility to respond to rapidly changing customer needs is vital for remaining competitive

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Software architecture must also become more agile

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Modern Architectures are Complex Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Client Client Client Service Service Service Service

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Some people, when confronted with a problem, think “I know, I'll use system integration tests.” Now their problems scale combinatorially.

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Combinatorial Scaling 2 code paths: 26 = 64 4 code paths: 46 = 4096 6 code paths: 66 = 46656 8 code paths: 86 = 262144 Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Client Client Client

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“Reliability problems largely occur at module boundaries, and most result from inconsistencies in both sides expectations” - Bertrand Meyer, Object Success

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Implicit Interfaces No explicit interface between collaborators enforced by type system or compiler checks Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Client Client Client

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Implicit Interfaces No explicit interface between collaborators enforced by type system or compiler checks Let’s change and deploy a service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Client Client Client

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Implicit Interfaces No explicit interface between collaborators enforced by type system or compiler checks Let’s change and deploy a service Hope we don’t break existing collaborators Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Client Client Client

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Integration Tests Slow (longer feedback cycle) Brittle Difficult to manage Finding the actual issue requires triage Scale combinatorially Written after the code rather than before

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So if integration tests are not the solution then what is?

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So if integration tests are not the solution then what is? Test Symmetry

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symmetry s m tri/ ˈ ɪ ɪ noun The correspondence of the form and arrangement of elements or parts on opposite sides of a dividing line.

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Test Symmetry A B

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A B Mock Test Symmetry

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A B Mock Trivial Test Symmetry

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A B Mock Trivial Tricky Test Symmetry

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Symmetrical tests have the exact opposite properties

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Know when you break a consumer before deploying the change

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Specification by Example

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Pact – Define Expectations Consumer Provider PACT HTTP Request HTTP Response Record

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Pact – Verify Expectations Consumer Provider PACT HTTP Request HTTP Response Replay

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Fast (rapid feedback cycle) Reliable Low ramp up cost Straightforward to debug Scale linearly Contract Tests

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Given ”products exists” Upon receiving ”a GET request for product catalogue” With “an Accept header of application/hal+json” Will respond with ”200 OK” And “a Content-Type header of application/hal+json” And ”the product catalogue details in the entity body”

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Given ”products exists” Upon receiving ”a GET request for product catalogue” With “an Accept header of text/plain” Will respond with ”406 Not Acceptable”

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Given ”Widget product does not exist” Upon receiving ”a GET request for Widget product” Will respond with ”404 Not Found”

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Joining the dots... Product Sales Service Product Catalogue Service Product Stock Service Pact Broker git clone JUnit for pact generation Gradle pact plugin for provider verification Pact Broker for pact repository Docker integration

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Start with the consumer

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Then move onto the provider

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“Be liberal in what you accept, and conservative in what you send” - Jon Postel, The Robustness Principle

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Implications of Postel’s Law An expectation may not be made for a field to be absent from a response Exception: Request headers that change the behaviour of the provider must be specified in expectations

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Sharing Pacts

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Pact Broker Consumer Provider Pact Broker

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Pact Broker Consumer Provider Pact Broker Publish PUT /pacts/provider/{provider}/consumer/{consumer}/versions/{version} HTTP/1.1

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Pact Broker Consumer Provider Pact Broker Publish PUT /pacts/provider/{provider}/consumer/{consumer}/versions/{version} HTTP/1.1 Pull GET /pacts/provider/{provider}/consumer/{consumer}/latest HTTP/1.1

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Facilitates the sharing of pacts between consumer and provider projects Enables service release cycles to be decoupled Example driven API documentation Visualisations of relationships between services Web Hooks to provide integration with CI Builds Pact Broker

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Backwards Compatibility Testing Use Tags to ensure provider is compatible with latest and released versions of consumers PUT /participants/{consumer}/versions/{version}/tags/{tag} HTTP/1.1 GET /pacts/provider/{provider}/consumer/{consumer}/latest/{tag} HTTP/1.1 Consumer Head (Pact Broker) Consumer Production (Pact Broker) Provider Head (Source Control) Contract Tests Contract Tests Producer backwards compatibility Provider Production (Source Control) Contract Tests Consumer backwards compatibility Already Tested

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So once contract tests are in place I can throw all of my integration tests away?

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It depends on the criticality of the business capability the service supports and your risk appetite

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Make production monitoring and alerting a priority

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Other Benefits

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Higher quality services

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“Quality comes from deliberate thought” - Michael Feathers, Testing Patience

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Reduced waste in delivery process

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The business value realized by a service is defined by the parts of it’s provider contract being leveraged by consumers

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“The biggest cause of failure in software- intensive systems is not technical failure; it’s building the wrong thing.” - Mary Poppendieck

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Focusing on delivering the capabilities as defined in consumer contracts drives building the right thing

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Takeaways Consumer Driven Contracts enable services to evolve gracefully Pact combines isolated unit testing with contract testing Pact enables delivery at speed by providing rapid feedback on potential breakages Pact allows test driven development principles to be applied to services Consumer Driven Contracts can be a catalyst for cultural change by fostering collaboration between delivery teams and reducing waste

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“Deploying to production quickly is easy; doing so quickly and responsibly however is non trivial” - Rob Crowley

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Adopting a consumer driven contract testing approach can help

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More Info Gitbook: Github: realestate-com-au/pact and DiUS/pact-jvm User group:!forum/pact-support Twitter: pact_up Pact to the Rescue!: Deploy with Confidence using Pact Go!: Consumer Driven Contracts – A Service Evolution Pattern:

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Contracts 101 Provider Consumer Driven Consumer Closed & Complete Singular & Authoritive Bounded Stability & Immutability Open & Incomplete Mutable & Non-Authoritive Bounded Stability & Immutability Closed & Complete Singular & Non-Authoritive Bounded Stability & Immutability