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Data Science Deployed Turning raw data into valuable services Ian Ozsvald @IanOzsvald

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Slide 2 text @IanOzsvald PyConSE May 2015 Who Am I? ● “Industrial Data Science” for 15 years ● O'Reilly Author ● Teacher at PyCons

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Slide 3 text @IanOzsvald PyConSE May 2015 PyDataLondon Meetups

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Slide 4 text @IanOzsvald PyConSE May 2015 I want to encourage you to... ● Mix “data people” and “engineers” to deliver high-value products so we can... ● Go faster than humans ● Be more accurate than humans ● Be consistent and reproducible ● I want you to become a data scientist Attrib:

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Slide 5 text @IanOzsvald PyConSE May 2015 Who is a Data Scientist?

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Slide 6 text @IanOzsvald PyConSE May 2015 Why 'now'?

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Slide 7 text @IanOzsvald PyConSE May 2015 Why is it valuable? ● “Massively customised service” ● Data Moats are hard to copy

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Slide 8 text @IanOzsvald PyConSE May 2015 Why is it valuable?

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Slide 9 text @IanOzsvald PyConSE May 2015 “A day in my life” ● “How can I turn our data into business value?” ● Thinking on our data quality and transformations to improve quality ● How can I better predict or classify something that's valuable? ● Deploying, testing, documenting

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Slide 10 text @IanOzsvald PyConSE May 2015 Starting your first project ● Need: High value & easy problem ● Share insight, augment data, automate a process or predict the future ● Deliver value at the end of day 1, day 2, week 1, week 2, month 1 etc ● Tutorials on my blog (

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Slide 11 text @IanOzsvald PyConSE May 2015 Example of “insight” Data via:

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Slide 12 text @IanOzsvald PyConSE May 2015 Example of “insight”

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Slide 13 text @IanOzsvald PyConSE May 2015 Example of “insight”

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Slide 14 text @IanOzsvald PyConSE May 2015 Extracting data from binary files ● Copy/pasting PDF/PNG data is laborious ● How can we scale it? ● textract - unified interface ● Apache's Tika (maybe) better ● Specialised tools e.g. Sovren ● Think on pipelines of transforms

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Slide 15 text @IanOzsvald PyConSE May 2015 Optical Character Recognition

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Slide 16 text @IanOzsvald PyConSE May 2015 Optical Character Recognition

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Slide 17 text @IanOzsvald PyConSE May 2015 Augmenting data ● Identifying people, places, brands, sentiment ● “i love my apple phone” ● Context-sensitive (e.g movies vs products) ● Accurately count mentions & sentiment

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Slide 18 text @IanOzsvald PyConSE May 2015 Augmenting images

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Slide 19 text @IanOzsvald PyConSE May 2015 Predicting the unknown ● Forecasting the future or filling the gaps ● Demand prediction, life expectancy, price estimation

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Slide 20 text @IanOzsvald PyConSE May 2015 Predicting the unknown

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Slide 21 text @IanOzsvald PyConSE May 2015 Gaussian Process price estimates

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Slide 22 text @IanOzsvald PyConSE May 2015 Classification ● “Is it X or is it something else?” ● Spam, malware, lead identification, text disambiguation, fraud classification ● Many examples online, lots of tutorials

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Slide 23 text @IanOzsvald PyConSE May 2015 Digit classification

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Slide 24 text @IanOzsvald PyConSE May 2015 More problems we can solve ● Text topic detection ● Duplicate detection ● Data cleaning ● Copyright violation (DMCA) ● Speech recognition for call centre automation

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Slide 25 text @IanOzsvald PyConSE May 2015 Tooling IDE: Spyder (PyCharm) Notebooks great for tutorials & demos, not as an IDE

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Slide 26 text @IanOzsvald PyConSE May 2015 First project: outline ● Iterate on: ● Visualise ● Seaborn/Bokeh ● Create milestones ● KISS! ● Think+hypothesise+test ● Communicate results ● IPython Notebook ● (Engineer a solution)

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Slide 27 text @IanOzsvald PyConSE May 2015 Don't Kill It! ● Your data is missing, it is poor and it lies ● Missing data kills projects! ● Log everything! ● Make data quality reports ● R&D != Engineering ● Discovery-based ● Iterative ● Success and failure equally useful

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Slide 28 text @IanOzsvald PyConSE May 2015 Internal deployment ● Scripts to drive report ● CSVs/Reports ● Database updates ● IPython Notebook (not secure though!) ● Bokeh

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Slide 29 text @IanOzsvald PyConSE May 2015 Deploying live systems ● Spyre (locked-down) ● Microservices ● Flask is my go-to tool ● Swagger docs ● (git pull / fabric / provisioned machines) ● Docker + Amazon ECS

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Slide 30 text @IanOzsvald PyConSE May 2015 flask-restful-swagger

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Slide 31 text @IanOzsvald PyConSE May 2015 Avoid Big Data if possible... ● Don't be in a rush - 5000 lines of good data will beat a pile of Bad Big Data ● 244GB RAM EC2+many Xeons $2.80/hr ● Scaling options: ● ElasticSearch + Jython/Java ● Azure/Amazon ML ● Apache Spark # if you have HDFS already

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Slide 32 text @IanOzsvald PyConSE May 2015 Frågor? ● We have a crazy-good selection of tools! ● Don't worry about imposter syndrome - your business knowledge has a lot of value ● We need data science patterns - what's your story? ● Ask me how you can get started (I respond well to beer) ●