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What is a system?

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A system is an interconnected set of elements coherently organised in a way that achieves something. Donella Meadows, Thinking in Systems “

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A system is an interconnected set of elements coherently organised in a way that achieves something. Donella Meadows, Thinking in Systems “

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A system is more than a collection of elements.

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Purpose Connections Elements

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Purpose Connections Elements

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Utility Quick scanning High density of information Multi tasking Informal learning Reflection Connecting with people Focusing on the subject

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A design system is a set of coherent patterns that facilitate and encourage certain types of behaviour.

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Purpose Connections Elements Semantic Structural Visual Behavioural

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Semantic Structural Visual Behavioural Connections

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Name things based on their global function – the function of a module in the context of the whole system, rather than a page.

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“Course poster” – ?

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“Discussion” – ?

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“Billboard” “Billboard”

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Name things collaboratively and refer to them by their names.

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Whisper box

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Semantic Structural Visual Behavioural Connections

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Molecules vs Organisms

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Molecule Organism

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Molecule Organism

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Organisms (Standalones) – well defined and independent parts or sections of a page. Molecules (Helpers) – supporting elements, typically part of other components.

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Does it really matter?

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What matters is not the structure itself but that it’s shared and understood by the people who use it.

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Semantic Structural Visual Behavioural Connections

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“The subatomic particles”

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Relationships between the visual patterns

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Spacious Typographic contrast: high Spacing: “spacious”

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Spacious Typographic contrast: high Spacing: “spacious” Regular Typographic contrast: regular Spacing: “regular”

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Spacious Typographic contrast: high Spacing: “spacious” Regular Typographic contrast: regular Spacing: “regular” Compact Typographic contrast: low Spacing: “cosy”

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Spacious Regular Compact

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Treat core brand patterns separately, don’t mix them with modules.

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Define not only the elements themselves but the relationships between them. Treat core brand patterns separately, don’t mix them with modules.

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Semantic Structural Visual Behavioural Connections

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Stylistic rule vs Design pattern

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A building or a town is given its character, essentially, by those events which keep on happening there most often. Christopher Alexander “

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Think of modules not as isolated entities but families joined by a shared purpose.

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How do you test a module?

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Test if individual modules help to achieve the desired behaviour they were designed to achieve.

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A design system is not only about the elements – it’s the purpose and connections that hold it together.

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No system can exist in isolation.

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Evolving a design system is a gradual piecemeal process, not the result of a master design plan.

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THANK YOU Alla Kholmatova @craftui