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Is Postgres the future of Open SQL? Harold Giménez Heroku Department of Data @hgmnz

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Brief history of the project Durability Data types Query constructs Advanced Indexing Extensions Concurrency Is Postgres the future of Open SQL?

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In the beginning... 1977 - 1985: "Ingres" 1986 - 1994: "Postgres" 1995: Postgres95 1996: PostgreSQL 6.0, an open source project.

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A true open source project Liberal, BSD-like license. Community ownership No corporate "gatekeeper"

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Durable Durable

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Balancing durability and performance

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Data types

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Data types timestamptz interval ranges enums geom inet, cidr, macaddr xml json array money tsvector text char date, timestamp uuid boolean numeric types

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CREATE TABLE users( id uuid primary key DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), name text not null, tags text[], properties hstore, last_seen_from inet, created_at timestamptz );

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SELECT * FROM users WHERE tags @> ['beer', 'cheeseburgers']; SELECT name, unnest(tags) as tag FROM users WHERE name = 'hgmnz';

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SELECT * FROM users WHERE properties -> 'city' = 'Austin'

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Query constructs

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WITH active_users AS ( SELECT * FROM users WHERE active ), recent_events AS ( SELECT * FROM events WHERE created_at > now() - interval '1 day' ) SELECT * FROM active_users JOIN recent_events WHERE = 'eat_cheeseburger';

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WITH moved_rows AS ( DELETE FROM events WHERE date >= '2013-02-01' AND date < '2013-03-01' RETURNING * ) INSERT INTO event_logs SELECT * FROM moved_rows;

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SELECT meal, lead(meal, 1) OVER (PARTITION BY user_id ORDER BY created_at) AS next_meal FROM meals;

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Advanced Indexing

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CREATE INDEX idx_active_user_names ON users(name) WHERE active; CREATE INDEX idx_user_age ON users(age(now(), dob)); CREATE INDEX idx_user_properties ON users(properties) USING gist; CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY ...;

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Useful Extensions PostGIS Procedural Languages (eg: plv8) Data Types Foreign Data Wrappers CREATE EXTENSION hstore; CREATE LANGUAGE plv8; CREATE EXTENSION postgis; CREATE EXTENSION redis_fdw;

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Try it now $ heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql $ heroku pg:psql

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No content

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Side projects to high performance apps Fully managed Followers Forks Dataclips Continuous Protection Run vanilla Postgres, always.

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Durable: Data types/workbench: queries/library: Indexes: Extensions: Concurrency: Photo Credits Thank You! Harold Giménez Heroku Department of Data @hgmnz