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Making your ownɹɹɹɹ Code Formatter in Swiftɹɹɹɹɹ 2019/01/19 iOSConf SG 2019 Yasuhiro Inami / @inamiy

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2016 → 2019 4 → 14ɹɹ ! developers ɹɹ ɹ ɹ

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! 14 developers ! 14 coding styles

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! Programming Styles 1. Language (Swift, Objective-C, C++, etc) 2. Typing (Object-oriented, functional) or untyping (oh my!) 3. Architecture (MVC, MVVM, Reactive Programming, etc) 4. Variable / Function Naming 5. Comments / Documentation 6. Whitespaces (tabs V.S. spaces, newline)

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We need the Law 1. ! Coding Style Guide • • 2. " Linter / Formatter • realm/SwiftLint • nicklockwood/SwiftFormat • Both solves syntactic problems

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SwiftLint / SwiftFormat • realm/SwiftLint • Powered by SourceKit(ten) • Syntax structure = untyped dictionary tree • Some rules are autocorrect-able • nicklockwood/SwiftFormat • Scope-aware, built-in tokenizer • Syntax structure = token array

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SwiftSyntax • Swift bindings for apple/swift's libSyntax • Type-safe, AST-level structured editing library • Includes trivias (whitespaces & comments) • Attaches trivias to leading / trailing of token • Similar to .NET (Roslyn) / TypeScript Syntax API • Internally calls swiftc -frontend -emit-syntax and passes JSON for "C++ to Swift" bridging (in Swift 4.2)

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Swift AST Explorer

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Q. Where do Swift syntaxes come from?

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Swift 4.2 Formal grammar About the Language Reference — The Swift Programming Language (Swift 4.2)

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top-level-declaration ! [statements] statements ! statement [statements] statement ! expression [;] | declaration [;] | loop-statement [;] | branch-statement [;] | labeled-statement [;] | control-transfer-statement [;] | defer-statement [;] | do-statement [;] | compiler-control-statement

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// Note: Pseudo-code struct TopLevelDeclaration { let statements: [Statement] } // Simple statements, compiler control, and control flow. enum Statement { case expression(Expression, Semicolon?) case declaration(Declaration, Semicolon?) case loop(LoopStatement, Semicolon?) case branch(BranchStatement, Semicolon?) case labeled(LabeledStatement, Semicolon?) case controlTransfer(ControlTransferStatement, Semicolon?) case `defer`(DeferStatement, Semicolon?) case `do`(DoStatement, Semicolon?) case compilerControl(CompilerControlStatement) }

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declaration ! import-declaration | constant-declaration | variable-declaration | typealias-declaration | function-declaration | enum-declaration | struct-declaration | class-declaration | protocol-declaration | initializer-declaration | deinitializer-declaration | extension-declaration | subscript-declaration | operator-declaration | precedence-group-declaration

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/// Introduces a new name or construct, e.g. functions, structs, variables. enum Declaration { case `import`(ImportDeclaration) case constant(ConstantDeclaration) case variable(VariableDeclaration) case `typealias`(TypealiasDeclaration) case function(FunctionDeclaration) case `enum`(EnumDeclaration) case `struct`(StructDeclaration) case `class`(ClassDeclaration) case `protocol`(ProtocolDeclaration) case initializer(InitializerDeclaration) case deinitializer(DeinitializerDeclaration) case `extension`(ExtensionDeclaration) case `subscript`(SubscriptDeclaration) case `operator`(OperatorDeclaration) case precedenceGroup(PrecedenceGroupDeclaration) }

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expression ! [try-operator] prefix-expression [binary-expressions] prefix-expression ! [prefix-operator] postfix-expression | in-out-expression postfix-expression ! primary-expression | function-call-expression | initializer-expression | l binary-expressions ! binary-expression [binary-expressions] binary-expression ! binary-operator prefix-expression | assignment-operator [try-operator] prefix-expression | conditional-operator [try-operator] prefix-expression | type-casting-operator

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/// Can evaluate & return a value and/or cause a side effect. struct Expression { let tryOperator: TryOperator? let prefixExpression: PrefixExpression let binaryExpressions: [BinaryExpression] } enum PrefixExpression { case prefixOperator(PrefixOperator?, PostfixExpression) case `inout`(InoutExpression) } enum PostfixExpression { case primary(PrimaryExpression) case functionCall(FunctionCallExpression) case initializer(InitializerExpression) ... }

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whitespace ! whitespace-item [whitespace] whitespace-item ! line-break | comment | multiline-comment | U+0000, U+0009, U+000B, U+000C, or U+0020 line-break ! U+000A | U+000D | U+000D followed by U+000A comment ! // comment-text line-break multiline-comment ! /* multiline-comment-text */ comment-text ! comment-text-item [comment-text] comment-text-item ! Any Unicode scalar value except U+000A or U+000D multiline-comment-text ! multiline-comment-text-item [multiline-comment-text] multiline-comment-text-item ! multiline-comment | comment-text-item | Any Unicode scalar value except /* or */

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identifier ! identifier-head [identifier-characters] | ` identifier-head [identifier-characters] ` | implicit-parameter-name identifier-list ! identifier | identifier , identifier-list identifier-head ! A-Z | a-z | _ | U+00A8 | U+00AA | ... identifier-character ! 0-9 | U+0300–U+036F | U+1DC0–U+1DFF | ... | identifier-head identifier-characters ! identifier-character [identifier-characters]

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literal ! numeric-literal | string-literal | boolean-literal | nil-literal numeric-literal ! [-] integer-literal | [-] floating-point-literal boolean-literal ! true | false nil-literal ! nil

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SwiftSyntax Example

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iOSConfSG = 2019; ↓ iOSConfSG = 2019

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open class SemicolonTrimmer: SyntaxRewriter { open override func visit(_ syntax: CodeBlockItemSyntax) -> Syntax { if let nextToken = syntax.nextToken, nextToken.leadingTrivia.contains(where: { $0.isNewline }) || syntax.isLastChild { let noSemicolon = syntax.withSemicolon(nil) return super.visit(noSemicolon) } else { return super.visit(syntax) } } }

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iOSConfSG = 2019 ↓ iOSConfSG = 2_019

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open override func visit(_ token: TokenSyntax) -> Syntax { guard case var .integerLiteral(text) = token.tokenKind else { return token } if text.hasPrefix("0x") || text.hasPrefix("0b") || text.hasPrefix("0o") { return token } text = text.replacingOccurrences(of: "_", with: "") let index1 = text.index(after: text.startIndex) var index = text.endIndex while text.formIndex(&index, offsetBy: -3, limitedBy: index1) { text.insert("_", at: index) } return token.withKind(.integerLiteral(text)) }

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struct Foo { - struct Bar { - struct Baz {} - } } + +extension Foo { + struct Bar {} +} + +extension Foo.Bar { + struct Baz {} +}

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func foo(_ value: Int?) throws -> Int { - if let value = value { - if value >= 0 { - return value - } else { - throw MyError.negative - } - } else { - throw MyError.none - } + guard let value = value else { throw MyError.none } + guard value >= 0 else { throw MyError.negative } + return value }

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SwiftSyntax types • SyntaxRewriter / SyntaxVisitor • Trivia (leading / trailing) • Comments & whitespaces are stored in TokenSyntax • SyntaxFactory • Creates a new Syntax nodes • Diagnostic • Data types for showing diagnosed Note & FixIt

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try! Swift NYC 2017 - Improving Swift Tools with libSyntax apple/swift/lib/Syntax

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Speeding up SwiftSyntax by using the parser directly - Swift Forums apple/swift#21762 apple/swift-syntax#59

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SwiftSyntax + Optics

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If visiting descendants manually... // Get grandchild (2 getters). var rightParen = syntax.parameters.rightParen // Modify grandchild (e.g. changing trivia). rightParen = modify(rightParen) // Set new child. let parameters = syntax.parameters .withRightParen(rightParen) // Set new `syntax` ( ❌ many more code needed if deeply nested) return syntax.withParameters(parameters)

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Use ! Lens! override func visit(_ syntax: InitializerDeclSyntax) -> DeclSyntax { return _modify(lens: .parameters >>> .rightParen, syntax: syntax) } private func _modify( lens: Lens, syntax: Whole ) -> Whole where Whole: Syntax, Part: Syntax { let part = lens.getter(syntax) let part2 = modify(part) return lens.setter(syntax, part2) }

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Lens.parameters >>> Lens.rightParen

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.wowɹɹ ɹ >>> .suchɹ >>> .nestɹ >>> .muchɹ >>> .deepɹ

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! Lens: Functional getter & setter struct Lens { let getter: (Whole) -> Part let setter: (Whole, Part) -> Whole static func >>> ( l: Lens, r: Lens ) -> Lens { return Lens( getter: { r.getter(l.getter($0)) }, setter: { a, c in l.setter(a, r.setter(l.getter(a), c)) } ) } }

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! Prism: Lens for sum types struct Prism { let tryGet: (Whole) -> Part? let inject: (Part) -> Whole static func >>> ( l: Prism, r: Prism ) -> Prism { return Prism( tryGet: { l.tryGet($0).flatMap(r.tryGet) }, inject: { l.inject(r.inject($0)) } ) } }

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Lens.trailingClosure >>> Prism.some >>> Lens.rightParen

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↔ Affine Traversal: Lens + Prism struct AffineTraversal { let tryGet: (Whole) -> Part? let setter: (Whole, Part) -> Whole init(lens: Lens) { self.init(tryGet: lens.getter, setter: lens.setter) } init(prism: Prism) { self.init(tryGet: prism.tryGet, setter: { prism.inject($1) }) } }

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Recap • SwiftSyntax: Type-safe & lossless AST editing library • Many incoming improvements toward Swift 5.0 or later • Swift AST Explorer: Useful AST visualizer for debugging • Formal grammar: Syntax production rules • Optics: Functional approach to traverse data structure • Let's make your own code formatter using SwiftSyntax!

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References (Swift AST) • try! Swift NYC 2017 - Improving Swift Tools with libSyntax • try! Swift Tokyo 2018 - AST Meta-programming • apple/swift/lib/Syntax • Speeding up SwiftSyntax by using the parser directly • About the Language Reference (Swift 4.2) • SwiftFormat (Part 1 of 3) - Schibsted Bytes • google/swift (format branch)

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References (Optics) • Lenses in Swift - Chris Eidhof • Brandon Williams - Lenses in Swift • Lenses and Prisms in Swift: a pragmatic approach | Fun iOS • Lenses, Folds, and Traversals - Edward Kmett • Oleg's gists - Glassery • Profunctor Optics: Modular Data Accessors

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Thanks! Yasuhiro Inami @inamiy