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Not Just Configuration Errors: A Comprehensive Look at Threats to Object Storage Services like S3 11/14/2024 azara(@a_zara_n)/ei(@ei01241) Flatt Security Inc.

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01 Self introduction

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Self-introduction: azara Norihide joined Flatt Security in 2020 and is engaged in professional services for web applications and public clouds. He is involved in activities to raise awareness of security in public cloud and web applications through activities in external organizations such as ISOG-J WG1, and speaking at and holding workshops at JSAC (2024), AWS DevDay (2023), and Security-JAWS DAYS (2023). Norihide Saito / azara (X @a_zara_n) Flatt Security Inc.

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Self-introduction: ei Eiji Mori / ei (X @ei01241) Flatt Security Inc. After graduating from the Graduate School of Kagoshima University, Eiji joined Flatt Security in April 2021. As a security engineer, he is mainly in charge of web application and smartphone application assessments. He has been involved in security camp-related events in the past, so he has a wide range of interests, from hardware to software. His hobbies are vulnerability research and weight training.

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02 Introduction

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Introduction Do you think that you can detect all S3 vulnerabilities using just a tool0 Vulnerabilities that can be detected using a tooA Inadequate S3 setting ..C EDo XSS due to metadata modificatio( ... Vulnerabilities that cannot be detected using a tooA

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03 What is S3?

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S3 Object storage service provided by AW Application storag Image and video distributio& Static site distributio& ...

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The Position of S3 in Cloud Environments In server-less architectures, it is often used as storage in environments composed of Lambda and API Gateway, etc.

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04 Classify S3 threats

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04-1 Vulnerabilities detectable by tools

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Leakage of personal information and tampering with resources Improper S3 setting% 0 Improper S3 public access permission% 0 Improper S3 write permission% 0 ...

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04-2 Vulnerabilities detectable by manual assessments

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EDoS EDo3 0 An attack that focuses on metered billing and causes excessive consumption of cloud resources, resulting in high usage fee1 0 An attack on the total amount of data stored in a mont 0 An attack on the number of requests in a mont 0 An attack on the amount of data transferred in a month

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Active Object Storage Metadata Tampering Risk of changing object storage metadat5 0 XSS due to changing Content-Typ1 0 RFD due to changing Content-DispositioT 0 EDoS due to changing storage clasI 0 ...

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05 Vulnerabilities detectable by tools

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Leakage of personal information and tampering with resources Improper S3 setting% 0 Improper S3 public access permission% 0 Improper S3 write permission% 0 ...

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Leakage of personal information and tampering with resources Improper S3 setting# Improper S3 write permission# ... E Improper S3 public access permission# E E

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Improper S3 public access permissions If this policy is granted to S3...

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Improper S3 public access permissions Because S3 has public access, confidential information may be leaked to attackers. Read

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Leakage of personal information and tampering with resources Improper S3 setting) 9 Improper S3 public access permission) 9 9 ... Improper S3 write permission)

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Improper S3 write permissions If this policy is granted to S3...

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Improper S3 write permissions Because it is possible to write to S3, the resources can be tampered with by attackers. Write

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Measures H Narrow down the scope of users who are allowed to access the Principa@ H Do not set “AWS: *” inappropriately within the Principa@ H Set according to the “principle of least privilege” for Actions and Resource1 H If “Effect: Allow” is selected, do not set “Action: *” or “Resource: *” inappropriatelyB H Narrow down the scope of the S3 bucket that is allowed to access the ResourcF H Do not set “*” inappropriately in the ResourcF H Introduce a tool that can perform automatic detection

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06 Vulnerabilities detectable by manual assessments

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06-1 EDoS Economic Denial of Sustainability

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EDoS EDo3 0 An attack that focuses on metered billing and causes excessive consumption of cloud resources, resulting in high usage fee1 0 An attack on the total amount of data stored in a mont 0 An attack on the number of requests in a mont 0 An attack on the amount of data transferred in a month

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EDoS EDo3 0 An attack that focuses on metered billing and causes excessive consumption of cloud resources, resulting in high usage fee1 An attack on the number of requests in a mont An attack on the amount of data transferred in a month 0 An attack on the total amount of data stored in a mont 0 0

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Storage data capacity billing system 500 TB / month or more 0.023 USD / GB 450 TB / month 0.024 USD / GB 50 TB / month 0.025 USD / GB Storage data capacity Price ” The price varies depending on the amount of data stored on S™ ” The more data you store, the lower the price per GB

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An attack on the total amount of data stored in a month Increase the total amount of data stored per month An attack on the total amount of data stored in a month Uploading a 500TB file 11500 USD / month huge

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EDoS EDoP F An attack that focuses on metered billing and causes excessive consumption of cloud resources, resulting in high usage feeH F An attack on the total amount of data stored in a mont F F An attack on the amount of data transferred in a month An attack on the number of requests in a mont

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Request billing system 8 The price does not change even if the number of requests increase( 8 The price differs depending on the metho1 8 In the case of GET, the price of the transferred data is also added GET, SELECT, and all other requests (per 1000 requests) 0.00037 USD PUT, COPY, POST, LIST requests (per 1000 requests) 0.0047 USD Billing Item Price

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An attack on the number of requests in a month Increase in the amount charged per request due to high volume access An attack on the number of requests in a month 10 million requests sent 47 USD / month The damage was minor.

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EDoS EDoR H An attack that focuses on metered billing and causes excessive consumption of cloud resources, resulting in high usage feeP H An attack on the total amount of data stored in a mont H An attack on the number of requests in a mont H An attack on the amount of data transferred in a month

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Billing system for transferred data A The amount of data transferred from S3 will affect the price3 A The more data you transfer, the lower the price per GB will be. 150 TB / month or more 0.084 USD / GB 100 TB / month 0.086 USD / GB 40 TB / month 0.089 USD / GB 10 TB / month 0.114 USD / GB Amount of data transferred Price

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An attack on the amount of data transferred in a month Increase in the amount charged due to the amount of cumulative data transferred An attack on the amount of data transferred in a month Downloading a 150TB file 12600 USD / month huge

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Measures for file uploads @ Upload with size limit using content-length-range of signed UR3 @ Size verification using S3 trigger

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Measures for file acquisition @ Using a CDN for large file distributio( @ Limiting the number of times a file can be downloaded

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06-2 Active Object Storage Metadata Tampering

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Active Object Storage Metadata Tampering Risk of changing object storage metadat3 RFD due to changing Content-DispositioH EDoS due to changing storage clas& ... q XSS due to changing Content-Typp q q q

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Metadata Object = Data(Binary) + Metadat' 0 Data can be saved via the APÈ 0 Specific metadata such as can also be saved Content-Type

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How to upload to S3 SDK Upload Pre Signed URL Upload Post Policy Upload

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How to upload to S3 SDK Upload Pre Signed URL Upload Post Policy Upload

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SDK Upload

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SDK Upload

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SDK Upload

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SDK Upload

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SDK Upload

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XSS caused by Content-Type tampering

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Content-Type Header that conveys the type of response conten3 6 The format is as follow 6 Content-Type: image/png

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Interpretation differences between RFC and WHATWG

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Interpretation differences between RFC and WHATWG

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Interpretation differences between RFC and WHATWG

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Interpretation differences between RFC and WHATWG

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Bypassing Content-Type validation Code Implementations Bypass Examples startsWith(“image/png”) image/png, text/html endsWith(“image/png”) text/html; image/png /^image\/png/ image/png, text/html includes(“image/png”) text/html; image/png

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CVE-2023-49090 and CVE-2024-29034

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Carrierwave You can set the allowlist for Content-Type.

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Carrierwave The content-type string you set is entered as is into the regular expression.

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Carrierwave The validation logic is generated using the regular expression of the character string set in allowlist. /image\/png/

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Carrierwave The validation logic is generated using the regular expression of the character string set in allowlist. /\Aimage\/png/

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Measures: User input validation P Content-Type is verified using an exact matcD P partial matches are not use' P startWitD P endsWitD P inclue5 P When using regular expressions, be careful of unintended matches with stringsU P /^image/(png|jpeg|jpg|gif)$/

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Measures: File verification C Determine the value of Content-type based on the information in the filD C File heade9 C File extensio2 C Magic byte

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06 Segregation of security services targeting the cloud at Flatt Security

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Measures for vulnerabilities detectable by tools: Shisho Cloud Measures for vulnerabilities detectable by tools: Shisho Cloud A The only domestic SaaS that A Has a very competitive pricing model, with monthly fees going as low as can assess web applications and the cloud in their entirete 20,000 - 30,000 yen.

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Vulnerabilities detectable by manual assessments: Security Assessments Vulnerabilities detectable by manual assessments: Security Assessments Security Assessments & Penetration Testing R In addition to the usual “black box” testing, we also perform “white box” testing, i.e. G R In addition to the increase in the volume of vulnerability reports, we can also provide more specific instructions on how to fix them. source code analysis

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Combination of Shisho Cloud and manual security assessments Combination of Shisho Cloud and manual security assessments Furthermore, the two projects mutually reinforce each other. Security Assessments & Penetration Testing Provides advanced automation Allows you to focus on the parts that “only a person can do” The engineer's knowledge is returned as a detection rule. We continue to strengthen automation.

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07 Conclusion

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Conclusion 0 Leave the S3 settings to the tool and triag) 0 vulnerability assessment according to the context of the application Security Assessments & Penetration Testing Provides advanced automation Allows you to focus on the parts that “only a person can do” New knowledge gets added in as new detection rules. We continue to strengthen automation.