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Building a Culture of Observability at Rover 1 PyCon 2019 Alex Landau,

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2 Quick Facts ● Global leader in the pet care space ● 34,000 cities globally ● 300,000 sitters and walkers ● 97% 5-star reviews ● One booking is made every three seconds ● 500 employees in ten countries

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What are we talking about? - What does observability mean? Why is it important? - How do we achieve it for a Python webapp? - Making logs useful - Metrics for everything - Building effective dashboards - How do we do it at Rover? 3

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Observability ● What’s going on in my webapp? ● When things go wrong, what happened? ● Goals: 1. Tell the narrative of your application 2. Empower developers 5

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A Complex Webapp ● 600,000+ lines of Python code ● 100 developers ● Monolithic Django app over MySQL ● Thousands of views, Celery tasks, crons and one-off commands 6

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What does observability give us? ● Wrangle a complex webapp ● Much faster bug resolution ● Significantly reduced time to detection of production issues ● More thorough root cause analyses ● With good observability, there are no mysteries. 7

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The Pillars of Observability 8 Useful Logs Granular Metrics Narrative- driven Dashboards

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Making Logging Useful 9

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Webapp Logging ● Logs come from a lot of places and end up in a single aggregated stream ○ Loggly, ELK stack ● NGINX, webapp, system messages, daemon processes, deployment logs… ● Rover runs Django and Celery - even more logs from more contexts! 10

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11 Rover logging events over 10 mins

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● Request/response ● Application logging (errors/warnings) ● Asynchronous workflows ● Proxy jumps ● External Service Calls 12 What’s important in a log? Connecting these is like finding a needle in a haystack.

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Unifying Logs ● Use a tracing ID that is injected into every log message. ○ Unique per “execution” ○ Searchable within the aggregated stream ○ Present in every log message, regardless of source 13

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Unifying Logs 14

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Implementation ● Store a unique identifier in thread local storage ● Inject into LogRecord with a filter 15

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Implementation 16

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Implementation 17 Bonus: passing down through Celery tasks... aystack-wrangling-celery-workflows/

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● Too granular to see systemic impact ● Hard to monitor ● Expensive: cost is (roughly) linear with growth 18 Logs are only part of the strategy. What else do we need?

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Enter Metrics 19

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Metrics Examples ● Error rate ● Response Time ● Request Volume 20

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● Our webapp performance is dominated by queries. ● Queries run everywhere we execute code: views, Celery tasks, crons and commands 21 Going Deeper

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Metrics at Rover ● We collect the number of queries per and the amount of time spent querying the database, per-request to each view and per-execution of each Celery task ● StatsD and DataDog 22

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Django Query Metrics ● Idea: wrap database queries with metrics ● Django 1.11: Create a custom database engine backend ● Django 2.0+: Use connection.execute_wrapper ○ #database-instrumentation ● Don’t emit a counter after every query; gather them until the end of request or task execution and emit a histogram (distribution) ● We wrote a library to make this easy (if you use DataDog) ○ 23

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Effective Dashboards 24

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Graphing and Aggregation Strategy ● Make it easy to eyeball ○ Visual diff ○ Trends ● Make dashboards self-documenting ● Write down and share examples! 25

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N+1 Query Problem 26

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Full Table Scan 27

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One Impactful Slow Query 28

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Putting it all together 29

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Building Observability Culture ● Create, document, and share tools ● Don’t make observability opt-in; give developers useful metrics by default ● Measure everything. Err on the side of overly granular ● Focus on empowering developers 30

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