Slide 17
Slide 17 text
ID Epic / Theme User Stories Acceptance Criteria Status
WEMDEUI_U0012 Design the main screens for FOD
As a user, I want to navigate between "Forecast Operation Demand" and "Adjust
Forecast Operation Demand"
> tabs To be reviewed
WEMDEUI_U0013 Design the main screens for FOD
As a controller, I want to visualize the Forecast Operational Demand for the last 12
hours (48h, 8 days) so that XXX
> select time granularity
To be reviewed
WEMDEUI_U0014 Design the main screens for FOD
As a controller, I want to select which demand line/s shown on the Forecast Operational
Demand graph for the last 12 hours (48h, 8 days) so that XXX
> select one or multiple data points to be visualized To be reviewed
WEMDEUI_U0015 Design the main screens for FOD
As a controller, I want to check table of the Forecast Operational Demand for the last 12
hours (48h, 8 days) so that XXX
> visualize the table of FOD To be reviewed
WEMDEUI_U0016 Design the main screens for FOD
As a controller I want to check/review the table of the interval's start date and time and
end date and time for changing the FOD
> visualize table with intervals' start date and time and end date
and time
To be reviewed
WEMDEUI_U0017 Design the main screens for FOD
As a controller, I want to set a time interval for a change in the FOD so that XXX > set the interval's start date and time and end date and time for
changing the FOD
To be reviewed
WEMDEUI_U0018 Design the main screens for FOD As a controller, I want to add an offset to the FOD so that XXX > access to input field To be reviewed
WEMDEUI_U0019 Design the main screens for FOD
As a controller, I want to enable/disable the error auto-adjustment function for the FOD
so that XXX
> select/deselect button for error auto-adjustment function To be reviewed
WEMDEUI_U0020 Design the main screens for FOD As a controller, I want to select a new forecast so that XXX > access to forecast options To be reviewed
WEMDEUI_U0021 Design the main screens for FOD
As a controller, I want to see a previous of the FOD based on the changes made so that
> request to visualize a forecast previous
> visualize a forecast previous
To be reviewed
WEMDEUI_U0022 Design the main screens for FOD
As a controller, I want to search, based on a set of parameters, for adjustment
configurations of FOD so that XXX
> set current load range interval
> set current temperature range interval
> set minimum load range interval
> set maximum load range interval
> set start date and end date for interval search
> send a search query
> visualize the search query's outcome in graph and table format
To be reviewed
WEMDEUI_U0023 Design the main screens for FCESS
As a user, I want to navigate between "Regulation" and "Contingency Lower",
"Contingecy Raise" and "RoCoF" so that I can quickly assess the request from the
market forecast with the available contingency
> tabs To be reviewed
WEMDEUI_U0024 Design the main screens for FCESS
As a controller, I want to check the Regulation Raise and Regulation Lower data so that
> visualize requirement, override value and time for Regulation
Raise + "Cleared" Table
> visualize requirement, override value and time for Regulation
Lower + "Cleared" Table
To be reviewed
WEMDEUI_U0025 Design the main screens for FCESS
As a controller, I want to select which forecast and current data line/s shown on the
FCSS graph so that XXX
> select one or multiple data points to be visualized
> select time granularity
To be reviewed
WEMDEUI_U0026 Design the main screens for FCESS
As a controller, I want to add an override to the FCSS so that XXX > access to override function
> visualize current overrides
To be reviewed
User Stories