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Session Title Accelerating Fraud Detection Using Data on Fraud Risk of Potential Transactions Liu Songjie / Victoria Li Merpay Fraud prevention Team

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Liu Songjie Joined Merpay in October of 2019 ● Fraud prevention Team ○ Machine Learning Engineer Merpay Machine Learning Engineer

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Victoria Li Joined Yahoo! JAPAN in April of 2017 ● Software Engineer ● 2019/1~: Machine Learning Engineer Joined Merpay in September of 2021 ● Machine Learning Platform ● Feature Store ● GraphDB Merpay Machine Learning Engineer

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Fraud Prevention Models ● Alert Filtering (multiple ML models) ○ ref: ● ChargeBack Detection (ML model) ○ ref: ● Suspicious Action Detection (complex network) ○ ref: ● Potential Transaction Risk Detection ● (New) Graph Based Fraud Detection ● etc.

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Past Events ● Merpay Tech Fest 2021 ○ Using Feature Store and Vertex Pipelines in Fraud Prevention System ■ ref: ● Merpay Tech Fest 2022 ○ Machine Learning infrastructure using Feature Store and Vertex AI ■ ref: ○ Graph Theory and Anti-Fraud Measures Unravel connections between data ■ ref:

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Content Background 01 Mechanism 02 System Architecture 03 Feature Store 04 04 05 Summary

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Background 2 Types of Fraud Detection ● Afterward Detection ○ Stop the delivery of the product, after the fraudulent transaction has been made ○ Risk of missing out on fraud ● Immediate Detection ○ Take immediate action upon discovering a fraudulent transaction ○ Low latency requested ref:

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Background Immediate Fraud Detection ● Judge service: An immediate fraud prevention system with low latency (0.1s) ○ provide by TnS backend team ● ML solutions: from daily batch to 1 minute latency ○ provide by ML team Judge Service:

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Content Background 01 Mechanism 02 System Architecture 03 Feature Store 04 04 05 Summary

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Mechanism Provide Potential Risk Rank, before transaction has been made

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Mechanism Some features (attribute data) are already existed / updated before the transaction takes place: ● item information ● seller information ● buyer information ● … Features mentioned above help us evaluating the risk of a potential transaction before its completion

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Mechanism Process ● ML solutions (ML model) calculate the risk of a potential transaction after the attributes data created/updated ● Potential risk sent to the Judge Service, and saved in database ● Judge Service assess the risk of transactions in real-time as they occur

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Mechanism Batch prediction pain point

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Mechanism Latency of ML solutions

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Mechanism To accelerate the process, add a Streamlined solution to the existing Batch solution, utilizing: ● Feast Online Store ● Stream prediction system

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Content Background 01 Mechanism 02 System Architecture 03 Feature Store 04 04 05 Summary

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System Architecture

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System Architecture 4 Parts ● Feast (Feature Store) ○ Introduce in the next part ● Batch system ○ Using Vertex Pipelines ● Stream system ○ Microservices ● Publish API ○ A service for publishing results to Judge Service

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Batch System

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Batch System ● Cloud Scheduler ○ daily / hourly ● Pub/Sub ● Cloud Run ○ Vertex Pipelines Executor ● Vertex Pipelines ● Spanner ● BigQuery

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Stream System

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Stream System

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Stream System

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Publish API

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Publish API Outbox Table CREATE TABLE outbox ( id STRING(64) NOT NULL, information_1 INT64 NOT NULL, information_2 STRING(64) NOT NULL, …, pubsub_topic STRING(64) NOT NULL, created TIMESTAMP NOT NULL OPTIONS ( allow_commit_timestamp = true ), updated TIMESTAMP NOT NULL OPTIONS ( allow_commit_timestamp = true ), is_published BOOL NOT NULL, schedule TIMESTAMP, ) PRIMARY KEY(id); Information used in Pub/Sub message Pub/Sub topic Is this record published Don’t publish until this time

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Publish API ● Deployed to Cloud Run ● Publish messages to Judge Service ● Triggered by ○ Cloud Scheduler (every minute) for batch system ○ Pub/Sub for stream system

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Publish API

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Content Background 01 Mechanism 02 System Architecture 03 Feature Store 04 04 05 Summary

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System Architecture

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Feature Store In addition to prediction, serving features at near real-time and low latency is also crucial To address this, we have implemented Feast Online Store, a powerful tool that allows us to store / serve features

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Life Before a Feature Store

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Life After a Feature Store

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Feature Store Architecture Online Store and Offline Store Offline Store Online Store Moderate to high latency Low latency Store historical features for each entity Store only the latest features for each entity Mainly used to train model and batch prediction Mainly used to serve model

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Feature Store Architecture

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Feature Store Which features should be materialized? Which features should be ingested by stream? ● stream ingestion ○ real-time features ● materialization ○ not real-time features (aggregated features etc.) ■ window features etc. ■

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Scheduled/On-demand materialization

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FeatureView between Online/Offline Store FeatureView1 FeatureView2 FeatureView3 Feature Service1 Feature Service2 Feature Service3 FeatureView4 … … Model A Training Model B Training Model C Training … BigQuery GCS FEAST

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How to manage FeatureView between Online/Offline Store ● Let’s say there’s a FeatureView M at the offline store, have the features below: ○ Feature A (realtime feature) ○ Feature B (not realtime feature) ● Need to choose stream ingest or materialize to ingest data to the online store. FeatureView between Online/Offline Store

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Here comes the problem: ● Feature A (realtime feature) ○ could be ingested from Kafka (stream) ● Feature B (not realtime feature) ○ could be ingested by materialization Overwriting can occur in the same feature view, due to simultaneous ingestion. FeatureView between Online/Offline Store

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FeatureView between Online/Offline Store

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FeatureView between Online/Offline Store

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Solution ● Create FeatureView for each stream ingest and materialization We’ll have 3 feature views: ● Original FeatureView ○ include all features ● FeatureView for materialization ○ only contain features which could be ingested by materialization ● FeatureView for stream ingest ○ only contain features which could be stream ingested FeatureView between Online/Offline Store

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Content Background 01 Mechanism 02 System Architecture 03 Feature Store 04 04 05 Summary

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New mechanism for enhancing fraud detection speed Calculate & Provide Potential Risk Rank before transaction has been made, to immediate fraud prevention system

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Implementation of the mechanism Adding stream system to existing batch system, we have taken one step closer to a comprehensive fraud prevention solution.

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Coming soon ● Graph database in fraud prevention system! ● Graph-based approaches demonstrate remarkable effectiveness in detecting fraud. Please stay tuned for upcoming blogs post for more details!

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