Nicolas P. Rougier:
- Researcher in computational cognitive neuroscience, located in
Bordeaux, France
- Inria (the French institute for computer science)
- Institute of Neurodegenerative Diseases
- Author of several scientific computing books (All Free!)
- Python & OpenGL for Scientific Visualization
- From Python to Numpy
- Scipy Lecture Notes
Jake VanderPlas:
- Visiting Researcher Google Seattle Office
- Former Director of Open Software at the University of
Washington’s eScience institute
- Contributions made in
- Scikit-Learn
- SciPy
- AstroPy
- Altair
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Part One:
The Origin Story
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Matplotlib was created by John D. Hunter in 2003 to
visualize electrocorticography data. In a post to the official
python mailing list John writes ...
My goal is to make high quality,
publication quality plotting easy
in python, with a syntax familiar
to matlab users.
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Matplotlib was created by John D. Hunter in 2003 to
visualize electrocorticography data. In a post to the official
python mailing list John writes ...
My goal is to make high quality,
publication quality plotting easy
in python, with a syntax familiar
to matlab users.
Also motivated later in the post ...
* make easy things easy
(subplots, lines styles, colors)
* make hard things possible
(OO interface for full control)
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Matplotlib Development Timeline
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The Python Visualization Landscape
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Important Questions:
- Do you target desktop or web rendering?
- Do you need complex 3D rendering?
- Do you need publication quality?
- Do you have very large data?
- Is there an active community?
- Are there documentation and tutorials?
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- Designed like MatLab: switching was easy
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- Designed like MatLab: switching was easy
- Many rendering backends
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- Designed like MatLab: switching was easy
- Many rendering backends
- Can reproduce just about any plot (with a bit of effort)
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- Designed like MatLab: switching was easy
- Many rendering backends
- Can reproduce just about any plot (with a bit of effort)
- Well-tested, standard tool for over a decade
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- Designed like MatLab: switching was easy
- Many rendering backends
- Can reproduce just about any plot (with a bit of effort)
- Well-tested, standard tool for over a decade
- API is imperative & often overly verbose
- Poor support for web/interactive graphics
- Often slow for large & complicated data
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Part Two: The Tale of Two API’s
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Matplotlib is
organized in a
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Matplotlib is
organized in a
At the top of the hierarchy is the matplotlib "state-machine
environment" which is provided by the
matplotlib.pyplot module. At this level, simple
functions are used to add plot elements (lines, images, text,
etc.) to the current axes in the current figure.
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Matplotlib is
organized in a
At the top of the hierarchy is the matplotlib "state-machine
environment" which is provided by the
matplotlib.pyplot module. At this level, simple
functions are used to add plot elements (lines, images, text,
etc.) to the current axes in the current figure.
The next level down in the hierarchy is the first level of the
object-oriented interface. At this level, the user uses pyplot
to create figures, and axes objects which are then used for
most plotting actions.
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Matplotlib is
organized in a
At the top of the hierarchy is the matplotlib "state-machine
environment" which is provided by the
matplotlib.pyplot module. At this level, simple
functions are used to add plot elements (lines, images, text,
etc.) to the current axes in the current figure.
The next level down in the hierarchy is the first level of the
object-oriented interface. At this level, the user uses pyplot
to create figures, and axes objects which are then used for
most plotting actions.
At the lowest level matplotlib manages a variety of graphics
primitives and engines to render and display figures.