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Copyright © 2020 HashiCorp Understanding the Kubernetes Provider For Terraform

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Kerim Satirli (He/Him) Developer Advocate at HashiCorp

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@ksatirli on GitHub and Twitter Developer Advocate at HashiCorp

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Taylor Dolezal (He/Him) Developer Advocate at HashiCorp

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@onlydole on GitHub and Twitter Developer Advocate at HashiCorp

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Introduction to Terraform

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Infrastructure as Code ▪ executable documentation ▪ enables collaboration ▪ safe and predictable

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Terraform 135+ Official Providers AWS, GCP, Datadog, etc. 200+ Community Providers 1Password, Stripe, Unifi, etc.

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HashiCorp Configuration Language CODE EDITOR service "http" "web_proxy" { listen_addr = "" process "server" { command = ["proxy-app", "server"] } } variable "port" { description = "Port for web_proxy" default = 8080 }

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HashiCorp Configuration Language CODE EDITOR service "http" "web_proxy" { listen_addr = "${var.port}" process "server" { command = ["proxy-app", "server"] } } variable "port" { description = "Port for web_proxy" default = 8080 }

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Kubernetes Namespaces everything has a home Services exposes Deployments Deployments declarative updates Nodes machines

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Creating a Namespace CODE EDITOR resource "kubernetes_namespace" "beacon" { name = "beacon" metadata { name = "beacon" } }

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Creating a Deployment CODE EDITOR resource "kubernetes_deployment" "beacon" { metadata { name = "beacon" namespace = spec { container { image = "onlydole/beacon:1.19.1" name = "beacon" } } }

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Creating a Service CODE EDITOR resource "kubernetes_service" "beacon" { metadata { name = "beacon" namespace = spec { selector { app = } } ...

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Creating a Service CODE EDITOR ... port { port = 8080 target_port = 80 } type = "LoadBalancer" }

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Command: terraform apply TERMINAL > terraform apply "kubernetes.tfplan" Apply complete! Resources: 3 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.

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Review ▪ Terraform and IaC ▪ Kubernetes Concepts ▪ Kubernetes Resources

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