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9 SIDEPROJECT SUCCESS FACTORS & QUICK WINS Lean Startup Meetup Zurich Roger Dudler, Founder @ Frontify August 19, 2013

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2’000/day 2’500/day eclipse color themes the simple git guide 20h 4h

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1. Let users create content (let them sign up) 16’000 sign ups 22’000 themes

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2. Showcase the user’s content Staff Picks, etc.

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3. Let users like your project 5m Facebook

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4. Use existing ecosystems for distribution 241’908 Installs 3h

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5. Choose a title and claim that’s worth to share 4’747 Tweets 15m + 1’300 Followers 25’000 on Day 1

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6. Add as much personality as possible 1h Tablet! Everyone can draw... well... something...

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7. Allow users to share their thoughts 15m Disqus!

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8. Let users be part of the story 1h Github! 12 Languages (give credits)

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THANKS @rogerdudler 9. Just try!