Metrics or measurements
● CPU load
● Memory usage
● Average response times
● Counts over fixed intervals
Slide 6
Slide 6 text
Things you want to know
about over time
Slide 7
Slide 7 text
● Written in Go
● No external dependencies
● 3 full time developers (YC W13)
Slide 8
Slide 8 text
How data is organized
● Databases (like in MySQL, Postgres, etc)
● Time series
○ like tables, but you can have millions of them
○ no need to define ahead of time
● Points or events
○ like rows, but schemaless like Mongo
○ single level hash
Other functions
● Percentiles
● Min, max, first, last, sum, count, stddev
● Histogram
● Lag, lead, funnel (next release)
Slide 19
Slide 19 text
Built in UI
Slide 20
Slide 20 text
# install influxdb
brew update && brew install influxdb
influxdb -config=/usr/local/etc/influxdb.conf
# set up the admin dashboard
git clone
cd influxdb-admin
bundle install
middleman server
open http://localhost:4567
Building Custom UIs
Slide 21
Slide 21 text
No content
Slide 22
Slide 22 text
Starting the Interface
# make the dir in the local admin interface
# dir so it shows up on the drop down
mkdir /usr/local/opt/influxdb/share/admin/interfaces/paul_owns
# make the dir and file in the influxdb-admin repo
mkdir source/interfaces/paul_owns
touch source/interfaces/paul_owns/index.html # or slim, etc.
Slide 23
Slide 23 text
# line 36 in config.rb
# activate :livereload
Kill Live Reload
q = "SELECT COUNT(type) FROM events GROUP BY time(1h), type fill(0)"
parent.influxdb.query(q, (points) =>
typeToSeries = {}
points.forEach((point) =>
series = typeToSeries[point.type]
if !series
typeToSeries[point.type] = [];
series = typeToSeries[point.type];
series.push({x: point.time / 1000, y: point.count})
Slide 30
Slide 30 text
lastColorUsed = -1
colors = d3.scale.category10()
data = for type, series of typeToSeries
lastColorUsed += 1
data: series.reverse(),
color: colors(lastColorUsed),
name: type
Slide 31
Slide 31 text
graph = new Rickshaw.Graph(
height: 200,
element: document.querySelector("#events_graph"),
renderer: 'area',
stroke: true,
series: data
renderDetail = (series, x) =>
startTime = x
endTime = startTime + 3600
q = "select * from events where time > " + startTime +
"s and time < " + endTime +
"s and type = '" + series + "'"
Slide 36
Slide 36 text
parent.influxdb.query(q, (points) =>
ul = "
points.forEach (point) =>
li = "
li +=
li += "
ul += li
ul += "
Slide 37
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No content
Slide 38
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Many possibilities
● Histograms over time
● Pulling in context
● Drilling down
Slide 39
Slide 39 text
We’re looking for help
● Dashboard builder
● Explorer