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Master Product Manager @thatjeffsmith Oracle REST Data Services 101 for the Oracle Database Professional Jeff Smith

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• HTTP/S • REST • JSON • ORDS 101: Install, Config, & Dev Today’s Topics HTTPS/REST JDBC {JSON}

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• 70+% of all APIs are REST Based • Based on HTTP, which is easy and ubiquitous • No drivers to install or configure • Your entire IT stack can be managed by REST APIs… • …do you want your enterprise data to be left out? Why would the database care about REST?

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• Web listener for PL/SQL (APEX) • RESTful Services for Oracle Database • SQL Developer Web • Database Management REST API • Mongo style API for Oracle Database (SODA) Why ORDS?

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JDBC OCI/SQLNET Listener Pre-Internet • STATEFUL • Persistent Connections • Oracle Client / JDBC Driver required

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The Way of the Web Listener • Stateless • Each operation, new connection • Just make HTTP calls

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TNSPING, Dammit!

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• HTTP: network protocol, built on TCP • HTTPS: secured, end-to-end version of HTTP • REST: architectural style • JSON: open, easy to read, interchange format Words with Friends

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• HyperText Transfer Protocol • Invented, along with HTML, by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN (1989) • Requests (GET, PUT, POST, HEAD, OPTIONS, DELETE…) • Status Codes (200, 201, 401, 403, 404, 500…) • Security (Authentication) HTTP

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Chrome Tools…peek behind the curtain!

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Request, ask for something Address: Method: GET Header: Cache-Control: no-cache Body: n/a Response, what you get back Status Code: 200 OK Header: Content-Type: application/json Body: {…} Requests and Responses

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curl --request POST \ --url http://localhost:8080/ords/hr/_/db-api/19.1.0/database/datapump/export \ --header 'authorization: Basic aHI6b3JhY2xl' \ --header 'content-type: application/json' \ --data '{ "datapump_dir": "DATA_PUMP_DIR", "filter": "HOCKEY_STATS, UNTAPPD", "job_mode": "TABLE", "threads": 2 }' An HTTP Request Body Header Method

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An HTTP Response Header Body

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1. Define the URL Template 2. Define the Handler 3. Define the DB Work tied to said Request 4. Define Parameters for Request/Response Headers 5. Define the Response format Implementing this in ORDS

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A RESTful Service in ORDS

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A RESTful Service in ORDS

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A RESTful Service in ORDS

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ORDS Request

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ORDS Response

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• HTTP + TLS = HTTPS • The communication is encrypted • HTTP, anyone on your network can see EVERYTHING you pass back and forth from your server Passwords! Pictures! EVERYTHING HTTPS always, HTTP never…mostly

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ORDS & HTTPS • Jetty listens on 443 vs 8080 • ORDS generates a self-signed cert • You should get a ‘real’ certificate (Lets Encrypt)

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Authentication – are you who you say you are? Authorization – are you allowed to do what you’re asking? Authenticated User: JEFF Roles: admin, dev, user, test, god Requested Resource: ‘user’ role required Security

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BASIC Auth • you provide a username/password on EVERY request • Not recommended Cookie Based • One time user/password, session info returned in a cookie • Each request now includes this cookie in its request header • Cookies ‘expire’ after X seconds OAUTH2 • Waaay too complicated, we’ll cover this ‘next time’ Authentication

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• WLS, Tomcat makes sure you are who you say you are • They pass your identity and roles down to ORDS • ORDS makes sure your role matches up to what’s required to access a REST Service Authentication is handled by the Webserver

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• Worst Case: ORDS Jetty Basic Auth • Next Best: ORDS OAUTH2 BUT MY APP MUST HAS ORACLE USER/PWD…. …OK, but it’s not GOOD. But I don’t have anything for AUTH 

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Creating a Jetty User

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• Services or Patterns can be protected by Privileges • Privileges are tied to ROLES • ROLES are granted to authenticated USERS Authorization in ORDS

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Architectural Style • Client – Server • Stateless • Cacheable • Uniform Interface Exercising the API requires: • Location of our resource (URL) • Action to be performed (GET, PUT, …) REpresentational Stateless Transfer (REST)

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Database won’t always be available via SQLNet Scenario: APEX needs to pull data from a different DB • DB Links aren’t always available • ORDS powered REST API • APEX can pull data in via HTTP Real World Example

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Things you can do with REST APIs • Power applications – mobile, desktop, web… • HTTP(S) is ubiquitous, even avail in COBOL • Continuous Integration & Delivery • Automation (BASH + cURL) • OCI comes with REST APIs for all tenancy and DBCS operations

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‘Good’ REST • Model resources, not actions: • GET /ords/hr/employees/ - GOOD • GET /ords/hr/delete_emp/ - BAD • DELETE /ords/hr/employees/97 – GOOD • Uniform operations on all resources: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS, HEAD • Stateless requests, state transitions comm via hyper-links • Throwing HTTP onto your API <> REST

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Tip: Model your Templates first! No Verbs! ☺

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HTTP & REST Examples HTTP(S) client 1. Client makes request GET http://fridge/beers/beer 2. Server responds 200 http://fridge/beers/beer/meta 1. Client makes request POST http://fridge/beers/ {"id":1, "name":"Premium Ice Lite",…} 2. Server responds 201 Created http://fridge/beers/beer/1 Webserver

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JavaScript Object Notation • Jay-Sun • Not just for js • Skinnier than XML • Flexible • Link-friendly

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• Database output =>JSON • PLSQL OUT params, RETURNs, stdout / feedback => JSON • JSON on HTTP requests => :BIND parameters, PL/SQL input parameters • SQL data types and user defined types supported ORDS JSON Magic

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Oracle REST Data Services 3 7 2011 2015 APEX Listener • APEX based RESTful Services ORDS v3.0 • APEX no longer required • SODA • AUTO REST 2012 APEX Listener v2 • ORDS based REST Services • Standalone Jetty 2017 ORDS v17 • REST enabled SQL • Type 3 JDBC Driver • Open API (Swagger) 2018 ORDS v18 • PL/SQL Gateway enhancements 2019 ORDS v19 • DB API • SQL Developer Web

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The PL/SQL Gateway ORDS started out as the APEX Listener, a way to call PL/SQL programs via HTTP A replacement for MOD_PLSQL GET /ords/user/package.procedure runs PL/SQL prints HTML back to the browser

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Example: PL/SQL web listener

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• Collection or Item Template /collection/:item Handler GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, powered by SQL/PLSQL • Organized into modules • Defined for a SCHEMA REST Services

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GET https://host/ords/human/peeps/ SELECT * FROM EMP HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "employee_id": 100, "first_name": "Kris" ,"last_name": "Rice", , “email": “", {json} URI SQL & PLSQL Map & Bind HTTP Request HTTP Response Transform to JSON SQL Result Set / Standard OUT Oracle REST Data Services ORDS REST Request & Response Workflow

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• Simple HTTP call w/query params • {json} response • Page the results • Links for each item • Handle the data types for me Example: EMPS of DEPT 50

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• Oracle 11gR2 and higher databases • Support tied to your Database license (MOS) • Single Instance, Container, or Pluggable deployments • On Premise or Oracle Cloud Infrastructure • Built by the Oracle Database Team FOR the Oracle Database All of this is available at no additional cost

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• SlideShare • Blogs • GitHub • Articles UKOUG Scene Why REST, and What’s in it or Me? Oracle Mag AUTO REST & REST Enabled SQL • And don’t forget Oracle-Base! ORDS on Other Resources