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SOLID Anil Wadghule Software Engineer, Equal Experts Design principles in Ruby

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In the beginning your application was perfect

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Then it has changed

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Your application will change.

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It happened because of bad design

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Modular code doesn’t mean good design

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Design is all about managing dependencies.

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Dependencies are important M A X Y Z T S class subclass Z X Y

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Design might save you. Unmanaged dependencies are killing your application

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What are smells of bad design?

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Design smells

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Rigid Difficult to change. (Every change causes too many changes in other parts of the system) Design smells

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Design smells

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Fragile Easily breakable (Each change breaks distant and unrelated things) Design smells

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Design smells

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Design smells Immobile Reuse is impossible (The code is hopelessly entangled)

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Design smells

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Design smells Viscous Toughness in preserving design (Doing things right is harder than doing things wrong

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It did not start that way.

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It did not start that way. Changes killed it

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Why SOLID? It helps us to write code which is

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• Loosely Coupled - Dependency Injection Why SOLID? It helps us to write code which is

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• Loosely Coupled - Dependency Injection • Highly Cohesive - Single Responsibility Why SOLID? It helps us to write code which is

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• Loosely Coupled - Dependency Injection • Highly Cohesive - Single Responsibility • Easily Composable - Can be changed Why SOLID? It helps us to write code which is

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• Loosely Coupled - Dependency Injection • Highly Cohesive - Single Responsibility • Easily Composable - Can be changed • Context Independent - Can be rearranged Why SOLID? It helps us to write code which is

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• Loosely Coupled - Dependency Injection • Highly Cohesive - Single Responsibility • Easily Composable - Can be changed • Context Independent - Can be rearranged • Reusable Why SOLID? It helps us to write code which is

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• Loosely Coupled - Dependency Injection • Highly Cohesive - Single Responsibility • Easily Composable - Can be changed • Context Independent - Can be rearranged • Reusable • Easily testable Why SOLID? It helps us to write code which is

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• Easy to maintain and extend over time Why SOLID? Ultimately it helps us to write code which is

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Robert Martin

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Michael Feathers coined SOLID mnemonic acronym

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S O L I D Principles

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Single Responsibility O L I D Principles

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Single Responsibility Open/Closed L I D Principles

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Single Responsibility Open/Closed Liskov Substitution I D Principles

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Single Responsibility Open/Closed Liskov Substitution Interface Segregation D Principles

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Single Responsibility Open/Closed Liskov Substitution Interface Segregation Dependency Inversion Principles

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Lets look at these principles in detail !

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Single Responsibility

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Single Responsibility ! • A class should serve a single purpose
 • There should never be more than one reason for a class to change.

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Single Responsibility • Reveal intent • Rename • Introduce constant • Introduce variable
 • Extract ‘Til you drop Achieve using following techniques

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Single Responsibility • Generates ‘Highly cohesive’ code. • Removes ‘Immobility Smell’

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Code example. Single Responsibility Requirement: Client needs Feed Saver application

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Open/Closed Bertrand Meyer

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Software entities (classes/ modules, methods) should be open for extension, but closed for modification Open/Closed

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Open/Closed • Inheritance • Composition Achieved using

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Open/Closed ! • snake of ‘if-else’ cases. • long switch cases. Smells

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Open/Closed • Replace branching with delegation. • Inject behaviour • Extract method • Extract class • Wrap behaviour with abstraction

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Code example. Open/Closed Requirement: Client says application should save Atom feeds

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Parser + parse(xml) RSS Parser Atom Parser parse parse has been closed for modification Open/Closed Abstraction

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Liskov Substitution Barbara Liskov

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Subtypes must be substitutable for their base types. Liskov Substitution Let q(x) be a property provable about objects x of type T. Then q(y) should be true for objects y of type S where S is subtype of T

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If a piece of client code works for a type then it must work for all derived/ variant types. 
 A new subtype should not screw up the client code. Liskov Substitution

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• Implement inheritance based on behaviour. • Do not violate behaviour of parent class
 • Obey the pre and postconditions rules. Liskov Substitution Rules

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Code example. Liskov Substitution Lets see classic Rectangle, Square problem Also we will see what are preconditions and postconditions rules

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Interface Segregation

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Many client specific interfaces are better than one general purpose interface. Interface Segregation

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Many client specific interfaces are better than one general purpose interface. Interface Segregation

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Many client specific modules are better than one general purpose module. Interface Segregation

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Many client specific classes are better than one general purpose class. Interface Segregation

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Clients should not be forced to depend on methods they do not use. Interface Segregation

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Interface Segregation • Helps for ‘Highly cohesive’ code. • Removes ‘Immobility Smell’

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Code example. Interface Segregation Lets see HDTV, Normal TV app example And car, driver, mechanic app example

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Dependency Inversion

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Depend on abstractions. Do not depend on concretions. Dependency Inversion

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Dependency Inversion Abstractions should not depend on details. Details should depend on abstractions. High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. 
 Both should depend on abstractions.

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Dependency Inversion Dependent design Copier Keyboard Reader char char Dependencies downwards Printer

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Copier Keyboard Reader char char Dependent design Dependencies downwards Dependency Inversion Disk

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Reader Inverted Dependencies. Dependency Inversion Copier Writer Keyboard Reader Printer Writer

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Code example. Lets see the code Dependency Inversion

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Can be achieved with different techniques.
 • Dependency Injection Dependency Inversion

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• .new keyword • class method calls DI Smells Dependency Inversion

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• Rigid code • Fragile code • Scary code Where does applying SOLID lead?

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• Rigid code —> Flexible code • Fragile code —> Robust code • Scary code —> Cuddly code Where does applying SOLID lead?

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It’s possible to learn Software Design and aim for good Software Design

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Design because TDD is not enough DRY is not enough Design because you expect your application to succeed (and to change in the future to come)

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• Design principles — Set of guidelines • Design patterns — Reusable solution to commonly occurring problems Design Principles vs Design Patterns

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Abstraction is the key.

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Thank you !!! @anildigital

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Recommended Read

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Recommended Watch

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Recommended Watch SOLID Principles videos

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Sandi Metz - SOLID Object-Oriented Design talk 2009 Clean Coders Videos - Uncle Bob Martin SOLID Ruby - Jim Weirich - Ruby Conference 2009 for examples (ISP, DIP) Pablo's SOLID Software Development - 2011/03/pablos_solid_ebook.pdf for examples (ISP) What-Why-and for examples (LSP References

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