Slide 5
Slide 5 text
Secure score best practices
Azure Key Vault
What is Azure Key Vault?
Azure Key Vault is a centralized vault that stores your
application secrets. Key Vault helps you control your
applications' secrets by keeping them in a central location and
by providing secure access, permissions control, and logging
capabilities. It's useful for the following scenarios:
ü Secrets Management.
Ø You can use Key Vault to securely store tokens,
passwords, certificates, Application Programming
Interface (API) keys, and other secrets.
ü Key Management.
Ø You can also use Key Vault as a key management solution.
Key Vault makes it easier to create and control the
encryption keys used to encrypt your data.
ü Certificate Management.
Ø Key Vault lets you create, manage, and deploy public &
private (SSL/ TLS) certificates for Azure, and
connected, resources more easily.
Ø It also stores secrets backed by hardware security
modules (HSMs).