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Mohit Sarveiya Building Multiplatform Apps with Compose

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Building Multiplatform Apps with Compose ● Setup Project

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Building Multiplatform Apps with Compose ● Setup Project ● Share Compose UI

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Building Multiplatform Apps with Compose ● Setup Project ● Share Compose UI ● SwiftUI & Compose Interop

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Building Multiplatform Apps with Compose ● Setup Project ● Share Compose UI ● SwiftUI & Compose Interop ● Architecture & Navigation

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Android Kotlin/JVM iOS Swift/LLVM Web JS Desktop Kotlin/JVM

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API Share

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API Share Cache

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API Share Cache Business Logic

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API Share Cache Business Logic UI Components

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https: / / compose-multiplatform

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Compose Multiplatform • Android (via Jetpack Compose) • Desktop (Windows, Mac OS, Linux) • Web (Experimental)

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Compose Multiplatform • Android (via Jetpack Compose) • Desktop (Windows, Mac OS, Linux) • Web (Experimental) • iOS (Alpha)

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Compose Multiplatform

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Compose Multiplatform

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UI Structure

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androidApp iOSApp desktopApp shared Structure

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shared src commonMain androidMain iOSMain Shared Module

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shared src commonMain androidMain iOSMain build.gradle.kts Shared Module

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plugins { kotlin("multiplatform") } val commonMain by getting { dependencies { implementation(compose.ui) implementation( implementation(compose.material) implementation(compose.runtime) } } Shared Module

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plugins { kotlin("multiplatform") } val commonMain by getting { dependencies { implementation(compose.ui) implementation( implementation(compose.material) implementation(compose.runtime) } } Shared Module

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shared src commonMain androidMain iOSMain Shared Module

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UI Structure App Root View Android iOS

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UI Structure App Root View Android iOS

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shared src commonMain androidMain iOSMain UI Structure

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shared src commonMain androidMain iOSMain ImagesApp.commmon.kt UI Structure

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fun ImagesAppCommon() { Scaffold( topBar = { TopAppBar( ... ) }, content = { ... } ) } UI Structure

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fun ImagesAppCommon() { Scaffold( topBar = { TopAppBar( ... ) }, content = { ... } ) } UI Structure

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shared src commonMain androidMain iOSMain ImagesApp.commmon.kt ImagesAppTheme.kt Shared Module

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App Theme val LightColorPalette = lightColors( ... ) val DarkColorPalette = darkColors( ... ) @Composable fun ImagesAppTheme( darkTheme: Boolean = isSystemInDarkTheme(), content: @Composable () -> Unit ) { MaterialTheme( colors = if (darkTheme) DarkColorPalette else LightColorPalette, content = content ) }

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App Theme val LightColorPalette = lightColors( ... ) val DarkColorPalette = darkColors( ... ) @Composable fun ImagesAppTheme( darkTheme: Boolean = isSystemInDarkTheme(), content: @Composable () -> Unit ) { MaterialTheme( colors = if (darkTheme) DarkColorPalette else LightColorPalette, content = content ) }

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shared src commonMain androidMain iOSMain Shared Module

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UI Structure @Composable fun MainAndroid() { ImagesAppTheme { ImagesAppCommon() } }

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androidApp iOSApp desktopApp shared UI Structure

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UI Structure class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContent { MainAndroid() } } }

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UI Structure class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContent { MainAndroid() } } }

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shared src commonMain androidMain iOSMain ImagesApp.iOS.kt Shared Module

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UI Structure fun MainiOS(): UIViewController ComposeUIViewController { ImagesAppCommon() }

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UI Structure fun MainiOS(): UIViewController = ComposeUIViewController { ImagesAppCommon() }

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androidApp iOSApp desktopApp shared UI Structure

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UI Structure @main struct iOSApp: App { 
 var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { ContentView() } } 

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UI Structure @main struct iOSApp: App { 
 var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { ContentView() } } 

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UI Structure struct ComposeView: UIViewControllerRepresentable { 
 func makeUIViewController(context: Context) -> UIViewController { let controller = Main_iosKt.MainiOS() return controller 
 } }

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UI Structure struct ComposeView: UIViewControllerRepresentable { 
 func makeUIViewController(context: Context) -> UIViewController { let controller = Main_iosKt.MainiOS() return controller } }

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UI Structure struct ComposeView: UIViewControllerRepresentable { 
 func makeUIViewController(context: Context) -> UIViewController { let controller = Main_iosKt.MainiOS() return controller } }

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UI Structure struct ContentView: View { 
 var body: some View { ZStack { ComposeView() ...
 } } 

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UI Structure struct ContentView: View { 
 var body: some View { ZStack { ComposeView() ...
 } } 

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UI Structure struct ContentView: View { 
 var body: some View { ZStack { ComposeView() ...
 } } 
 } UIWindowScene UIWindow ComposeWindow SkikkoUIView View Hierarchy

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UI Structure struct ContentView: View { 
 var body: some View { ZStack { ComposeView() ...
 } } 
 } UIWindowScene UIWindow ComposeWindow SkikkoUIView View Hierarchy

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UI Structure struct ContentView: View { 
 var body: some View { ZStack { ComposeView() ...
 } } 
 } UIWindowScene UIWindow ComposeWindow SkikkoUIView View Hierarchy

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https: / / Skiko

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UI Structure App Root View Android iOS

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UI Structure

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Challenge: Image Loading

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https: / / Coil-kt

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shared src resource image1.jpeg image2.jpeg image3.jpeg Shared Module

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val commonMain by getting { dependencies { implementation(compose.components.resources) } } Shared Module

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val commonMain by getting { dependencies { implementation(compose.components.resources) } } Shared Module

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class ImageProvider { suspend fun getImageBitmap(picture: ImageData): ImageBitmap = resource(picture.url).readBytes().toImageBitmap() } Shared Module

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class ImageProvider { suspend fun getImageBitmap(picture: ImageData): ImageBitmap = resource(picture.url).readBytes() } Shared Module

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class ImageProvider { suspend fun getImageBitmap(picture: ImageData): ImageBitmap = resource(picture.url).readBytes().toImageBitmap() } Shared Module

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shared src commonMain androidMain Shared Module iOSMain

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expect fun ByteArray.toImageBitmap(): ImageBitmap Shared Module

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shared src commonMain androidMain Shared Module iOSMain

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actual fun ByteArray.toImageBitmap(): ImageBitmap = toAndroidBitmap().asImageBitmap() fun ByteArray.toAndroidBitmap(): Bitmap { return BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(this, 0, size) } Shared Module

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actual fun ByteArray.toImageBitmap(): ImageBitmap = toAndroidBitmap().asImageBitmap() fun ByteArray.toAndroidBitmap(): Bitmap { return BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(this, 0, size) } Shared Module

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actual fun ByteArray.toImageBitmap(): ImageBitmap = toAndroidBitmap().asImageBitmap() fun ByteArray.toAndroidBitmap(): Bitmap { return BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(this, 0, size) } Shared Module

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actual fun ByteArray.toImageBitmap(): ImageBitmap = toAndroidBitmap().asImageBitmap() fun ByteArray.toAndroidBitmap(): Bitmap { return BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(this, 0, size) } Shared Module

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shared src commonMain androidMain Shared Module iOSMain

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actual fun ByteArray.toImageBitmap(): ImageBitmap = Image.makeFromEncoded(this).toComposeImageBitmap() Shared Module

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actual fun ByteArray.toImageBitmap(): ImageBitmap = Image.makeFromEncoded(this).toComposeImageBitmap() Shared Module

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actual fun ByteArray.toImageBitmap(): ImageBitmap = Image.makeFromEncoded(this).toComposeImageBitmap() Shared Module

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class ImageProvider { suspend fun getImageBitmap(picture: ImageData): ImageBitmap = resource(picture.url).readBytes().toImageBitmap() } Shared Module

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UI Structure

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@Composable fun ImagesList(images: List) { Column { LazyVerticalGrid( columns = GridCells.Fixed(3) ) { items(images) { SplashImage( imageData = it ) } } } } UI Structure

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@Composable fun ImagesList(images: List) { Column { LazyVerticalGrid( columns = GridCells.Fixed(3) ) { items(images) { SplashImage( imageData = it ) } } } } UI Structure

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@Composable fun ImagesList(images: List) { Column { LazyVerticalGrid( columns = GridCells.Fixed(3) ) { items(images) { SplashImage( imageData = it ) } } } } UI Structure

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@Composable fun SplashImage(imageData: ImageData) { val imageProvider = LocalImageProvider.current var imageBitmap by remember(imageData) { 
 } LaunchedEffect(imageData) { imageBitmap = imageProvider.getImageBitmap(imageData) } imageBitmap ?. let { Image( bitmap = bitmap, 
 ... ) } } UI Structure

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@Composable fun SplashImage(imageData: ImageData) { val imageProvider = LocalImageProvider.current var imageBitmap by remember(imageData) { 
 } LaunchedEffect(imageData) { imageBitmap = imageProvider.getImageBitmap(imageData) } imageBitmap ?. let { Image( bitmap = bitmap, 
 ... ) } } UI Structure

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@Composable fun SplashImage(imageData: ImageData) { val imageProvider = LocalImageProvider.current var imageBitmap by remember(imageData) { 
 } LaunchedEffect(imageData) { imageBitmap = imageProvider.getImageBitmap(imageData) } imageBitmap ?. let { Image( bitmap = bitmap, 
 ... ) } } UI Structure

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@Composable fun SplashImage(imageData: ImageData) { val imageProvider = LocalImageProvider.current var imageBitmap by remember(imageData) { 
 } LaunchedEffect(imageData) { imageBitmap = imageProvider.getImageBitmap(imageData) } imageBitmap ?. let { Image( bitmap = bitmap, 
 ... ) } } UI Structure

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UI Structure

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UI Structure App Root View Android iOS Images List Images Details Shared

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Challenges: App Architecture, Navigation

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Compose UI View Model UI State Events

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UI Structure App Root View Android iOS Images List Images Details Shared

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UI Structure App Root View Android iOS Images List Images Details Shared View Model

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Shared Module shared src commonMain androidMain iOSMain

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Shared Module shared src commonMain androidMain iOSMain ImagesListViewModel.kt

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App Architecture sealed class ImagesListUiState { object Loading: ImagesListUiState() data class Success( val images: List ): ImagesListUiState() data class Error( val errorMessage: String ): ImagesListUiState() }

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App Architecture sealed class ImagesListUiState { object Loading: ImagesListUiState() data class Success( val images: List ): ImagesListUiState() data class Error( val errorMessage: String ): ImagesListUiState() }

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App Architecture sealed class ImagesListUiState { object Loading: ImagesListUiState() data class Success( val images: List ): ImagesListUiState() data class Error( val errorMessage: String ): ImagesListUiState() }

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App Architecture sealed class ImagesListUiState { object Loading: ImagesListUiState() data class Success( val images: List ): ImagesListUiState() data class Error( val errorMessage: String ): ImagesListUiState() }

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App Architecture class ImagesListViewModel { init { ... } val state = MutableStateFlow(ImagesListUiState.Loading) val viewModelScope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Main) } init } {

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App Architecture class ImagesListViewModel { init { ... } } init } { viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.Main) { try { val imagesList = imagesRepository.getImages() state.emit(uiState.Success(images = imagesList)) } catch (e: Exception) { state.emit(uiState.Error("Something went wrong")) } }

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App Architecture @Composable fun ImagesAppCommon() { Scaffold( topBar = { ... }, content = { } ) }

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App Architecture @Composable fun ImagesAppCommon() { Scaffold( topBar = { ... }, content = { } ) } val uiState by viewModel.state.collectAsState() ImagesListScreen(uiState)

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App Architecture @Composable fun ImagesListScreen(uiState: UIState) { } }

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App Architecture @Composable fun ImagesListScreen(uiState: UIState) { when (uiState) { ImagesListUiState.Loading -> is ImagesListUiState.Success -> is ImagesListUiState.Error -> } }

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App Architecture @Composable fun ImagesListScreen(uiState: UIState) { when (uiState) { ImagesListUiState.Loading -> CircularProgressIndicator() is ImagesListUiState.Success -> is ImagesListUiState.Error -> } }

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App Architecture @Composable fun ImagesListScreen(uiState: UIState) { when (uiState) { ImagesListUiState.Loading -> CircularProgressIndicator() is ImagesListUiState.Success -> ImagesList(uiState.images) is ImagesListUiState.Error -> } }

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Navigation App Root View List Details

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App Architecture sealed class Screen { }

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App Architecture sealed class Screen { object List : Screen() }

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App Architecture sealed class Screen { object List : Screen() data class Details(val imageId: String) : Screen() }

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App Architecture @Composable fun ImagesAppCommon() { var screenState by remember { mutableStateOf(Screen.List) } when (val screen = screenState) { is Screen.List -> List( onItemClick = { screenState = Screen.Details(imageId = it) } ) is Screen.Details -> Details( text = screen.text, onBack = { screenState = Screen.List } ) } }

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App Architecture @Composable fun ImagesAppCommon() { var screenState by remember { mutableStateOf(Screen.List) } when (val screen = screenState) { is Screen.List -> List( onItemClick = { screenState = Screen.Details(imageId = it) } ) is Screen.Details -> Details( text = screen.text, onBack = { screenState = Screen.List } ) } }

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App Architecture @Composable fun ImagesAppCommon() { var screenState by remember { mutableStateOf(Screen.List) } when (val screen = screenState) { is Screen.List -> List( onItemClick = { screenState = Screen.Details(imageId = it) } ) is Screen.Details -> Details( text = screen.text, onBack = { screenState = Screen.List } ) } }

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App Architecture @Composable fun ImagesAppCommon() { var screenState by remember { mutableStateOf(Screen.List) } when (val screen = screenState) { is Screen.List -> List( onItemClick = { screenState = Screen.Details(imageId = it) } ) is Screen.Details -> Details( text = screen.imageId, onBack = { screenState = Screen.List } ) } }

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App Architecture ● Lifecycle Aware ● Navigation

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https: / / Decompose

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Decompose ● Lifecycle Aware Components ● Back stack management

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Decompose interface ListComponent { 
 val uiState: Value fun onImageClicked(imageId: String) data class UiState( val images: List, ) }

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Decompose interface ListComponent { 
 val uiState: Value fun onImageClicked(imageId: String) data class UiState( val images: List, ) }

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Decompose interface ListComponent { 
 val uiState: Value fun onImageClicked(imageId: String) data class UiState( val images: List, ) }

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Decompose class ImagesListComponent( componentContext: ComponentContext, val onImageSelected: (imageId: String) -> Unit, ) : ListComponent { 
 override val uiState: Value = MutableValue(UiState.Loading) override fun onItemClicked(imageId: String) { onImageSelected(imageId) } }

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Decompose class ImagesListComponent( componentContext: ComponentContext, val onImageSelected: (imageId: String) -> Unit, ) : ListComponent { 
 override val uiState: Value = MutableValue(UiState.Loading) override fun onItemClicked(imageId: String) { onImageSelected(imageId) } }

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Decompose class ImagesListComponent( componentContext: ComponentContext, val onImageSelected: (imageId: String) -> Unit, ) : ListComponent { 
 override val uiState: Value = MutableValue(UiState.Loading) override fun onItemClicked(imageId: String) { onImageSelected(imageId) } }

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@Composable fun ImagesList( component: ListComponent, images: List, onImageClicked: (Int) -> Unit ) { 
 val uiState by component.uiState.subscribeAsState() } Decompose

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@Composable fun ImagesList( component: ListComponent, images: List, onImageClicked: (Int) -> Unit ) { 
 val uiState by component.uiState.subscribeAsState() } Decompose

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Navigation App Root View List Details

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interface RootComponent { val stack: Value> sealed class Child { class ListChild(val component: ListComponent) : Child() class DetailsChild(val component: DetailsComponent) : Child() } } App Architecture

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interface RootComponent { val stack: Value> sealed class Child { class ListChild(val component: ListComponent) : Child() class DetailsChild(val component: DetailsComponent) : Child() } } App Architecture

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interface RootComponent { val stack: Value> sealed class Child { class ListChild(val component: ListComponent) : Child() class DetailsChild(val component: DetailsComponent) : Child() } } App Architecture

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class DefaultRootComponent( ... ): RootComponent { @Parcelize sealed interface Config : Parcelable { object List : Config data class Details(val item: String) : Config } } App Architecture

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class DefaultRootComponent( ... ): RootComponent { 
 val navigation = StackNavigation() 
 @Parcelize sealed interface Config : Parcelable { object List : Config data class Details(val item: String) : Config } } App Architecture

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class DefaultRootComponent( ... ): RootComponent { 
 val navigation = StackNavigation() 
 @Parcelize sealed interface Config : Parcelable { object List : Config data class Details(val item: String) : Config } } App Architecture val stack = childStack( source = navigation, initialConfiguration = Config.List, handleBackButton = true, childFactory = :: child, )

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class DefaultRootComponent( ... ): RootComponent { 
 val navigation = StackNavigation() 
 @Parcelize sealed interface Config : Parcelable { object List : Config data class Details(val item: String) : Config } } App Architecture

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class DefaultRootComponent( ... ): RootComponent { } App Architecture fun listComponent(): ListComponent = ImagesListComponent( onItemSelected = { imageId: String -> navigation.push(Config.Details(item = imageId)) }, )

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class DefaultRootComponent( ... ): RootComponent { } App Architecture fun listComponent(): ListComponent = ImagesListComponent( onItemSelected = { imageId: String -> navigation.push(Config.Details(item = imageId)) }, )

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class DefaultRootComponent( ... ): RootComponent { } App Architecture fun detailsComponent(): DetailsComponent = ImageDetailsComponent( image = config.image, onFinished = navigation :: pop, )

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class DefaultRootComponent( ... ): RootComponent { } App Architecture fun detailsComponent(): DetailsComponent = ImageDetailsComponent( image = config.image, onFinished = navigation :: pop, )

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Navigation App Root View List Details

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@Composable fun ImagesAppCommon(component: RootComponent) { Children( stack = component.stack ) { when (val child = it.instance) { is ListChild -> ListContent(component = child.component) is DetailsChild -> DetailsContent(component = child.component) } } } App Architecture

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@Composable fun ImagesAppCommon(component: RootComponent) { Children( stack = component.stack ) { when (val child = it.instance) { is ListChild -> ListContent(component = child.component) is DetailsChild -> DetailsContent(component = child.component) } } } App Architecture

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class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() { 
 override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) val root = DefaultRootComponent( componentContext = defaultComponentContext(), ) setContent { MaterialTheme { Surface { RootContent(component = root, modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) } } } App Architecture

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class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() { 
 override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) val root = DefaultRootComponent( componentContext = defaultComponentContext(), ) setContent { MaterialTheme { Surface { RootContent(component = root, modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) } } } App Architecture

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class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() { 
 override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) val root = DefaultRootComponent( componentContext = defaultComponentContext(), ) setContent { MaterialTheme { Surface { ImageAppCommon(component = root) } } } App Architecture

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class AppDelegate: NSObject, UIApplicationDelegate { let rootHolder: RootHolder = RootHolder() } App Architecture

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@main struct app_iosApp: App { 
 var rootHolder: RootHolder { appDelegate.rootHolder } var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { ComposeView(rootHolder.root) } } } App Architecture

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Decompose ● Lifecycle Aware Components ● Back stack management

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Building Multiplatform Apps with Compose ● Setup Project ● Share Compose UI ● SwiftUI & Compose Interop ● Architecture & Navigation

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Thank You!