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Android Developer Advocate @ Stream Exploring Now in Android Jaewoong

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skydoves @github_skydoves Android Developer Advocate @ Stream Jaewoong Eum Google Developer Expert

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Now in Android

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Now in Android

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Now in Android Exploring Tech Stacks

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Tech Stacks ● 100% Compose (activity, foundation, material3, accompanist) ● Navigation (Compose, Hilt) ● WindowManager ● Coil User Interface 01

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Tech Stacks ● 100% Compose (activity, foundation, material3, accompanist) ● Navigation (Compose, Hilt) ● WindowManager ● Coil User Interface 01 ● DataStore ● Room Database ● Retrofit ● Kotlin Serialization ● Kotlin Coroutines ● WorkManager Business Works 02

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Tech Stacks ● 100% Compose (activity, foundation, material3, accompanist) ● Navigation (Compose, Hilt) ● WindowManager ● Coil User Interface 01 ● DataStore ● Room Database ● Retrofit ● Kotlin Serialization ● Kotlin Coroutines ● WorkManager Business Works 02 ● Baseline Profiles ● Macrobenchmark ● Hilt ● App Startup Other Jetpacks 03

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Now in Android Exploring App Architecture

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Architecture Overview Unidirectional Data Flow ● Higher layers react to changes in lower layers. ● Events flow down. ● Data flows up with data streams. (Kotlin Flows) Unidirectional Event Flow

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Architecture - UI Layer

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Architecture - UI Layer

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Architecture - UI Layer

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Architecture - UI Layer Modeling UI state ● UI state always represents the underlying app data. ● UI elements handle all possible states. Transforming streams into UI state ● View models receive streams of data as Flows from data layers. ● The single flow is converted to StateFlows, which enables UI elements to read the last state. Processing user interactions (Unidirectional event flow) ● User actions are communicated from UI elements to view models. ● View models execute business logic following the user interactions.

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Architecture - Data Layer

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Architecture - Data Layer UI layers must be prepared to react to data changes.

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Reads are performed from local storage as the single source of truth. Architecture - Data Layer

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A single source of truth principle is a philosophy of aggregating the data from many systems within an organization to a single location. Architecture - Data Layer

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Architecture - Data Layer

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interface Syncable { /** * Synchronizes the local database backing the repository with the network. * Returns if the sync was successful or not. */ suspend fun syncWith(synchronizer: Synchronizer): Boolean } Architecture - Sync

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interface Syncable { /** * Synchronizes the local database backing the repository with the network. * Returns if the sync was successful or not. */ suspend fun syncWith(synchronizer: Synchronizer): Boolean } Architecture - Sync interface TopicsRepository : Syncable class OfflineFirstTopicsRepository @Inject constructor( .. ) : TopicsRepository { override suspend fun syncWith(synchronizer: Synchronizer): Boolean = synchronizer.changeListSync( ..

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interface Syncable { /** * Synchronizes the local database backing the repository with the network. * Returns if the sync was successful or not. */ suspend fun syncWith(synchronizer: Synchronizer): Boolean } Architecture - Sync interface TopicsRepository : Syncable class OfflineFirstTopicsRepository @Inject constructor( .. ) : TopicsRepository { override suspend fun syncWith(synchronizer: Synchronizer): Boolean = synchronizer.changeListSync( .. Versioning each model

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@HiltWorker class SyncWorker @AssistedInject constructor( ... ) : CoroutineWorker(appContext, workerParams), Synchronizer { override suspend fun doWork(): Result = withContext(ioDispatcher) { // First sync the repositories in parallel val syncedSuccessfully = awaitAll( async { topicRepository.syncWith(this) }, async { authorsRepository.syncWith(this) }, async { newsRepository.syncWith(this) }, ).all { it } if (syncedSuccessfully) Result.success() else Result.retry() } Architecture - Sync

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@HiltWorker class SyncWorker @AssistedInject constructor( ... ) : CoroutineWorker(appContext, workerParams), Synchronizer { override suspend fun doWork(): Result = withContext(ioDispatcher) { // First sync the repositories in parallel val syncedSuccessfully = awaitAll( async { topicRepository.syncWith(this) }, async { authorsRepository.syncWith(this) }, async { newsRepository.syncWith(this) }, ).all { it } if (syncedSuccessfully) Result.success() else Result.retry() } Architecture - Sync Synchronize all repositories

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class SyncInitializer : Initializer { override fun create(context: Context): Sync { WorkManager.getInstance(context).apply { // Run sync on app startup and ensure only one sync worker runs at any time enqueueUniqueWork( SyncWorkName, ExistingWorkPolicy.REPLACE, SyncWorker.startUpSyncWork() ) } return Sync } override fun dependencies(): List>> = .. } Architecture - Sync Returns OneTimeWorkRequest

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Architecture - Sync

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Architecture - ForYou Screen

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Architecture - ForYou Screen

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Architecture - ForYou Screen

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Architecture - ForYou Screen

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Architecture - ForYou Screen The recommendations and best practices present in this architecture can be applied to a broad spectrum of apps to allow them to scale, improve quality and robustness, and make them easier to test. However, you should treat them as guidelines and adapt them to your requirements as needed.

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Now in Android Exploring UI Layers with Compose

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UI Layer - Material You

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UI Layer - Material You Dynamic color extraction algorithm

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UI Layer - Material You ● Material Theme ● Material Components ● Dynamic Color Scheme

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UI Layer - Material You

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UI Layer - Material You

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UI Layer - Material You

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UI Layer - Material You

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Material Theme (Color Scheme) ● Primary ● onPrimary ● PrimaryContainer ● onPrimaryContainer ● Secondary ● onSecondary ● Tertiary ● onTertiary ● Bacground ● onBackground ● Surface ● onSurface ● SurfaceVariant ● onSurfaceVariant … UI Layer - Theming

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UI Layer - Theming Dynamic Theme Light Dark Custom Theme Default Theme Android 12 Specific General

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private val LightDefaultColorScheme = lightColorScheme( primary = Purple40, onPrimary = Color.White, … private val DarkDefaultColorScheme = darkColorScheme( primary = Purple80, onPrimary = Purple20, … private val LightAndroidColorScheme = lightColorScheme( primary = Green40, onPrimary = Color.White, … private val DarkAndroidColorScheme = darkColorScheme( primary = Green80, onPrimary = Green20, …. UI Layer - Theming

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@Composable fun NiaTheme( darkTheme: Boolean = isSystemInDarkTheme(), dynamicColor: Boolean = false, androidTheme: Boolean = false, content: @Composable() () -> Unit ) { val colorScheme = when { dynamicColor && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.S -> { val context = LocalContext.current if (darkTheme) dynamicDarkColorScheme(context) else dynamicLightColorScheme(context) } androidTheme && darkTheme -> DarkAndroidColorScheme androidTheme -> LightAndroidColorScheme darkTheme -> DarkDefaultColorScheme else -> LightDefaultColorScheme } UI Layer - Theming

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@Composable fun NiaTheme( darkTheme: Boolean = isSystemInDarkTheme(), dynamicColor: Boolean = false, androidTheme: Boolean = false, content: @Composable() () -> Unit ) { val colorScheme = when { dynamicColor && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.S -> { val context = LocalContext.current if (darkTheme) dynamicDarkColorScheme(context) else dynamicLightColorScheme(context) } androidTheme && darkTheme -> DarkAndroidColorScheme androidTheme -> LightAndroidColorScheme darkTheme -> DarkDefaultColorScheme else -> LightDefaultColorScheme } UI Layer - Theming

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@Composable fun NiaTheme( darkTheme: Boolean = isSystemInDarkTheme(), dynamicColor: Boolean = false, androidTheme: Boolean = false, content: @Composable() () -> Unit ) { val colorScheme = when { dynamicColor && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.S -> { val context = LocalContext.current if (darkTheme) dynamicDarkColorScheme(context) else dynamicLightColorScheme(context) } androidTheme && darkTheme -> DarkAndroidColorScheme androidTheme -> LightAndroidColorScheme darkTheme -> DarkDefaultColorScheme else -> LightDefaultColorScheme } UI Layer - Theming

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UI Layer - Large Screen The large screens of tablets, foldables, and Chrome OS devices

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UI Layer - Large Screen

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UI Layer - Large Screen

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dependencies { implementation "androidx.compose.material3:material3-window-size-class:1.0.0-alpha10" Implementation "androidx.window:window:1.0.0" } UI Layer - Large Screen

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UI Layer - Large Screen

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UI Layer - Large Screen

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UI Layer - Large Screen

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UI Layer - Large Screen

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UI Layer - Large Screen Navigation Rail

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UI Layer - Large Screen Compact Medium, Expanded

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Now in Android Exploring App Performance

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UI Layer - Compose Phases Which UI to draw Where to place UI. Measurement and placement How it renders

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UI Layer - Recomposition

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Composable functions can use the remember API to store an object in memory. A value computed by remember is stored in the Composition during initial composition, and the stored value is returned during recomposition. UI Layer - Remember

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UI Layer - Remember

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UI Layer - Remember High costs in every recomposition

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UI Layer - Remember Recompose when key values changed

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UI Layer - Lazy Lists Column LazyColumn

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UI Layer - Lazy Lists

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UI Layer - Lazy Lists

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UI Layer - Lazy Lists

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UI Layer - Lazy Lists

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Performance - Baseline Profiles It seems to be janky for the first couple of seconds!

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Performance - Baseline Profiles Compose is a library — it does not participate in system resource sharing.

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Performance - Baseline Profiles Baseline Profiles Android Runtime

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Performance - Baseline Profiles

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Performance - Baseline Profiles

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Performance - Baseline Profiles Total: 7059 lines (baseline-prof.txt) HSPLandroidx/compose/animation/AndroidFlingSpline$FlingResult;->(FF)V HSPLandroidx/compose/animation/AndroidFlingSpline;->()V HSPLandroidx/compose/animation/AndroidFlingSpline;->()V HSPLandroidx/compose/animation/AndroidFlingSpline;->flingPosition(F)Landroidx/compose/animation/AndroidFlingSpline$FlingResult; HSPLandroidx/compose/animation/CrossfadeKt$$ExternalSyntheticOutline0;->m(Landroidx/compose/runtime/Composer;)V HSPLandroidx/compose/animation/CrossfadeKt$Crossfade$1;->(Ljava/lang/Object;Landroidx/compose/ui/Modifier;Landroidx/comp ose/animation/core/FiniteAnimationSpec;Lkotlin/jvm/functions/Function3;II)V HSPLandroidx/compose/animation/CrossfadeKt$Crossfade$1;->invoke(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; HSPLandroidx/compose/animation/CrossfadeKt$Crossfade$2;->()V HSPLandroidx/compose/animation/CrossfadeKt$Crossfade$2;->()V HSPLandroidx/compose/animation/CrossfadeKt$Crossfade$2;->invoke(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; HSPLandroidx/compose/animation/CrossfadeKt$Crossfade$3$1;->(Landroidx/compose/animation/core/Transition;)V HSPLandroidx/compose/animation/CrossfadeKt$Crossfade$3$1;->invoke(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; HSPLandroidx/compose/animation/CrossfadeKt$Crossfade$4$1$$ExternalSyntheticOutline0;->m(Landroidx/compose/runtime/Compose r;III)V HSPLandroidx/compose/animation/CrossfadeKt$Crossfade$4$1$1$1;->(Landroidx/compose/runtime/State;)V HSPLandroidx/compose/animation/CrossfadeKt$Crossfade$4$1$1$1;->invok HSPLandroidx/compose/animation/CrossfadeKt;->Crossfade(Landroidx/compose/animation/core/Transition;Landroidx/compose/ui/Modifier; Landroidx/compose/animation/core/FiniteAnimationSpec;Lkotlin/jvm/functions/Function1;Lkotlin/jvm/functions/Function3;Landroidx/compose /runtime/Composer;II)V ….

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References ● Now in Android ○ ● Exploring App Architecture ○ ● Exploring UI Layer ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ● Performance ○ ○ ○

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Thank you! Android Developer Advocate @ GetStream Google Developer Expert skydoves [email protected] @github_skydoves Contacts Jaewoong Eum