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| JavaLand 2021 | A Hitchhiker's Guide to Cloud native API Gateways | @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware @JavaLandConf A HITCHHIKER’S GUIDE TO CLOUD NATIVE API GATEWAYS

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Mario-Leander Reimer Principal Software Architect @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware

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3 The Earl y Code Monkey The Monolith

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| JavaLand 2021 | A Hitchhiker's Guide to Cloud native API Gateways | @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware @JavaLandConf 4 Monolithic Vintage System Users

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autonomous bounded contexts loosely coupled stateless

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| JavaLand 2021 | A Hitchhiker's Guide to Cloud native API Gateways | @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware @JavaLandConf 6 Users Monolithic Legacy System A Shared PaaS A Namespace Service A Route

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| JavaLand 2021 | A Hitchhiker's Guide to Cloud native API Gateways | @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware @JavaLandConf 7 Users Monolithic Legacy System A Shared PaaS A Namespace Service A Route Service B Route service-b…

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| JavaLand 2021 | A Hitchhiker's Guide to Cloud native API Gateways | @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware @JavaLandConf 8 Users Monolithic Legacy System A Shared PaaS A Namespace Service A Route Service B Route service-b… Service C Route service-c…

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| JavaLand 2021 | A Hitchhiker's Guide to Cloud native API Gateways | @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware @JavaLandConf 9 Users Monolithic Legacy System A Shared PaaS A Namespace Service A’ Route Service B Route service-b… Service C' Route service-c… 3rd Party Apps

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| JavaLand 2021 | A Hitchhiker's Guide to Cloud native API Gateways | @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware @JavaLandConf 10 Users Monolithic Legacy System A Shared PaaS A Namespace Service A’ Route Service B Route service-b… Service C' Route service-c… 3rd Party Apps B Namespace Service X Service Y Service Z’ Unreliable Legacy Systems SOAP gRPC

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| JavaLand 2021 | A Hitchhiker's Guide to Cloud native API Gateways | @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware @JavaLandConf 11 Users Monolithic Legacy System A Shared PaaS A Namespace Service A’ Route Service B Route service-b… Service C' Route service-c… 3rd Party Apps B Namespace Service X Service Y Service Z’ Unreliable Legacy Systems SOAP gRPC Route Internal Systems

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| JavaLand 2021 | A Hitchhiker's Guide to Cloud native API Gateways | @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware @JavaLandConf 12 APIs are the center piece of any successful digital product.

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| JavaLand 2021 | A Hitchhiker's Guide to Cloud native API Gateways | @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware @JavaLandConf 13 APIs are the center piece of any successful digital product. Proper management of your APIs right from the start is crucial, to not end up in API hell.

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| JavaLand 2021 | A Hitchhiker's Guide to Cloud native API Gateways | @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware @JavaLandConf 14 Users Monolithic Legacy System A Shared PaaS A Namespace Service A Service B Service C 3rd Party Apps B Namespace Service X Service Y Service Z Unreliable Legacy Systems SOAP API Gateway Backend for Frontend Internal Systems API Gateway API Proxy

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| JavaLand 2021 | A Hitchhiker's Guide to Cloud native API Gateways | @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware @JavaLandConf 15 API Gateways are like the Façade Pattern in 
 Cloud Native Application Design and Microservice Architectures

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| JavaLand 2021 | A Hitchhiker's Guide to Cloud native API Gateways | @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware @JavaLandConf • Tra ffi c Management: Path, Header, Host based Routing, Path Rewrite • Rollout and Deployment: A/B Deployment, Canary Release, • QoS and Resiliency: Circuit Breaker, Retry, Timeouts, Rate Limiting • Security: AAA, Terminate TLS, Support for JWT and JWKS, Open ID, … • Protocol Translation: XML to JSON, gRPC to JSON, … • Transformation: Fan Out / Collect, Backend for Frontend, GraphQL, … • Observability: Integration into Logging, Monitoring, Tracing Stacks 16

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| JavaLand 2021 | A Hitchhiker's Guide to Cloud native API Gateways | @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware @JavaLandConf 17 W E N S Ingress Egress API Gateways for North-South Communication Service Meshes for East-West Communication

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| JavaLand 2021 | A Hitchhiker's Guide to Cloud native API Gateways | @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware @JavaLandConf API Gateways in a Nutshell • Bene fi ts • Encapsulates internal structure of application • Provides client-speci fi c APIs • B4Fs reduce the number of client-server round trips • Simpli fi es client code 18 • Drawbacks • Yet another highly available component that needs to be managed and deployed • Risk of becoming a DevOps bottleneck if managed centrally • Business logic in API gateway leads to accidental ESB

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| JavaLand 2021 | A Hitchhiker's Guide to Cloud native API Gateways | @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware @JavaLandConf Possible Criteria for a Comparison • Maturity: good and active community, little issues, frequent releases • License: open source or backed by commercial vendor • Supported Features: Tra ff i c Management, Deployment, Security, Translation, Transformation, QoS, Resiliency, Observability • DevOps Friendly: Easy setup and operability, supported platforms, CI/CD • Performance: Small overhead, high throughput, super scalable • Observability: good logging, monitoring, tracing capabilities + integration 19

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| JavaLand 2021 | A Hitchhiker's Guide to Cloud native API Gateways | @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware @JavaLandConf Four Categories of API Gateways A. API Management Solutions B. Build Your Own API Gateway C. Service Proxies D. Cloud Native API Gateways 22

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| JavaLand 2021 | A Hitchhiker's Guide to Cloud native API Gateways | @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware @JavaLandConf A. API Management Solutions 23 • Several full-blown API Management solutions: Kong, Tyk, Mulesoft, 3scale, Apigee, … • Makes sense in Enterprise use cases. Generally cost $$$. • Provide additional features such as payment, developer portals with API key management, integrations into enterprise infrastructure. • Usually, centrally deployed and operated for the whole platform and all the applications. • 80/20 rule applies, like with any other COTS product.

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| JavaLand 2021 | A Hitchhiker's Guide to Cloud native API Gateways | @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware @JavaLandConf B. Build Your Own API Gateway 24 • Several frameworks available: Net fl ix Zuul 2, Spring Cloud Gateway, Node, Vert.x, Ballerina, Java EE 8, Camel, Express Gateway, … • Provides a lot of fl exibility. • But: your team needs to develop, maintain and operate the gateway!

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| JavaLand 2021 | A Hitchhiker's Guide to Cloud native API Gateways | @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware @JavaLandConf C. Service Proxies 25 • Many choices: Apache, HA Proxy, Nginx, OpenResty, Trae fi k, Envoy, … • Lightweight and simple to use. • Provided features vary a lot between products.

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| JavaLand 2021 | A Hitchhiker's Guide to Cloud native API Gateways | @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware @JavaLandConf D. Cloud Native API Gateways 26 • Few choices: KrakenD, Ambassador, Gloo, Maesh • Usually build upon a service proxy such as Envoy and enhance it. • Provide tight integration with cloud native platform, like K8s.

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| JavaLand 2021 | A Hitchhiker's Guide to Cloud native API Gateways | @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware @JavaLandConf DEMOS 27

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| JavaLand 2021 | A Hitchhiker's Guide to Cloud native API Gateways | @LeanderReimer #cloudnativenerd #qaware @JavaLandConf THE ANSWER TO LIFE, UNIVERSE, THE CLOUD, AND API GATEWAYS. 28 42.

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Visit the QAware booth betweem 10:00 - 13:00

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Mario-Leander Reimer Principal Software Architect, QAware GmbH [email protected] &