What’s New in Chrome
and the Web
I/O Extended Cebu
Arnelle Balane
Software Developer, Newlogic @arnellebalane
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Load images only when they
are about to scroll into view.
Lazy Loading
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The "loading" attribute
Allows browsers do defer loading offscreen images
and iframes until the user scrolls near them.
Supports three possible values: auto, lazy, and eager.
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The browser decides whether to lazy load or not.
In Chrome, this doesn’t lazy load… yet.
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Explicitly tells the browser to lazy load the image.
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Explicitly tells the browser to load the image right away.
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Progressive Enhancement
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if ('loading' in HTMLImageElement.prototype) {
const images =
images.forEach(image => {
image.src = image.dataset.src;
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if ('loading' in HTMLImageElement.prototype) {
const images =
images.forEach(image => {
image.src = image.dataset.src;
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if ('loading' in HTMLImageElement.prototype) {
const images =
images.forEach(image => {
image.src = image.dataset.src;
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if ('loading' in HTMLImageElement.prototype) {
const images =
images.forEach(image => {
image.src = image.dataset.src;
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if ('loading' in HTMLImageElement.prototype) {
const images =
images.forEach(image => {
image.src = image.dataset.src;
} else {
// Fallback to using a lazy loading library,
// e.g. lazysizes
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Works with responsive images
( element, srcset attribute)
Doesn’t support background images.
Native Lazy Loading
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Behind a flag in Chrome 75
Native Lazy Loading
JavaScript standard library
for the Web.
Built-in Modules
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Browsers have shipped and
nomodule attribute.
We provide the definitions for the modules, and they
need to be downloaded to be used.
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Like regular JavaScript modules, but already ship
with the browser and so don’t need to be
Need to be used inside .
Built-in Modules
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Asynchronous key-value store, having JavaScript
Map-like API: set(), get(), delete().
Keys and values don’t have to be strings, unlike
KV Storage
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import { storage } from 'std:kv-storage';
KV Storage
Built-in Modules, KV Storage,
and Import Maps
Behind a flag in Chrome 74
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Origin Trial is active until September 4, 2019
Built-in Modules, KV Storage,
and Import Maps
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Built-in Modules, KV Storage,
and Import Maps
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Media Queries
Allows authors to query values
or features of the device that’s
rendering the page.
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Brings users’ “reduced motion”
preferences to the Web.
Possible values:
no-preference and reduce
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Use case:
When user prefers reduced motion, remove
non-essential animations and transitions, parallax
scrolling, etc.
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
body {
background-color: black;
Dark mode
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Respecting user preference is key.
More are coming:
prefers-reduced-transparency, prefers-contrast, and
New Media Queries
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Enabled by default in Chrome 74
Enabled by default in Chrome 76
New Media Queries
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New Media Queries
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No content
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The Web is now 30 years old!
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Complex, dynamic,
interactive Web
Simple, static
Web pages
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Web apps that look, feel,
and behave like native apps.
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Web apps that look, feel, and
behave like native apps.
Are they as capable?
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Web apps still lag behind native
apps in terms of capabilities.
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Project Fugu
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Closing the capability gap between native and Web,
while preserving everything that’s great with the Web.
New standardized APIs that will unlock powerful
capabilities for the Web.
Project Fugu
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Share to and receive shares
through the system share
Web Share and
Web Share Target
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if ('share' in navigator) {
const shareOptions = {
title: 'What is New in Chrome and the Web',
text: 'Cool stuff cool stuff cool stuff!',
url: 'https://iox.gdgcebu.org/'
await navigator.share(shareOptions);
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if ('share' in navigator) {
const shareOptions = {
title: 'What is New in Chrome and the Web',
text: 'Cool stuff cool stuff cool stuff!',
url: 'https://iox.gdgcebu.org/'
await navigator.share(shareOptions);
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if ('share' in navigator) {
const shareOptions = {
title: 'What is New in Chrome and the Web',
text: 'Cool stuff cool stuff cool stuff!',
url: 'https://iox.gdgcebu.org/'
await navigator.share(shareOptions);
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if ('share' in navigator) {
const shareOptions = {
title: 'What is New in Chrome and the Web',
text: 'Cool stuff cool stuff cool stuff!',
url: 'https://iox.gdgcebu.org/'
await navigator.share(shareOptions);
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if ('share' in navigator) {
const shareOptions = {
title: 'What is New in Chrome and the Web',
text: 'Cool stuff cool stuff cool stuff!',
url: 'https://iox.gdgcebu.org/'
await navigator.share(shareOptions);
} else {
// Fallback to traditional share implementations.
const shareOptions = {
files: [file]
if (navigator.canShare(shareOptions)) {
shareOptions.title = 'What is New in Chrome?';
shareOptions.text = 'Cool stuff cool stuff!';
shareOptions.url = 'https://iox.gdgcebu.org/';
await navigator.share(shareOptions);
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Title, text, and URL
Enabled by default in Chrome 61
With files support
Enabled by default in Chrome 75
Web Share API
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Web Share API
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Title, text, and URL
Enabled by default in Chrome 71
With files support
Enabled by default in Chrome 76
Web Share Target API
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Web Share Target API
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Programmatic access to the
system clipboard.
Clipboard API
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if ('clipboard' in navigator) {
await navigator.clipboard.writeText('Hello World');
const text = await navigator.clipboard.readText();
Text support
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await navigator.clipboard.write([
new ClipboardItem({'image/png': blob})
Image support
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canvas.toBlob(async blob => {
await navigator.clipboard.write([
new ClipboardItem({'image/png': blob})
Image support
Enabled by default in Chrome 66
With image support
Enabled by default in Chrome 76
Async Clipboard API
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Async Clipboard API
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Set subtle app alerts in places
like the home screen, dock,
Badging API
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Badging API
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No content
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No content
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Behind a flag in Chrome 73
Badging API
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Badging API
Origin Trial is active until October 15, 2019
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Badging API
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Prevent the screen from
turning off or the device from
going to sleep.
Wake Lock API
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if ('getWakeLock' in navigator) {
const wakeLock =
await navigator.getWakeLock('screen');
Get a wake lock
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if ('getWakeLock' in navigator) {
const wakeLock =
await navigator.getWakeLock('screen');
Get a wake lock
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if ('getWakeLock' in navigator) {
const wakeLock =
await navigator.getWakeLock('system');
Get a wake lock
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let wakeLockRequest = wakeLock.createRequest();
Activate a wake lock
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wakeLockRequest = null;
Deactivate a wake lock
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Behind a flag in Chrome 71
Wake Lock API
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Wake Lock API
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Detect faces, text, and
barcodes / QR codes from
Detection API
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No content
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Behind a flag in Chrome 57
Shape Detection API
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Shape Detection API
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Communicate with nearby
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
Bluetooth API
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Enabled by default in Chrome 56
Web Bluetooth API
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Communicate with
microcontrollers and other
serial devices.
Web Serial API
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Create experiences that
involve files from the local file
File System API
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Simplify use of locally installed
fonts that are only available
on the desktop.
Font Access API
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Provide Web apps with
contact info from the contacts
Picker API
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Be notified when SMS
messages (following a format
convention) are delivered to
the device.
SMS Receiver API
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Show notifications based on
triggers, e.g. time-based,
location-based, etc.
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Project Fugu
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Try them out!
Participate in Origin Trials
Share your thoughts, provide feedback
What can we do?