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Using redis streams to build more resilient services

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@chirimoya [email protected] Hey, I’m Thomas – Co-founder & CEO of Sulu GmbH – More than 15 years of experience in web technologies & development – PHP, Symfony, React, SQL, Elasticsearch, … – Open source enthusiast – Loves cooking and mountains

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Tell, don’t ask. Generate an optimised read model for your service by consuming domain events from a central stream.

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tail -f -n 1 Probably not the most robust implementation for a real-life project.

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“ In computer science, a stream is a sequence of data elements made available over time.

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Redis Streams A new data type introduced with Redis 5.0.0.

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Connect to Redis Assuming you have installed Redis server and client. And keep in mind, we need to use the latest version of Redis 5.0. PHP $redis = new \Redis(); $redis->connect('', '6379'); CLI > redis-cli -h -p 6379

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Add message to stream The stream elements can be one or more key-value pairs. Let's add elements to the stream: PHP $redis->xAdd('mystream', '*', [
 'KEY' => 'VALUE'
 ]); // MESSAGE ID (e.g. 1526919030474-55) $redis->xLen('mystream'); // (integer) 1 CLI > XADD mystream * KEY VALUE # MESSAGE ID (e.g. 1526919030474-55) > XLEN mystream # (integer) 1

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Read message from stream Read message from one or multiple streams, only returning entries with an ID greater than the last received ID reported by the caller. PHP $redis->xRead(['mystream' => 0], 2); // MESSAGES // [
 // 'STREAMNAME' => [
 // 'MESSAGEID' => [
 // 'KEY' => 'VALUE'
 // ],
 // 'MESSAGEID‘ => [
 // 'KEY' => 'VALUE'
 # KEY
 # ]
 # KEY

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Block for data In order to avoid polling at a fixed or adaptive interval, the command is able to block until new entries get pushed into the requested stream. PHP $redis->xRead(['mystream' => '$'], 1, 0); // MESSAGES // [
 // 'STREAMNAME' => [
 // 'MESSAGEID' => [
 // 'KEY' => 'VALUE'
 // ]
 // ],
 # KEY
 # ]
 # ]

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All clients are served with all the entries arriving in a stream. How can I scale my reads?

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Consumer Groups

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Create a Consumer Group Redis stream provides the concept of consumer groups, allowing multiple consumers to process the same stream to implement load balancing. PHP $redis->xGroup(
 ); // 1/0 CLI > XGROUP CREATE mystream mygroup $ # 1/0

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Read data via Consumer Group Redis stream provides the concept of consumer groups, allowing multiple consumers to process the same stream to implement load balancing. PHP $redis->xReadGroup(
 'mygroup', 'myconsumer',
 ['mystream' => 0]
 ); // MESSAGES $redis->xReadGroup(
 'mygroup', 'myconsumer',
 ['mystream' => '>']
 GROUP mygroup mycomsumer
 GROUP mygroup mycomsumer
 STREAMS mystream >

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Data processed confirmation Consumer groups require explicit acknowledgement of the messages successfully processed by the consumer. PHP $redis->xAck(
 ); // 1/0 CLI > XACK mystream mygroup message-id # 1/0

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Failure Processing – Identify the message data that has been delivered but not confirmed – Change the owner of these data and redeliver PHP $redis->xPending('mystream', 'mygroup'); // MESSAGE IDs $redis->xClaim(
 ); CLI > XPENDING mystream mygroup # MESSAGE IDs > XCLAIM mystream mygroup myconsumer 3600 message-id

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Worked pretty good out of the box, but the API is quite low-level. Let's search for a high-level abstraction.

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Symfony Messenger Version 4.2

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Create your own transport?

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The Redis transport was introduced in Symfony 4.3 Open source … FTW!

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# config/packages/messenger.yaml framework: messenger: buses: query_bus: ~ event_bus: ~ message_bus: middleware: - Avodi\Bundle\EventBundle\Common\DomainEvent\DomainEventMiddleware - App\Common\Messenger\SymfonyEventMiddleware - doctrine_transaction routing: 'Avodi\Bundle\EventBundle\Common\DomainEvent\DomainEventMessage': senders: ['domain_events'] transports: domain_events: 'redis://passwor@localhost:6379/mystream/mygroup/myconsumer?auto_setup=true'

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domainEvents[] = $event; } /** * @return DomainEventMessage[] */ public function release(): array { $domainEvents = $this->domainEvents; $this->domainEvents = []; return $domainEvents; } }

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public function cancelTicket(Ticket $ticket): void { $this->workflowRegistry->get($ticket)->apply($ticket, Ticket::TRANSITION_CANCEL); $newTicketId = Uuid::uuid4()->toString(); $this->createTicket($newTicketId, $ticket); $this->domainEventCollector->push( new DomainEventMessage( Ticket::class, 'canceled', $ticket->getId(), [ 'newTicketId' => $newTicketId, ] ) ); }

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getType() || Ticket::class !== $message->getName()) { return; } $ticketIds = [$message->getId()]; $newTicketId = $message->getPayload()['newTicketId'] ?? ''; if ($newTicketId) { $ticketIds[] = $newTicketId; } else { $this->logger->error('Could not find newTicketId in canceled for access system.', [ 'canceledTicketId' => $message->getId(), ]); } $this->syncTickets($ticketIds); } }

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# supervicord.conf [program:consumer] directory=/var/www/html command=bin/console messenger:consume --bus event_bus domain_events --time-limit=3600 autostart=true autorestart=true

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Trim Data from the stream When ~ argument is used, the trimming is performed only when Redis is able to remove a whole macro node. PHP $redis->xTrim('mystream', 1000, true); CLI > XTRIM mystream MAXLEN ~ 1000

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storage = $storage; } public function __invoke(DomainEventMessage $message): void { $this->storage->store($message); } }

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