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AKKEY / AKIO ITAYA How to hide the key 🔑 SwiftѪ޷ձ vol.72

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໊લɿ൘୩ ߊྑɹ/ɹ͖͋ͬʔ झຯɿۭؒσβΠϯ ׆ಈɿ@AkkeyLab 

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໊લɿ൘୩ ߊྑɹ/ɹ͖͋ͬʔ झຯɿۭؒσβΠϯ ׆ಈɿ@AkkeyLab 
 ࣗݾ঺հ AppBrew, Inc. Engineer AkkeyLab, Inc. CEO

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໊લɿ൘୩ ߊྑɹ/ɹ͖͋ͬʔ झຯɿۭؒσβΠϯ ׆ಈɿ@AkkeyLab 
 ࣗݾ঺հ AppBrew, Inc. Engineer AkkeyLab, Inc. CEO

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No content

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No content

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1. KMM ͷ৔߹ 2. Native iOS ͷ৔߹ 3. Xcode Cloud ରԠ Agenda

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KMM Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile

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KMM BuildKon fi g BuildCon fi g for Kotlin Multiplatform Project. It currently supports embedding values from gradle fi le. fi g

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KMM Shell ଆͰ؀ڥม਺ఆٛ

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KMM Shell ଆͰ؀ڥม਺ఆٛ BuildKon fi g ଆͰऔಘ

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KMM Shell ଆͰ؀ڥม਺ఆٛ BuildKon fi g ଆͰऔಘ iOS Ͱར༻ Android Ͱར༻

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KMM Shell

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KMM Shell Kotlin

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KMM build.gradle.kts

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KMM build.gradle.kts

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KMM build.gradle.kts type: name: value:

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KMM build.gradle.kts type: name: value:

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KMM build.gradle.kts type: name: value: type: name: value:

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KMM KMM sample c-search This is an app to search corporate info

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Native iOS

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Native iOS Keychain Access Ͱ key Λอଘ

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Native iOS Keychain Access Ͱ key Λอଘ info.plist ʹॻ͖ࠐΈ

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Native iOS Keychain Access Ͱ key Λอଘ info.plist ʹॻ͖ࠐΈ iOS Ͱར༻

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Native iOS Shell

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Native iOS Shell

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Native iOS Shell

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Native iOS Shell Shell

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info.plist Native iOS

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info.plist Native iOS Build Phases: Shell

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info.plist Native iOS Build Phases: Shell

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info.plist Native iOS Build Phases: Shell

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info.plist Native iOS Build Phases: Shell

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info.plist Native iOS Build Phases: Shell

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info.plist Native iOS Build Phases: Shell Point !

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Native iOS Point !

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Swift info.plist Native iOS

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Swift info.plist Native iOS

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Native iOS ࢀߟจݙ ϋʔυίʔυΛڐ͞Εͳ͍ม਺Λ
 Ͳ͏ͯ͠΋Xcode ϓϩδΣΫτͷ Info.plist ʹࠩ͠ࠐΈ͍ͨ

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Native iOS iOS sample c-search This is an app to search corporate info

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Support Xcode Cloud

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Work fl ow ຖʹ؀ڥม਺Λઃఆ͢Δ͚ͩʂ

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No content

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Native iOS Shell Point !

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1. KMM ͷ৔߹͸ BuildKon fi g 2. Native iOS ͷ৔߹͸ info.plist 3. Xcode Cloud ͸؀ڥม਺ઃఆ Summary

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Thank you !!