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Daron Yöndem Azure Application Development Lead for MEA Microsoft @daronyondem

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Azure Functions Run code when events occur Event-driven scaling No infrastructure management Consumption pricing with free grant

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• Availability zones (Premium Functions Apps) • OpenAPI extension • New Durable Functions backends • Microsoft SQL (DurableTask.SqlServer) • Netherite (Event Hubs and Faster) G A P R E V I E W P R E V I E W

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• Updates to popular extensions • Blobs, Queues, Event Hubs, Event Grid, Service Bus • Supports identity-based connections • New extension: Azure Web PubSub • .NET 6 support in Azure Functions 🎉 G A G A G A

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In-process • Migrate from .NET 5 isolated process • Durable Functions coming to isolated process in 2022 Isolated process • Migrate from .NET Core 3.1 in-process to .NET 6 • Need Durable Functions

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Identity Based Connections Demo

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Azure Web PubSub Extensions Demo

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OpenAPI Extensions Demo

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• Sample code repo • Deck

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Slide 16 text | @daronyondem Download slides here;