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The power of small abstractions. () = ?

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Txus. /t∫us/

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Abstraction. By Smok Bazyli (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons Image taken by Robert Southworth, 2004-9-4.

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“I suspect, nonetheless, that he wasn’t much capable of thinking. To think is to forget differences, to generalise, to abstract.” Jorge Luis Borges

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1 + 1 2 =

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“hello” + “world” “helloworld” =

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[1,2] + [3,4] [1,2,3,4] =

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+ =

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1 + (1 + 1) (1 + 1) + 1 =

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“a” + (“b” + “c”) (“a” + “b”) + “c” =

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[1] + ([2] + [3]) ([1] + [2]) + [3] =

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+ ( + ) = ( + ) +

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1 + 0 1 =

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“hello” + “” “hello” =

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[1,2] + [] [1,2] =

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+ =

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+ ( + )

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(foldl + 0 [1,2,3]) 6 =

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(foldl + “” [“a”,”b”,”c”]) “abc” =

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(foldl + [] [[1],[2],[3]]) [1,2,3] =

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(foldl + [ , , ]) =

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( + )() (()) =

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+ ( + ℎ) ( + ) + ℎ =

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() =

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+ =

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(foldl + [,,ℎ])() = ((ℎ()))

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+ ( + )

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[ Arrays ] ( Lists ) { Sets }

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[ Arrays ] ( Lists ) { Sets } Collection[T]

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0 | n

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(map f collection) Applies f to each element of in collection, if any. Returns a collection with the transformed elements, or an empty one if the original was empty.

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(map inc [1,2,3]) (map inc []) [2,3,4] []

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Some(t) None()

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Some(t) None() Option[T]

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0 | 1

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(map f option) Applies f to the only element in option, if it’s there. Returns an option containing the transformed element or None.

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(map inc (some 1)) (some 2) (map inc (none)) (none)

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eventually x?

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(map f future) Applies f to the element that the future may eventually yield, if it ever does. Returns a future that’ll yield either the transformed element or an error.

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(map inc (future 1)) (future 2) (map inc (future error)) (future error)

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(map f ) Applies f to whatever is inside in the way sees fit. Returns the result in the same kind of .

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(first []) (value (none)) Don’t reach into the box. (await (future (sleep)) nil? error? nil? error? blocks thread!

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Let the decide.

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Let the decide. Functors.

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[+] [1, 2, 3] [2, 3, 4] [1, 1, 1]

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(some +) (some 1) (some 2) (some 1)

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(fapply …) Applies whatever function is inside taking each _ as arguments, assuming they are all the same kind of box, in the way the boxes see fit. f f

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(fapply Applies whatever function is inside _ as arguments, assuming they are all the same kind of box, in the way the boxes see fit. f f Applicative functors.

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Box[T] (T -> Box[U])

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Collection[String] (String -> Collection[String])

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“,foo.baz,foo.quux” (split “,”) [“”,”foo.baz”,”foo.quux”] (map #(split “.” %)) [[“foo”, “bar”], [”foo”, “baz”], [”foo”, “quux”]]

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(flatmap f collection) Applies f to every element in collection, and then concatenates the results (presumably a nested collection) into a single flattened collection.

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“,foo.baz,foo.quux” (split “,”) [“”,”foo.baz”,”foo.quux”] (flatmap #(split “.”)) [“foo”, “bar”, ”foo”, “baz”, ”foo”, “quux”]

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Option[Address] (Address -> Option[StreetNumber])

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user (address) (some #
) (map street-number) (some (some #))

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(flatmap f optional) Applies f to the element in optional if it’s there, then flattens the result (presumably a nested optional) a single flattened optional.

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user (address) (some #
) (flatmap street-number) (some #)

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Future[Repo] (Repo -> Future[Followers])

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github-user (first-repo) (future repo1) (map followers) (future (future [follower1, follower2, …]))

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(flatmap f future) Applies f to the element eventually yielded by future, then flattens the result (presumably a nested future) a single flattened future.

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github-user (first-repo) (future repo1) (flatmap followers) (future [follower1, follower2, …])

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Box[T] (T -> Box[U]) (U -> Box[V]) (V -> Box[X]) …

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Applies f to whatever is inside in the way sees fit, then flattens the result (presumably a nested ) into a single flat of the same kind. (flatmap f )

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Box[T] (T -> Box[U]) (U -> Box[V]) (V -> Box[X]) … Monads.

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+ ( + ) foldl

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fapply f …

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(and shout out to Jessica Kerr! @jessitron) Thank you. txustice txus Questions?