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Real WORLD RUBY PERFORMANCE Aaron Quint / @aq / Ruby Conf 2014

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@tmm1 @SamSaffron @_ko1 SHOUTOUT

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We’ll come back to who I am later. It’s [relatively] unimportant. SKIPPING THE INTRO

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I’ve learned so much over the past 5 years, what could I share? This TALK was HARD TO WRITE

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It’s a ⌘+C ⌘+P culture. TIPS And tricks are the CLIFF NOTES of tech learning

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How to THINK about a problem is much more interesting than how to solve it. As a mentor I want to teach philosophy not snippets

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The tools and tricks will change over time. Today, Take away the process

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A multi-step process. Ruby Performance as therapy

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It’s a multi-step process Relax, Open up We’re going to go deep

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Step 1: Acceptance

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It’s your Fault.

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It’s not you, It’s me.

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It’s not you, It’s me.

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— George Costanza (Inventor of “It’s not you, it’s me”) It’s not you, It’s me.

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Performance is about context

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Doesn’t scale for what? To what degree? With what hardware? … “X Doesn’t SCALE” IS BS

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So when we talk about our ruby being slow

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Rails 10ms

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Rails Your application 10ms

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Rails Your application DB 10ms

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Rails Your application DB 10ms 20ms

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Rails Your application DB Cache 10ms 20ms

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Rails Your application DB Cache 10ms 20ms 10ms

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Rails Your application DB Cache 10ms 20ms 10ms 250ms

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Step 2: Diagnosis

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Where did I go wrong?

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METRICS! Measurement! MMMNUMBERS! Milliseconds MATTER!

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Use the right one for the job. Tools abound!

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Step 3: Treatment

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what are the steps to fix this problem?

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How many strokes for the lowest #? Playing golf.

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Two angles of optimization

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Proxies/Balancers Application Datastores Filesystem/OS/Hardware Individual Request Path (Controller#action)

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aka, speeding up a single query, controller action, or code path Vertical: Fix individual Elements

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aka, Adding more workers per-node, buying better hardware Horizontal: Address hardware or software across a cluster

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Important Themes:

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Context is crucial to acceptance

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Visibility and Introspect- ability are crucial to diagnosis

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Knowing your tools is crucial to treatment

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I’m Aaron Quint. I’m the chief Scientist at Paperless Post.

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Opposing forces. Features vs. speed

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We realized that being fast meant being stable

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CASE STUDIES in performance therapy

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package:7290:11234342343424 partner:8:11234342343424 partner:8:11234342343424

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package:7290:11234342343424 partner:8:11234342343424 partner:8:11234342343424 package:7292:1123434234234

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package:7290:11234342343424 partner:8:11234342343424 partner:8:11234342343424 package:7292:1123434234234

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Uncached performance is still a problem

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ppprofiler to the rescue

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ppprofiler • Auto-cache toggling • Benchmark • Rblineprof • As::Notification Counts (SQL/Cache, etc) • MemoryProfiler (NEW!) • Gist-able (markdown) output

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Rinse and Repeat Make the slowest lines faster

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Before Vday we were looking for any wins

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IN BETWEEN THE LINES! stackprof + stackprof-remote

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Ruby Process (Unicorn)

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Ruby Process (Unicorn)

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Ruby Process (Unicorn)

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Ruby Process (Unicorn) AC::Dispatch

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Ruby Process (Unicorn) AC::Dispatch MyController::Create

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Ruby Process (Unicorn) AC::Dispatch MyController::Create Template::Render

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Ruby Process (Unicorn) AC::Dispatch MyController::Create Template::Render Ar::Find

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Ruby Process (Unicorn)

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Ruby Process (Unicorn) StackProf.start rb_profile_frames() rb_profile_frames() rb_profile_frames() rb_profile_frames() StackProf.stop StackProf.dump

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! [paperless@production-webapp10 current]$ stackprof tmp/stackprof-cpu-30715-1391204970.dump ================================== Mode: cpu(1000) Samples: 1761 (3.61% miss rate) GC: 128 (7.27%) ================================== TOTAL (pct) SAMPLES (pct) FRAME 344 (19.5%) 342 (19.4%) Statsd#send_to_socket 393 (22.3%) 44 (2.5%) Statsd#sampled 44 (2.5%) 44 (2.5%) block in ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQLPoolAdapter#execute 56 (3.2%) 29 (1.6%) block in ActiveSupport::Notifications::Fanout#listeners_for 29 (1.6%) 29 (1.6%) ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQLAdapter#extract_pg_identifier_from_name 26 (1.5%) 26 (1.5%) ActiveSupport::Notifications::Fanout::Subscribers::Evented#subscribed_to? 25 (1.4%) 25 (1.4%) String#blank? 25 (1.4%) 25 (1.4%) block (2 levels) in ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQLAdapter#select 24 (1.4%) 24 (1.4%) ActiveRecord::Base.scoped_methods 22 (1.2%) 22 (1.2%) Dalli::Server::KSocket#kgio_wait_readable 21 (1.2%) 21 (1.2%) ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions::Hash::Keys#assert_valid_keys 42 (2.4%) 20 (1.1%) block in Dalli::Server::KSocket#readfull 28 (1.6%) 19 (1.1%) ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::ConnectionHandler#retrieve_connection_pool 18 (1.0%) 18 (1.0%) #.instrumenter 17 (1.0%) 16 (0.9%) Dalli::Server#deserialize 15 (0.9%) 15 (0.9%) block (2 levels) in ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQLAdapter#select_raw 14 (0.8%) 14 (0.8%) #.decode_www_form_component 13 (0.7%) 13 (0.7%) Dalli::Server#write 15 (0.9%) 11 (0.6%) ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions::Time::Calculations#minus_with_coercion 10 (0.6%) 10 (0.6%) block in ActiveRecord::Base.with_scope 10 (0.6%) 10 (0.6%) block in ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::QueryCache#cache_sql 21 (1.2%) 10 (0.6%) Yajl::Encoder.encode 10 (0.6%) 10 (0.6%) Set#add 10 (0.6%) 10 (0.6%) block (2 levels) in ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQLAdapter#result_as_array 10 (0.6%) 10 (0.6%) ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions::Time::Calculations::ClassMethods#time_with_datetime_fallback 9 (0.5%) 9 (0.5%) ActiveRecord::DynamicFinderMatch#initialize 9 (0.5%) 9 (0.5%) ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber.logger 9 (0.5%) 9 (0.5%) block in ActionController::Base.action_methods 9 (0.5%) 9 (0.5%) block in ActionController::Base.action_methods 9 (0.5%) 9 (0.5%) block (2 levels) in ActiveRecord::Base.connection_handler=

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Hmm, why is statsd slow?

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Pull out good old benchmark

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$ ruby test/profile/statsd.rb user system total real udp with connect 0.010000 0.000000 0.010000 ( 0.074522) udp without connect 0.120000 0.530000 0.650000 ( 13.096515) statsd with connect 0.000000 0.090000 0.090000 ( 0.103520) statsd without connect 0.100000 0.620000 0.720000 ( 13.483539)

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Some times you can throw money at the problem

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Start at the top, work your way down. Starting with a HITLIST

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Number of Requests x 90th Percentile Response Time Total Time

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Using Stackprof flamegraphs on production.

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Using Stackprof flamegraphs on production. SET IT ON FIRE!

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Big wins are not the point

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If you’re not failing you’re not being honest

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Don’t just make tools, learn to use them

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twitter: @aq Thanks!