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@robb1e Robbie Clutton Prototyping & agile development

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@robb1e Please propose a system to satisfy the attached requirements specification. Specify date of delivery and total cost.

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@robb1e Four variables in project management: time, cost, quality and scope

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@robb1e You say... Lets fix scope, cost and time taking a hit in quality

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@robb1e You say... Let’s fix scope, quality and time at any cost.

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@robb1e We’re working every weekend until this project is finished.

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@robb1e You say... Lets fix scope and quality with variable costs and time.

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@robb1e You say... Lets fix quality, time and cost then have optional scope.

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@robb1e • Customers can change their minds • Suppliers aren’t encouraged to sacrifice quality as soon as something goes wrong • Customers’ and suppliers’ interests are contractually aligned • The knowledge that both parties gain during the project can influence the finished product. Optional Scope Contracts

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@robb1e Heraclitus, ~500BC Change is the only constant

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@robb1e History lesson

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@robb1e Richard Feynman We are never right, we can only be sure we’re wrong.

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@robb1e Getting Real by 37 Signals Build half a product, not a half-ass product.

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@robb1e • Request for tender announced • Cheapest bid usually wins • Pay company several $m for licenses • Then another few $m for configuration • By the time it’s up and running, it’s out of date Vendor driven development

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@robb1e The Guardian, January 2006 MPs urge inquiry into delay of £6.2bn ($10bn) NHS software

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@robb1e Some marketing genius No one ever got fired for hiring IBM

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@robb1e • Software replaces paper-based system • Aims to improve dispatch time • Keep track of where ambulance (units) are so closest can be sent to location • Big bang release 1992 London Ambulance Dispatch disaster

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@robb1e • Multiple units sent to the same address • No units sent to other addresses • Calls got lost • System became congested 1992 London Ambulance Dispatch disaster

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@robb1e Indepentent (newspaper), October 1992 Ambulance chief quits after patients die in computer failure.

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@robb1e Toyota production system (1948)

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@robb1e • Originally called “Just in time production” • Goals are all about eliminating waste • Principles are about continuous improvement, people and process Toyota Production System

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‘Lean Enterprise’ 2003

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@robb1e Extreme Programming (1999)

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@robb1e • Coding • Testing • Listening • Designing Activities

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@robb1e • Communication • Simplicity • Courage • Feedback • Respect Values

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@robb1e Agile manifesto (2001)

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@robb1e Agile manifesto Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Working software over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.

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@robb1e • Story writing • Iteration planning • Daily stand-ups • Customer acceptance • Retrospectives Agile process Agile processes enable customer collaboration and empower the individual

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@robb1e Kellan Elliot McCrea, 2012 Change is what you should be optimizing for. You never know what's coming next.

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@robb1e • Test driven development • Pair programming • Continuous integration • Automating everything • Continuous refactoring Agile engineering Agile engineering practices promote working software early and enables easier change

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process practices #win

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@robb1e Lean software development (2003)

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@robb1e • Eliminate waste • Amplify learning • Decide as late as possible • Deliver as fast as possible • Empower the team • Build integrity in • See the whole Lean software development

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@robb1e Mary and Tom Poppendieck Think big, act small, fail fast, learn rapidly

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@robb1e Lean startup (2008-2011)

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@robb1e • Minimum viable product • Continuous deployment • Split testing • Actionable metrics • Pivot Lean startup

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@robb1e Eric Ries The goal of a lean startup is to move through the build-measure- learn feedback loop as quickly as possible

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@robb1e • Acquisition • Activation • Retention • Referral • Revenue Startup Metrics for pirates

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@robb1e Prototyping

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@robb1e You say... Can you build a high fidelity prototype for a software application?

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@robb1e • • • blueprint • • • Prototyping tools • finto • ratchet • invision • hotgloo • middleman • Keynote • Powerpoint

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@robb1e Design Studio

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@robb1e • Sketch 8 ideas in 5 minutes • Pitch ideas to team • Team critique the ideas • Repeat Design Studio

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@robb1e Google Ventures

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@robb1e • Day 1: Understand • Day 2: Diverge • Day 3: Decide • Day 4: Prototype • Day 5: Validate Rapid Prototyping Process

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@robb1e • Cross skilled team • Present the business / concept • Competition analysis • Success metrics • Existing research / analytics • Team interviews Understand

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@robb1e • Design studio Diverge

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@robb1e • Conflict resolution • Best shot or battle royale? • Create tests for assumptions • Whiteboard the user story Converge

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@robb1e • Keynote with Keynotopia • Review • Iterate Prototype

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@robb1e • Invite users to come in • Test against assumptions and conflicts • Be nice to the tester • Take lots of notes • Create a scorecard Validate

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@robb1e • Dodgeball => Foursquare • MySpace => Facebook • Rocket Internet Ideas/others can be prototypes too

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@robb1e Beyond prototyping

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@robb1e • Features that have hypotheses • Hypotheses that can be easily validated • Code that is always production ready • Code that is easy to change Goals

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@robb1e Most developers Prototypes tend to find a way into production

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@robb1e Kent Beck Make it work, make it right, make it fast

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@robb1e Joel Spolsky, 2001 If it’s a core business function - do it yourself, no matter what.

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@robb1e Ron Jefferies, ~2005 Always implement things when you actually need them, never when you just foresee that you need them

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@robb1e Francis Hwang, 2012 The biggest expense for a startup is your time. Not your laptop, not your hosting bill, not your office, but the hours in your day.

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@robb1e Paul Hammond, 2012 Hosted services are usually cheaper and better than anything you will build. Use them.

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@robb1e Mary and Tom Poppendieck Think big, act small, fail fast, learn rapidly

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@robb1e Q/A