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A Plug for Plugins PyGotham 2017 Mahmoud Hashemi

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Plugins Add-ons, components, modules, themes, widgets, extensions

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Plugins Pieces of software, Loaded by a core program, To add behaviors. (a haiku)

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Brand issues with plugins Functional, but not very dignified.

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Brand issues with plugins Tired, possibly a code smell?

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Brand issues with plugins Or maybe why WordPress breaks so much? Tired, possibly a code smell?

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Brand issues with plugins Eclipsed by some very bad experiences.

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Plugins everywhere! □ Browser extensions □ Kernel modules □ Shells (.bashrc & .bash_profile) □ Good editors (from Sublime to emacs) □ So many more! When plugins work, you might not even notice.

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Plugins! Up next: □ Why plugins exist □ Reasons to use plugins □ Using plugins in Python applications

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Stages of development skills □ Sticking values together >>> 2 + 2 □ Sticking lines together □ Sticking functions together □ Sticking modules together □ Sticking behaviors together (Unsticking those modules & functions)

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When to use plugin architecture □ Reduced core size □ Work around licensing issues □ Community development ■ Establish an API for code integration ■ Especially for applications

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Case study: conda cli Simple plugins, used internally

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conda The Python-first, cross-platform package manager. (Imagine if pip and virtualenv had more-powerful fusion form)

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conda internals Inside of

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conda install plugin cli/

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conda core cli/

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Pros and cons of conda’s plugins □ Pros ■ Simple ■ Dynamic loading of hooks ■ Only requires standard library □ Cons ■ Not systemized (copyable but not general) ■ Not user-facing

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Case study: pluginbase Popular reusable plugin system

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pluginbase From the makers of Flask and Click, 3-step plugins:

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Pros and cons of pluginbase □ Pros ■ Generalized ■ User-facing □ Cons ■ No distribution story ■ Path wrangling ■ Attempts to: ➢ “Localize” modules ➢ Enable simultaneous loading of multiple versions of plugins

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Let’s talk about modules □ Python’s built-in plugin system □ Simple, but also not so much ■ PEP 302 Finders and Loaders □ Global by design ■ sys.modules

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Case study: gather Shiny new entrypoints-based system

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First: Entry Points One of many setuptools features: “Entry points are a simple way for distributions to ‘advertise’ Python functions for use by other packages.” For instance: import pkg_resources for entry_point in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points('label'): registry[] = entry_point.load()

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gather First, we need an application.

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gather Now we need to build a plugin. (We celebrate usefulness.)

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gather And now the gather entry point special sauce:

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gather And once we pip install everything, it’s time to celebrate:

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Pros and cons of gather □ Pros ■ Uses standard setuptools ■ Developer-facing ■ Distribution through pip ■ Plugins remain independently usable/testable □ Cons ■ Only user-facing if your users are developers

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Other systems and use cases □ stevedore □ twisted.plugin □ Mercurial extensions □ pytest plugins (pluggy) □ venusian □ straight.plugin □ pylint plugins □ flake8 plugins □ zope.component □ Django ■ Apps ■ Middlewares ■ Command extensions □ SQLAlchemy dialects/DBAPIs □ Sphinx extensions □ Buildout extensions □ Pike □ Dectate and Reg

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Wrapping up We learned that plugins are: □ Redistributable components for composing behavior □ The architecture for scaling development ■ Internal / External ■ Open / Closed-source □ Not all plugin implementations are the same. □ Still plenty of room for innovation!

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Questions? @mhashemi ?