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Improving your Sublime Text 3 workflow

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Who is Bruno Genaro? •Front-End Developer at Concepta •Personal projects under the name WebSolutionsFL •I work with HTML/CSS/JavaScript for around 6 years •I work with Wordpress/PHP for around 3 years •I've been using Sublime Text for 3 years.

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What is this talk about? •What is Sublime Text? Why should I use? •How to use Command Palette •Working with Multiple Carets and Selection •How to work with Projects •"Must have" Packages •Shortcuts •How to install a Theme.

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What is Sublime Text? Why should I use? •Sophisticated text editor for code and markup written in Python by Jon Skinner (ex-software engineer at Google) in 2007 •Extend functionality with packages •Packages are mostly free •Community-built and maintained •Entirely configured by editing text files (JSON) •Cross platform (Windows, OS X, Linux).

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Tell me more about it…

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References: •Wikipedia: •Survey Frontify: •Book "Sublime Text Power User": •Sublime Text 2 Oficial Documentation: •Sublime Text Unofficial Documentation: http://sublime-text-unofficial- •Perfect Workflow in Sublime Text 2 (Tuts+): workflow-in-sublime-text-2 Learn more about Sublime: •Screencast "Sublime Text 3" (Code School): sublime-text-3 •Newsletter: •Twitter: @SublimeTxtTips

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Thank You! Twitter: @websolutionsfl