Because every QA
should know API
Frederico Moreira / Ramilo Neves
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Brazil (Minas Gerais)
● Café, testes e pão de queijo
● MTC - Minas Testing Conference
Agile Testers
● Fórum
● Agile Testers Conference
● if(cachaça || bagaço)
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Brazil (Petrópolis - Rio de Janeiro)
● Tester Automation Engineer
● In love with football
–Flamengo (Brazil)
–Porto (Portugal)
● Living two years in Porto
● Second time speaking at PTM
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● Who is here doing an
API test today?
● Who has tested the API?
● Who automates API
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What is an API?
“An API is created when a software
company intends that other software
developers develop products associated
with its service.”
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● Google
○ Google Maps
○ Google Flights
● Accommodation
○ Trivago
○ Airbnb
● Payment providers
○ Paypal
○ Klarna
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Testing data
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Service Level Tests
Subcutaneous Test -
Martin Fowler
Fills gap between
unit and UI tests
They occur in
parallel to the
Focus on
functionality rather
than behavior /
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Anti Patterns
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Anti Patterns
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The most common to find in
the market are new designs
using Rest, over HTTP
But you can use Rest with
other protocols like TCP,
UDP and gRPC
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No content
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No content
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What we validate in a
api test?
➔ http status code
200, 201, 400, 401, 500 ...
➔ body content
Json, Plain text, XML ...
➔ http headers