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Cortex: Horizontally Scalable, Highly Available Prometheus Tom Wilkie, Nov 2018 @tom_wilkie

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Prometheus • A monitoring & alerting system. • Inspired by Google’s BorgMon • Originally built by SoundCloud in 2012 • Open Source, now part of the CNCF • Simple text-based metrics format • Multidimensional datamodel • Rich, concise query language

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Cortex • Horizontally scalable Prometheus • Distributed, fault tolerant architecture • Long term storage • Multitenant

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16/06/2016 First design doc 25/08/2016 PromCon 2016 talk 25/10/2016 Renamed to Cortex 23/01/2017 Support for Recording Rules & Alerts 13/07/2017 BigTable support added 18/08/2017 PromCon 2017 talk 08/02/2018 Cassandra support added 20/09/2018 Join CNCF Sandbox

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>2 million samples/s >100 million timeseries Adopters Users

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Community • Commits from 37 contributors, spanning ~6 companies. • Apache 2 license. • Community mailing list + ~fortnightly call since Feb 2018. • Establishing governance based on CNI.

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Horizontally Scalable Highly Available Long Term Storage Multitenant

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Horizontally Scalable

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Prometheus Scaling Your Jobs Your Jobs Your Jobs Your Jobs Your Apps Your Jobs Your Jobs Your Jobs Your Jobs Your Apps Scale Up Your Jobs Your Jobs Your Jobs Your Jobs Your Apps Your Jobs Your Jobs Your Jobs Your Jobs Your Infra Manually Shard

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 Distributor Cortex
 Ingester Cortex
 Ingester Cortex
 Ingester Cortex
 Ingester s Cortex Scaling: Distributed Hash Table hash(s) 0 16 32 48

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us-central1 eu-west2 Your Jobs Your Jobs Your Jobs Your Jobs Your Apps Your Jobs Your Jobs Your Jobs Your Jobs Your Apps Global View Can configure multiple datasource in Grafana… …but then only see data for one Prometheus at a time.

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us-central1 eu-west2 Your Jobs Your Jobs Your Jobs Your Jobs Your Apps Your Jobs Your Jobs Your Jobs Your Jobs Your Apps Global View II “global” Prometheus Can configure a “global” Prometheus to federate samples from “local” Prometheus…. …but in practice only propagate aggregates, have to preconfigure rules, hard to scale etc.

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us-central1 eu-west2 Your Jobs Your Jobs Your Jobs Your Jobs Your Apps Your Jobs Your Jobs Your Jobs Your Jobs Your Apps Global View III “global” Cortex Or can push all data to a central Cortex cluster. Cortex horizontal scalability allows it to scale to handle all the raw samples.

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Highly Available

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Prometheus HA Your Jobs Your Jobs Your Jobs Your Jobs Your Apps Alertmanager Alertmanager

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Cortex HA: Dynamo-style replication Cortex
 Ingester Cortex
 Ingester Cortex
 Ingester Cortex
 Distributor s Distributor replicates samples on ingest. Waits for N/2 ACKs from ingesters to ensure consistency. Cortex
 Querier s Querier de-dupes samples on read - again, only waiting for N/2 responses.

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Long Term Storage

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durability /dʒɔːrəˈbɪlɪti/ noun 1. the ability to withstand wear, pressure, or damage. “the reliability and durability of plastics"

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Durability is hard… AWS DynamoDB Google Cloud Bigtable Apache Cassandra …let someone else deal with it.

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• Why not just write the samples straight to the NOSQL DB? • By building & flushing chunks, Cortex acts as a “write deamplifier”, massively reducing cost. • The NOSQL DBs also don’t necessarily support the right indexes for executing PromQL queries. Cortex adds these. s 30k samples/s 450k series ~10 IOPs

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Pod-per-tenant s Auth / Frontend … Automated Provisioning ` Multitenant s Auth / Frontend Natively multi tenant services handle different users within the same process

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Pod-per-tenant Multitenant Pros • No application modifications necessary. • Effectively zero change of “leakage” between tenants. Cons • Cattle-not-pets • Provisioning automation hides a lot of complexity… Pros • Per-tenant marginal costs can be close to zero • Can take advantage of statistical multiplexing. • Reduced provisioning complexity can be traded for more “interesting” architecture. Cons • Takes work…

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Horizontally Scalable Highly Available Long Term Storage Multitenant

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• PromCon 2016 talk • KubeCon 2016 talk • PromCon 2017 talk
 • Original design doc • CNCF TOC Presentation • Amazon’s Dynamo Paper More Reading

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Get Involved! #cortex on @tom_wilkie,

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+ Grafana Cloud is a hosted and fully managed SaaS metrics platform that helps Ops and Dev teams using Grafana to understand the behavior of their applications and infrastructure Grafana Cloud allows users to provision and manage the best open source observability tools - Grafana and Prometheus - all through a simple UI and single API. What is Grafana Cloud? Store, visualize and alert without the headache of scaling or managing your own monitoring stack. Your complete, fully managed, hosted metrics platform. Grafana Cloud: