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Continuous Deployment Chris Keathley / @ChrisKeathley / [email protected]

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I work with a distributed team

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I work with a distributed team

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Warehouse API

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Warehouse API Apps

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The problem

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Slow Iteration Cycle Deployment Deployment 2 weeks

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Slow Iteration Cycle Deployment Deployment Deployment 2 weeks 2 weeks

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Slow Iteration Cycle Deployment Deployment Deployment 3 weeks

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Slow Iteration Cycle Deployment Deployment Deployment Hopefully someday

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Large PRs

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Unsure about state of the application

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Unsure about state of the application

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Unsure about state of the application

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Unsure about state of the application

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Unsure about state of the application

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Rollbacks are a scam

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Data Migration

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Data Migration ?

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Don’t do this

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always Move forward

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always Move forward

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always Move forward

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The goal should never be to roll back a deployment

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The goal is to minimize the damage done by any given deployment

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There are bugs in your system

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We needed to deploy more often

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So we did

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Automated Deployment

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What do you deploy?

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Commit Sha

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Git Tags

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Your App

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Your App Server

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No content

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Master Branch How we merge our code PR

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CI Github Registry Container Slack PR Notification

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CI Kubernetes Deploy Auto-deploy Green builds of master

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CI Kubernetes Deploy Auto-deploy Green builds of master Service A Service B

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CI Kubernetes Deploy Auto-deploy Green builds of master Service B

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CI Kubernetes Deploy Auto-deploy Green builds of master Service B Service A

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CI Kubernetes Deploy Auto-deploy Green builds of master Service A

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CI Kubernetes Deploy Auto-deploy Green builds of master Service A Service B

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Tests Metrics &

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Integration Tests + Property Tests

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Integration Tests TEst App DB Service

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Modeling Users as FSMs logged_out logged_in login logout vote

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Property Tests Add Todo Edit Todo Delete Todo

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Property Tests Add Todo Edit Todo Delete Todo

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Property Tests Add Todo Edit Todo Delete Todo

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Property Tests Add Todo Edit Todo Delete Todo

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Generate Commands

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Generated Commands [{:add_todo, “Test Todo”, 1}, {:edit_todo, "Edited", 2}, {:delete_todo, "", 1}, {:add_todo, “New Todo", 3}, {:delete_todo, "", 2} {:edit_todo, “Edited Todo”, 2}]

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Generate Commands

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Generate Commands

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Generate Commands

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Generate Commands

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Generate Commands

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Generated Commands [{:add_todo, “Test Todo”, 1}, {:edit_todo, "Edited", 2}, {:delete_todo, "", 1}, {:add_todo, “New Todo", 3}, {:delete_todo, "", 2} {:edit_todo, “Edited Todo”, 2}]

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Generated Commands [{:add_todo, “Test Todo”, 1}, {:delete_todo, "", 2}] [{:add_todo, “Test Todo”, 1}, {:edit_todo, "Edited", 2}, {:delete_todo, "", 1}, {:add_todo, “New Todo", 3}, {:delete_todo, "", 2} {:edit_todo, “Edited Todo”, 2}]

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Prometheus Service A Grafana Service B Service C

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Prometheus Service A Grafana Service B Service C Slack

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# Alert for any instance that have a 95th percentile > 200ms. ALERT APIHighRequestLatency IF api_http_request_latencies_second{quantile="0.95"} > 0.2 FOR 5m ANNOTATIONS { summary = "High request latency on {{ $labels.instance }}", description = "{{ $labels.instance }} has a median request latency above 1s (current value: {{ $value }}s)", }

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Track “Business” Metrics

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Feature releases and flags

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Features aren’t all or nothing

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Features != Deployments

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Deployment Features

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Deployment Features

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User staff?(user) == true

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User staff?(user) == false

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User staff?(user) == false

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defmodule MyApp.FeatureFlags do alias MyApp.User def foo_enabled?(%User{staff: is_staff}), do: is_staff def foo_enabled?(_), do: false def bar_enabled?(%User{staff: is_staff}), do: is_staff def bar_enabled?(_), do: false end

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Browser Feature Service

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Feature Service Feature Service Feature Service

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Feature Service Feature Service Feature Service

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Feature Service Feature Service Feature Service

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You have updates ready! Reset

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With larger Traffic numbers you could use percentages

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“Transmute lead code into gold in production”

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Prior Art:

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Users_Controller DB User.all

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DB User.all UserService.all

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User.all UserService.all ==

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def index(conn) do users = old_query() render(conn, "index.json", users: users) end

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def index(conn) do users = experiment("users-query") |> control(&old_query/0) |> candidate(&new_query/0) |> run render(conn, "index.json", users: users) end

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def index(conn) do users = experiment("users-query") |> control(&old_query/0) |> candidate(&new_query/0) |> candidate(&fancy_query/0) |> run render(conn, "index.json", users: users) end

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1) Shuffles test order 2) Runs Each test in parallel 3) exports the data Alchemy

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DB User.all UserService.all Control Candidate Control UserController

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1) Do the results match? 2) How long does each test take to return? Measure

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No more cutovers

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DB User.all UserService.all

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DB User.all UserService.all User service

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DB Schema App Application Coupling

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Your application knows about your schema

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Lets remove a column

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Lets remove a column 1) all application code needs to stop using that column

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Lets remove a column 1) all application code needs to stop using that column 2) Update all ETL processes

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Lets remove a column 1) all application code needs to stop using that column 2) Update all ETL processes 3) Update Reporting

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Lets remove a column 1) all application code needs to stop using that column 2) Update all ETL processes 3) Update Reporting 4) Remove the column

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Lets remove a column 1) all application code needs to stop using that column 2) Update all ETL processes 3) Update Reporting 4) Remove the column Split all of these up

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Lets Add a column

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Lets Add a column 1) Add the column

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Lets Add a column 1) Add the column 2) Eventually start using it

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Prefer Additive Migrations

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CI Kubernetes Deploy Auto-deploy Green builds of master

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CI Kubernetes Deploy Auto-deploy Green builds of master Migration

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CI Kubernetes Deploy Auto-deploy Green builds of master Migration DB

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Chat is…

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Chat is… Centralized

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Chat is… Centralized Transparent

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Chat is… Centralized Transparent Open

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Try to do operational tasks in chat

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defmodule Hedwig.Responders.Ping do use Hedwig.Responder @usage """ hedwig: ping - Responds with 'pong' """ respond ~r/ping$/i, msg do reply msg, "pong" end end

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No content

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Generate grafana graphs

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No content

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No content

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Team Building

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These are tools at our disposal

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Deploy more often, safely

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Thanks Chris Keathley / @ChrisKeathley / [email protected]