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Fabien Potencier @fabpot

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What is Symfony 4? = Symfony 3.4 LTS - deprecated features - long term support - PHP 5 support + new dev workflow via Flex

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Flex Composition over Inheritance

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Flex in 1 sentence Flex helps developers manage the life-cycle of project dependencies by automating boring tasks, For projects of any size, from micro to monolith, For any kind of applications, API or Web.

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Flex in 10 seconds Projects do not depend on symfony/symfony No third-party dependencies/bundles Add dependencies when you need them Nothing to remove, the bare minimum

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Flex behind the scenes Composer plugin Uses “recipes” to install/uninstall any Composer package (enables bundles, auto-configures packages, …)

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Flex in action…

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$ composer create-project symfony/skeleton demo # Before Symfony 4 stable $ composer create-project -s beta symfony/ skeleton demo

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symfony/skeleton "require": { "php": "^7.0.8", "symfony/console": "^4.0", "symfony/flex": "^1.0", "symfony/framework-bundle": "^4.0", "symfony/lts": "^4@dev", "symfony/yaml": "^4.0" }, "require-dev": { "symfony/dotenv": "^4.0" },

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symfony/lts Enforces Long Term Supported versions of the Symfony Components

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$ composer create-project symfony/skeleton demo Demo

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$ composer create-project symfony/skeleton demo Demo

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$ composer create-project symfony/skeleton demo Demo

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$ composer create-project symfony/skeleton demo Demo

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$ tree -I vendor $ find . -type f | wc -l Symfony 4 is lightweight Only 13 files vs 31 SE 2503 total vs 8867 SE -70%

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New directory structure • Less depth, easier to navigate • Non-PHP files in their own directories (assets/, templates/) • Decoupled from Symfony (assets/, src/, templates/, public/)

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Recipes repositories Curated recipes by Symfony core team Open to all contributions 150+ recipes

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Symfony Bot Validates contributions

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Symfony Bot Let’s you test a recipe before merging

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Symfony Bot Auto-merge pull requests

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$ composer show | wc -l Demo Only 21 deps vs 38 + 50 = 88 SE

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Symfony Standard Edition Monolog Bundle SwiftMailer Bundle Polyfill Util Polyfill PHP 7.0 Polyfill PHP 5.6 Polyfill Mbstring Polyfill Intl ICU Polyfill APCu PHPUnit Bridge Debug Bundle Framework Bundle Security Bundle Twig Bundle WebProfiler Bundle WebServer Bundle Doctrine Bridge Monolog Bridge Twig Bridge Monolog Doctrine (11) SecurityChecker Generator Bundle ParamHandler FrameworkExtra Bundle Distribution Bundle Asset BrowserKit Cache ClassLoader Config Console CssSelector Debug DependencyInjection DomCrawler Dotenv EventDispatcher ExpressionLanguage Filesystem Finder Form HttpFoundation HttpKernel Inflector Intl Ldap OptionsResolver Process PropertyAccess PropertyInfo Routing Security Serializer Stopwatch Templating Translation Validator VarDumper WebLink Workflow Yaml 4 bridges 15 librairies 11 bundles 42 components SwiftMailer

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Symfony Flex / Symfony 4.0 Polyfill Mbstring Framework Bundle Cache Config Debug DependencyInjection Dotenv EventDispatcher Filesystem Finder HttpFoundation HttpKernel Routing Yaml 0 bridges 1 library 1 bundle 13 components Flex

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$ ./bin/console Demo 13 commands vs 57 SE

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$ git init $ git add . $ git commit -m"init" Demo

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$ composer req maker:dev-master Demo

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Aliases • Shortcuts for common packages (log, behat, phpunit, …) • Optimized for Symfony Components (no need to use the symfony/ prefix, just workflow, dom-crawler, …) • Opinionated choices (admin, api, orm, mailer, …)

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Packs • Bundle several dependencies into a consistent set (debug, profiler, api, …) $ composer req debug

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Discover Aliases and Packs

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Flex private repositories

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$ composer config Register Flex private repositories

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$ composer req maker:dev-master $ git diff config/bundles.php Symfony Maker Bundle

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$ ./bin/console list make Symfony Maker Bundle

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$ ./bin/console make:controller Symfony Maker Bundle

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$ composer req annot Symfony Maker Bundle

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$ ./bin/console make:controller DefaultController Symfony Maker Bundle

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$ vim config/routes.yaml Symfony Maker Bundle

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$ vim src/Controller/DefaultController.php Symfony Maker Bundle src/ is bundle-less

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Application code is no longer divided into bundles.

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Symfony 4 helps you
 grow your app
 with ease

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$ composer req twig Adding Twig

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Never define
 your service again*

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Adding a Twig Extension Where do I store the Twig extension class? Which file do I need to change to register it? Which tag do I need to use? How do I declare a tag in YAML? Which interface/class do I need to implement/ extend? It’s too complex. What about doing it the dirty way and do it in the controller instead? hmm, ok

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$ ./bin/console make:twig-extension Adding a Twig Extension Add your logic in the generated class… DONE!

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Full Automation works for… • Twig extensions • Event listeners • Doctrine repositories • Commands • Voters • …

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Beyond “Hello World” • Defining some models via Doctrine • Adding an API for my model • Managing data with an admin

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$ composer req orm admin api Full stack really quick

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$ ./bin/console make:entity Product $ vim config/packages/easy_admin.yaml Full stack really quick

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$ vim .env DATABASE_URL="sqlite:///%kernel.project_dir%/var/ data.db" $ ./bin/console doctrine:database:create $ ./bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force Full stack really quick

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DSNs parameters: database_host: database_port: null database_name: symfony database_user: root database_password: null Symfony 2/3 Symfony 4 DATABASE_URL = "mysql://root@" MAILER_URL REDIS_URL …

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It works! One line config change One annotation added

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Symfony 4 with Flex recap • Auto-configuration for any Composer package • A new Maker bundle to simplify creating files • Support for Flex private repositories • No more boilerplate code, just business logic • Controllers and commands are services now • From micro to monolith • Meta-packages doing a lot for you out of the box Productivity boost! Better DX

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More with Symfony 4 • Dependency injection without thinking about it • API Platform, the most advanced API system • Admin, simple and powerful • Symfony Encore, makes working with Webpack enjoyable Talk at Cluj! Talk at Cluj! Talk at Cluj!

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More with Symfony 4 HTTP2 push support Inject secrets as parameters (Docker/K8s) Built-in PSR-3 logger Env vars where it makes sense DI simplified, classes as IDs PSR-11, PSR-6, PSR-16 out of the box Private services by default

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Env/Debug mode // web/app_dev.php $kernel = new AppKernel('dev', true); $request = Request::createFromGlobals(); // ... // web/app.php $kernel = new AppKernel('prod', false); $request = Request::createFromGlobals(); // ... Symfony 2/3 Symfony 4 # .env APP_ENV = dev APP_DEBUG = 1 Enables the merge of
 app.php and app_dev.php to a single index.php

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… which simplifies running commands # Symfony 2/3 $ ./bin/console foo:bar --env=prod —no-debug $ SYMFONY_ENV=prod SYMFONY_DEBUG=0 ./bin/console foo:bar # Symfony 4 $ ./bin/console foo:bar

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 the obsolete

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 are a thing of the past WITHOUT Flex WITH Flex

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Symfony Standard Edition • Not available for Symfony 4 • But still maintained for Symfony 2.7 -> 3.4 • EOL November 2020 Use Flex

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Symfony Installer • Not available for Symfony 4 • But still maintained for Symfony 2.7 -> 3.4 • EOL November 2020 Use plain Composer and Flex

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symfony/symfony as a dep • Won’t be enforced • But strongly not recommended • Won’t be removed as still the best way to manage the project Use explicit dependencies

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Silex • New Symfony features not supported • EOL June 2018 Use Flex

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symfony 1 • Last major release 7 years ago • End of life 5 years ago • End of infrastructure: December 2017 Use Symfony 2/3/4

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No longer recommended • Symfony Standard Edition (EOL nov 2020) • Symfony Installer (EOL nov 2020) • symfony/symfony as a Composer dep (EOL nov 2020) • Silex (EOL june 2018) • symfony 1 (EOL dec 2017)

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What’s next?

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needs you

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5 initiatives to grow Led by the community Supported by the Core Team And SensioLabs

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5 new initiatives … to grow the community

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Upgrade to 4 … all Symfony bundles and the ecosystem

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Recipes Team … to review, approve, and merge contributions

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Security Team … to manage the whole process

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Integrations … to provide higher-level integrations

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Current “integrations”, small and big • Monolog • Gmail support in semantic configuration • Assetic / Encore • Bootstrap 3 / 4

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Some “random” ideas • Search engine: Algolia, ElasticSearch • Multi-factor authentication (Google Authenticator) / SAML • Structured logs • VueJS • Queues / Workers • Transactional email providers (Mailgun, Postmark, …) • Payment gateways (Stripe) • …

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Diversity …scholarship, mentorship, …

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Thank you!