What is Symfony 4?
= Symfony 3.4 LTS
- deprecated features
- long term support
- PHP 5 support
+ new dev workflow via Flex
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Composition over Inheritance
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Flex in 1 sentence
Flex helps developers manage the life-cycle of
project dependencies by automating boring
For projects of any size, from micro to monolith,
For any kind of applications, API or Web.
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Flex in 10 seconds
Projects do not depend on symfony/symfony
No third-party dependencies/bundles
Add dependencies when you need them
Nothing to remove, the bare minimum
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Flex behind the scenes
Composer plugin
Uses “recipes” to install/uninstall any Composer
package (enables bundles, auto-configures
packages, …)
$ tree -I vendor
$ find . -type f | wc -l
Symfony 4 is lightweight
Only 13 files
vs 31 SE
2503 total
vs 8867 SE
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New directory structure
• Less depth, easier to navigate
• Non-PHP files in their own directories (assets/,
• Decoupled from Symfony (assets/, src/,
templates/, public/)
Recipes repositories
Curated recipes by Symfony core team
Open to all contributions
150+ recipes
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Symfony Bot
Validates contributions
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Symfony Bot
Let’s you test a recipe
before merging
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Symfony Bot
Auto-merge pull requests
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$ composer show | wc -l
Only 21 deps
vs 38 + 50 = 88 SE
• Shortcuts for common packages (log, behat,
phpunit, …)
• Optimized for Symfony Components (no need
to use the symfony/ prefix, just workflow, dom-crawler, …)
• Opinionated choices (admin, api, orm, mailer, …)
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• Bundle several dependencies into a
consistent set (debug, profiler, api, …)
$ composer req debug
$ vim src/Controller/DefaultController.php
Symfony Maker Bundle
src/ is bundle-less
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Application code is no
longer divided into bundles.
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Symfony 4 helps you
grow your app
with ease
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$ composer req twig
Adding Twig
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Never define
your service again*
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Adding a Twig Extension
Where do I store
the Twig extension
Which file do I
need to change to
register it?
Which tag do I need
to use?
How do I declare a
tag in YAML?
Which interface/class
do I need to implement/
extend? It’s too complex. What
about doing it the dirty
way and do it in the
controller instead?
hmm, ok
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$ ./bin/console make:twig-extension
Adding a Twig Extension
Add your logic in the
generated class…
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Full Automation works for…
• Twig extensions
• Event listeners
• Doctrine repositories
• Commands
• Voters
• …
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Beyond “Hello World”
• Defining some models via Doctrine
• Adding an API for my model
• Managing data with an admin
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$ composer req orm admin api
Full stack really quick
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$ ./bin/console make:entity Product
$ vim config/packages/easy_admin.yaml
Full stack really quick
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$ vim .env
$ ./bin/console doctrine:database:create
$ ./bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force
Full stack really quick
It works!
One line config change
One annotation added
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No content
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Symfony 4 with Flex recap
• Auto-configuration for any Composer package
• A new Maker bundle to simplify creating files
• Support for Flex private repositories
• No more boilerplate code, just business logic
• Controllers and commands are services now
• From micro to monolith
• Meta-packages doing a lot for you out of the box
Better DX
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More with Symfony 4
• Dependency injection without thinking about it
• API Platform, the most advanced API system
• Admin, simple and powerful
• Symfony Encore, makes working with Webpack
Talk at
Talk at
Talk at
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More with Symfony 4
support Inject secrets
as parameters
Built-in PSR-3
Env vars
where it makes
DI simplified,
classes as IDs
PSR-6, PSR-16
out of the box
services by
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Env/Debug mode
// web/app_dev.php
$kernel = new AppKernel('dev', true);
$request = Request::createFromGlobals();
// ...
// web/app.php
$kernel = new AppKernel('prod', false);
$request = Request::createFromGlobals();
// ...
Symfony 2/3 Symfony 4
# .env
APP_ENV = dev
Enables the merge of
app.php and app_dev.php
to a single index.php
are a thing of the past
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Symfony Standard Edition
• Not available for Symfony 4
• But still maintained for Symfony 2.7 -> 3.4
• EOL November 2020
Use Flex
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Symfony Installer
• Not available for Symfony 4
• But still maintained for Symfony 2.7 -> 3.4
• EOL November 2020 Use plain
and Flex
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symfony/symfony as a dep
• Won’t be enforced
• But strongly not recommended
• Won’t be removed as still the best way to
manage the project
Use explicit
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• New Symfony features not supported
• EOL June 2018
Use Flex
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symfony 1
• Last major release 7 years ago
• End of life 5 years ago
• End of infrastructure: December 2017
Use Symfony
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No longer recommended
• Symfony Standard Edition (EOL nov 2020)
• Symfony Installer (EOL nov 2020)
• symfony/symfony as a Composer dep (EOL nov 2020)
• Silex (EOL june 2018)
• symfony 1 (EOL dec 2017)
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What’s next?
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needs you
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5 initiatives to grow
Led by the
Supported by the
Core Team
And SensioLabs
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5 new initiatives
… to grow the community
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Upgrade to 4
… all Symfony bundles and the ecosystem
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Recipes Team
… to review, approve, and merge contributions
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Security Team
… to manage the whole process
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… to provide higher-level integrations
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Current “integrations”, small and big
• Monolog
• Gmail support in semantic configuration
• Assetic / Encore
• Bootstrap 3 / 4