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Sensu 2.0 Greg Poirier - VP of Engineering

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What is happening?

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Things are happening.

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We’re rewriting Sensu.

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Who am I? ● Sensu user since 2012 ● Specialized in monitoring and observability ● Introduced metrics to Sensu ● Superfan of Sensu

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I <3 Sensu

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What about my checks?

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You do not have to rewrite plugins.

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Mechanical Sympathy

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Human-Centered Design

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Make things easier.

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Easier ● Reduce operational burden and complexity ● API focused ● Multitenancy

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Why Go?

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Why Go ● Performance ● Safety ● Packaging ● Developer Experience

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Why Go: Performance ● Concurrency primitives ● Natively utilize multiple cores ● Compiled language (Go) vs interpreted language (Ruby) ● No more VM (Ruby or JVM)

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Why Go: Developer Experience ● Mechanical sympathy ● Easily learned by new engineers ● Uniformity

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Why Go: Safety ● Static types ● Explicit error handling ● Race detection

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Why Go: Packaging ● Statically linked binaries ● Easy to ship in a container ● Easy to package for any OS ● Cross-compilation

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OK. I get it.

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Reducing Operational Burden

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Operational Burden ● Easier for current orgs to use Sensu ● Easier for new orgs to use Sensu ● More cost-effective monitoring solution

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No more RabbitMQ

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Operational Burden: Transport ● Don’t have to operationalize RabbitMQ ● AMQP inspired the new Sensu transport ● WebSockets for the transport protocol ● JSON message bodies

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No more Redis

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Operational Burden: Data ● Redis replaced by distributed datastore: Etcd ● Configuration stored within Etcd ● DR and HA facilitated entirely by Sensu+Etcd

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No more CM

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Just kidding

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Operational Burden: CM What does CM do? ● Deploys Sensu, RabbitMQ, Redis ● Configure Sensu, RabbitMQ, Redis ● Deploys and configures checks

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Operational Burden: CM ● Configuration management no longer required ● Read/write REST API ● Assets delivered to client systems by Sensu

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Operational Burden: CM Sensu 2.0 has the ability to deliver “assets” ● Assets are specially-formed zip files ● Assets are versioned ● No more CM needed to deliver checks ● Does not interfere with OS packages

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Hidden costs of CM.

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API Focused

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API-Driven: Empowerment ● All configuration ● Faster time-to-change ● Empower organizations

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API-Driven: Multiple UIs - Dashboard - CLI - Choose your own adventure

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Monitoring is Alive and Well

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Easier Integrations: monitoring.yaml .monitoring.yaml: metrics: - name: nsq.queue_length.results assertions: - comparison: > 0 time: 5m http_check: - method: get path: /health assertions: - status: 200

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API-Driven: Platforms ● Higher order applications can be built with Sensu ● Stronger integrations with IaaS/PaaS ● Metrics as first-class citizens

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Time-Series Data

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API-Driven: Time Series Data - Still focused on being a “router” - Metrics as first-class citizen - Deep integrations with time-series databases - Metrics as a core part of monitoring with Sensu

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RBAC & Multitenancy

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Multitenancy ● Larger orgs yield more complex setups ● Organizations and Environments ● RBAC allows for cross-functional cross-team information sharing

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How do we get there?

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● ✔ Functioning Sensu 2.0 ● ✔ Multitenancy ● ✔ API ● ✔ Check execution ● ✔ Alerting ● ✔ Asset management Sensu 2.0: Alpha

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Sensu 2.0: Future ● Sensu 1.0 Feature Complete ● Growing the Sensu engineering team ● Metrics integrations

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