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@IsuruKusumal KotlinConf’23 Amsterdam How to Publish Your First Multiplatform Library
 Isuru Rajapakse Android Developer, Motorola Solutions

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Introduction https: //

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Introduction > Lifecycle of a library

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Lifecycle Incubate Develop Publish Maintain Introduction > Lifecycle of a library

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@v1 @v2 @v3 Introduction > Lifecycle of a library

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Top 10 Essential Tools YOU NEED! to Publish Your Own Multiplatform Library! Introduction

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Develop Lifecycle of a library Incubate

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1. In ation cub spir Incubate > Inspire

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Incubate > Inspire

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interface ValueStore { fun get(): Maybe fun observePut(value: T): Single fun observe(): Observable?> fun observeClear(): Completable class ValueUpdate(val value: T?) } RxStore Incubate > Inspire

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class KStore { suspend fun get(): T? suspend fun put(value: T) val updates: Flow suspend fun clear() } KStore Incubate > Inspire

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ate ncub sol 2. I Incubate > Isolate

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Incubate > Isolate YourProject YourLibrary

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YourProject YourLibrary commonMain kotlin screens feature-1 feature-2 utils MyLibrary Incubate > Isolate

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@RequiresOptIn(message = "This API is experimental”) @Retention(BINARY) @Target(CLASS, FUNCTION,PROPERTY) annotation class ExperimentalMyLibraryApi feature-1 feature-2 utils MyLibrary YourProject YourLibrary Incubate > Isolate https: // ExperimentalMyLibraryApi

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@ExperimentalMyLibraryApi fun interface NewApi { fun doSomethingNew() = TODO() } feature-1 feature-2 utils MyLibrary YourProject YourLibrary Incubate > Isolate https: // ExperimentalMyLibraryApi @OptIn(ExperimentalMyLibraryApi :: class) val myApi = NewApi { . . }

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Develop Lifecycle of a library Incubate

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Lifecycle of a library Develop

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3. Setup CI Early! Develop > Continuous Integration

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Github Actions Develop > Continuous Integration

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name: Build on: .. jobs: check: .. build: .. release: if: ${{ github.event_name != 'pull_request' }} needs: build publish: if: ${{ github.event_name != 'pull_request' }} needs: build check release publish build Develop > Continuous Integration

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build name: Build on: .. jobs: check: .. build: strategy: matrix: config: [ { target: android, os: ubuntu-latest, .. }, { target: apple, os: macos-latest, .. }, { target: windows, os: windows-latest, .. } { target: linux, os: ubuntu-latest, .. }, { target: js, os: ubuntu-latest, .. }, { target: desktop, os: ubuntu-latest, .. }, ] runs-on: ${{ matrix.config.os }} check release publish ▾ Matrix: build Build android Build apple Build desktop Build js Build linux Develop > Continuous Integration

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build name: Build on: .. jobs: check: .. build: strategy: matrix: config: [ { os: ubuntu-latest, tasks: testReleaseUnitTest .. }, { os: macos-latest, tasks: appleTest, .. }, { os: windows-latest, tasks: windowsTest, .. } { os: ubuntu-latest, tasks: linuxTest, .. }, { os: ubuntu-latest, tasks: jsTest .. }, { os: ubuntu-latest, tasks: desktopTest, .. }, ] runs-on: ${{ matrix.config.os }} check release publish ▾ Matrix: build Build android Build apple Build desktop Build js Build linux Develop > Test

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4. Declare Public API! Develop > Public API

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YourLibrary Public API 🤏 Develop > Public API

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YourLibrary explicitApi() @SinceKotlin("1.4.0") explicitApi() Public API Develop > Public API

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YourLibrary interface NewApi { fun doSomethingNew() = TODO() } Public API Develop > Public API

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YourLibrary Public API public interface NewApi { public fun doSomethingNew(): Nothing = TODO() } Develop > Public API

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5. Don’t break Compatibility! Develop > Compatibility

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Develop > Compatibility 1.0.1 2.1.2 1.1.0 2.0.0 YourProject YourLibrary +minor/patch +major 2.1.3 +minor/patch https: //

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Slide 31 text Develop > Compat . . “Backward-compatible code allows clients of newer API versions to use the same API code that they used with an older API version.”

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Develop > Compatibility https: / /

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Develop > Compatibility

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Develop > Compatibility

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Develop > Compatibility build check ▾ Matrix: build Build android Build apple Build desktop Build js Build linux name: Build on: .. jobs: check: steps: - name: Check api run: ./gradlew apiCheck release publish

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Develop > Compatibility

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Publish Lifecycle of a library Develop

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Lifecycle of a library Publish

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6. Document everything! Publish / Documentation

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plugins { kotlin("multiplatform") id("org.jetbrains.dokka") version "1.8.10" } Publish > Documentation https: //

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Publish > Documentation

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name: Build jobs: publish: if: ${{ github.event_name != 'pull_request' }} steps: - name: Generate docs with dokka run: ./gradlew dokkaHtml - name: Upload artifact uses: actions/upload-pages-artifact@v1 with: path: ${{ github.workspace }}/kstore/build/dokka/html - name: Deploy to GitHub Pages id: deployment uses: actions/deploy-pages@v1 check release publish build Publish > Documentation ▾ Matrix: build

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7. Release the Kraken! Publish / Release

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Publish / Release repositories { mavenCentral() } /** Warning ⚠ Incoming lots of configuration! * 1. Setup and link your OSSRH repository * 2. Include sources + documentation * 3. Sign your artefacts * */ https: //

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publishing { repositories { maven { val isSnapshot = version.toString().endsWith("SNAPSHOT") val destination = if (!isSnapshot) "https: // else "https: //" url = uri(destination) credentials { username = gradleLocalProperties(rootDir).getProperty("sonatypeUse password = gradleLocalProperties(rootDir).getProperty("sonatypePas } plugins { id("maven-publish") id("signing") } Publish / Release https: // // 1. Link OSSRH repository

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credentials { username = gradleLocalProperties(rootDir).getProperty("sonatypeUse password = gradleLocalProperties(rootDir).getProperty("sonatypePas } } } publishing { val javadocJar = tasks.register("javadocJar") { dependsOn(tasks.dokkaHtml) archiveClassifier.set("javadoc") from("$buildDir/dokka") } publications { withType { artifact(javadocJar) pom { name.set("KStore") description.set("A tiny Kotlin multiplatform library that assists licenses { Publish / Release https: // // 2. Include sources + documentation

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signing { useInMemoryPgpKeys( gradleLocalProperties(rootDir).getProperty("gpgKeySecret"), gradleLocalProperties(rootDir).getProperty("gpgKeyPassword"), ) sign(publishing.publications) } Publish / Release https: // // 3. Sign your artefacts

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Publish / Release https: //

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release: if: ${{ github.event_name != 'pull_request' }} runs-on: macos-latest needs: - build steps: - name: Write secrets to if: ${{ github.event_name != 'pull_request' }} run: | echo sonatypeUsername="${SONATYPE_USERNAME}" >> "local. echo sonatypePassword="${SONATYPE_PASSWORD}" >> "local. echo gpgKeyPassword="${GPG_KEY_PASSWORD}" >> " echo gpgKeySecret="${GPG_KEY_SECRET}" >> "local.propert env: SONATYPE_USERNAME: ${{ secrets.SONATYPE_USERNAME }} SONATYPE_PASSWORD: ${{ secrets.SONATYPE_PASSWORD }} GPG_KEY_PASSWORD: ${{ secrets.GPG_KEY_PASSWORD }} GPG_KEY_SECRET: ${{ secrets.GPG_KEY_SECRET }} - name: Release to sonatype run: ./gradlew publishAllPublicationsToMavenRepository check release publish build Publish / Release ▾ Matrix: build

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Publish / Release

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Maintain Lifecycle of a library Publish

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Lifecycle of a library Maintain

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8. Coverage w/ Kover Maintain / Code Coverage

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No content

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Maintain > Code Coverage https: //

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Maintain > Code Coverage plugins { kotlin("multiplatform") id("org.jetbrains.kotlinx.kover") version "0.6.1" }

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name: Build jobs: check: steps: - name: Generate kover coverage report run: ./gradlew koverXmlReport - name: Add coverage report to PR if: ${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request' }} id: kover uses: mi-kas/kover-report@v1 with: path: ${{ github.workspace }}/kstore/build/reports/kover/x token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} title: Code Coverage update-comment: true min-coverage-overall: 80 min-coverage-changed-files: 80 check release publish build Maintain > Code Coverage ▾ Matrix: build https: //

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Maintain > Code Coverage

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9. Let the bots do the bumps! Maintain / Dependency Management

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Maintain > Dependency Mgmt .. https: //

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Maintain > Dependency Management

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https: // Maintain > Dependency Management

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Maintain > ? 10. Have fun with(kotlin)!

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Thank you,
 and don’t forget
 to vote @IsuruKusumal KotlinConf’23 Amsterdam