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Scalable Application rchitecture

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STANG2 50% off

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– Martin Fowler “…decisions that are hard to change…” Architecture

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Story Time

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Dynamic Requirements

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Scalable communication layer

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Communication layer • RESTful API • WebSocket application service • WebRTC data-channel

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Various package formats

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Package formats • RESTful API • JSON commands • WebSocket application service • JSON-RPC • WebRTC data-channel • BERT-RPC

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Multiple state mutation sources

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Scalable team

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Dynamic Requirements Scalable Communication Layer Various package formats Multiple state mutation sources Scalable team Lazy-loading

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Dynamic Requirements Scalable Communication Layer Various package formats Multiple state mutation sources Scalable team Lazy-loading

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abstraction |əbˈstrakʃ(ə)n| noun [ mass noun ] … 4 the process of considering something independently of its associations or attributes: the question cannot be considered in abstraction from the historical context in which it was raised.

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WebRTC Gateway WebSocket Gateway

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Gateway WebRTC Gateway WebSocket Gateway

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Dynamic Requirements Scalable Communication Layer Various package formats Multiple state mutation sources Scalable team Lazy-loading

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Dynamic Requirements Scalable Communication Layer Various package formats Multiple state mutation sources Scalable team Lazy-loading

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. ʦʒʒ src ʮʒʒ multi-player ʔ ʮʒʒ commands ʔ ʮʒʒ components ʔ ʦʒʒ gateways ʮʒʒ single-player ʔ ʦʒʒ components ʮʒʒ home ʔ ʦʒʒ components ʦʒʒ shared

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. ʦʒʒ src ʮʒʒ multi-player ʔ ʮʒʒ commands ʔ ʮʒʒ components ʔ ʦʒʒ gateways ʮʒʒ single-player ʔ ʦʒʒ components ʮʒʒ home ʔ ʦʒʒ components ʦʒʒ shared /home

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. ʦʒʒ src ʮʒʒ multi-player ʔ ʮʒʒ commands ʔ ʮʒʒ components ʔ ʦʒʒ gateways ʮʒʒ single-player ʔ ʦʒʒ components ʮʒʒ home ʔ ʦʒʒ components ʦʒʒ shared /single-player

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. ʦʒʒ src ʮʒʒ multi-player ʔ ʮʒʒ commands ʔ ʮʒʒ components ʔ ʦʒʒ gateways ʮʒʒ single-player ʔ ʦʒʒ components ʮʒʒ home ʔ ʦʒʒ components ʦʒʒ shared /multi-player

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Sample Tech Stack • Angular 2 • RxJS • ngrx • TypeScript • ImmutableJS

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RxJS in 2 slides

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[1, 2, 3] .map(n => n * 2) .filter(n => n > 2); higher-order-functions.ts

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let obs = Rx.Observable.create(observer => { let counter = 0; setInterval(() =>, 1000); }); obs .map(n => n * 2) .filter(n => n > 2) .subscribe(n => console.log(n)); rx.ts

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let obs = Rx.Observable.create(observer => { let counter = 0; setInterval(() =>, 1000); }); obs .map(n => n * 2) .filter(n => n > 2) .subscribe(n => console.log(n)); rx.ts

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Sample application

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High-level Architecture

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UI components Façade (provides simplified interface to the components) State management Async services Gateways (HTTP, WS, WebRTC) Commands (RESTful, RPC) Payloads (BERT, JSON) Store Reducers

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UI components Façade (provides simplified interface to the components) State management Async services Gateways (HTTP, WS, WebRTC) Commands (RESTful, RPC) Payloads (BERT, JSON) Store Reducers

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UI components Façade (provides simplified interface to the components) State management Async services Gateways (HTTP, WS, WebRTC) Commands (RESTful, RPC) Payloads (BERT, JSON) Store Reducers

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UI components Façade (provides simplified interface to the components) State management Async services Gateways (HTTP, WS, WebRTC) Commands (RESTful, RPC) Payloads (BERT, JSON) Store Reducers

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UI components Façade (provides simplified interface to the components) State management Async services Gateways (HTTP, WS, WebRTC) Commands (RESTful, RPC) Payloads (BERT, JSON) Store Reducers

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UI components

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UI components Façade (provides simplified interface to the components) State management Async services Gateways (HTTP, WS, WebRTC) Commands (RESTful, RPC) Payloads (BERT, JSON) Store Reducers

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export class GameComponent implements AfterViewInit { @Input() text: string; @Output() change: EventEmitter … constructor(private _model: GameModel …) {} changeHandler(data: string) { this._model.onProgress(data); } get invalid() { return$ .scan((accum: boolean, current: any) => { return (current && current.get(‘invalid’) || accum; }, false); } } game.component.ts

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export class GameComponent implements AfterViewInit { @Input() text: string; @Output() change: EventEmitter … constructor(private _model: GameModel …) {} changeHandler(data: string) { this._model.onProgress(data); } get invalid() { return$ .scan((accum: boolean, current: any) => { return (current && current.get(‘invalid’) || accum; }, false); } } game.component.ts

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UI components Façade (provides simplified interface to the components) State management Async services Gateways (HTTP, WS, WebRTC) Commands (RESTful, RPC) Payloads (BERT, JSON) Store Reducers

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game.model.ts @Injectable() export class GameModel extends Model { game$: Observable; constructor(protected _store: Store, @Inject(AsyncService) _services) { super(_services || []);$ ='game'); } ... completeGame(time: number, text: string) { const action = GameActions.completeGame(time, text); this._store.dispatch(action); this.performAsyncAction(action) .subscribe(() => console.log('Done!')); } }

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game.model.ts @Injectable() export class GameModel extends Model { game$: Observable; constructor(protected _store: Store, @Inject(AsyncService) _services) { super(_services || []);$ ='game'); } ... completeGame(time: number, text: string) { const action = GameActions.completeGame(time, text); this._store.dispatch(action); this.performAsyncAction(action) .subscribe(() => console.log('Done!')); } }

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@Injectable() export class GameModel extends Model { game$: Observable; constructor(protected _store: Store, @Inject(AsyncService) _services) { super(_services || []);$ ='game'); } ... completeGame(time: number, text: string) { const action = GameActions.completeGame(time, text); this._store.dispatch(action); this.performAsyncAction(action) .subscribe(() => console.log('Done!')); } } game.model.ts

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@Injectable() export class GameModel extends Model { game$: Observable; constructor(protected _store: Store, @Inject(AsyncService) _services) { super(_services || []);$ ='game'); } ... completeGame(time: number, text: string) { const action = GameActions.completeGame(time, text); this._store.dispatch(action); this.performAsyncAction(action) .subscribe(() => console.log('Done!')); } } game.model.ts

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@Injectable() export class GameModel extends Model { game$: Observable; constructor(protected _store: Store, @Inject(AsyncService) _services) { super(_services || []);$ ='game'); } ... completeGame(time: number, text: string) { const action = GameActions.completeGame(time, text); this._store.dispatch(action); this.performAsyncAction(action) .subscribe(() => console.log('Done!')); } } game.model.ts

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@Injectable() export class GameModel extends Model { game$: Observable; constructor(protected _store: Store, @Inject(AsyncService) _services) { super(_services || []);$ ='game'); } ... completeGame(time: number, text: string) { const action = GameActions.completeGame(time, text); this._store.dispatch(action); this.performAsyncAction(action) .subscribe(() => console.log('Done!')); } } game.model.ts

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UI components Façade (provides simplified interface to the components) State management Async services Gateways (HTTP, WS, WebRTC) Commands (RESTful, RPC) Payloads (BERT, JSON) Store Reducers

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Component Model Store Dispatcher startGame() dispatch(action) applyReducers(action, store) next(state)

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Component Model Store Dispatcher startGame() dispatch(action) applyReducers(action, store) next(state)

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game.reducer.ts export const gameReducer = (state: any = initialState.get(‘game'), action: Action) => { switch (action.type) { case START_GAME: state = fromJS({}); break; case INVALID_GAME: state = state.set('invalid', true); break; case GAME_PROGRESS: state = state.set(‘currentText', action.payload.text); break; } return state; };

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game.reducer.ts export const gameReducer = (state: any = initialState.get(‘game'), action: Action) => { switch (action.type) { case START_GAME: state = fromJS({}); break; case INVALID_GAME: state = state.set('invalid', true); break; case GAME_PROGRESS: state = state.set(‘currentText', action.payload.text); break; } return state; };

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game.reducer.ts export const gameReducer = (state: any = initialState.get(‘game'), action: Action) => { switch (action.type) { case START_GAME: state = fromJS({}); break; case INVALID_GAME: state = state.set('invalid', true); break; case GAME_PROGRESS: state = state.set(‘currentText', action.payload.text); break; } return state; };

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game.reducer.ts export const gameReducer = (state: any = initialState.get(‘game'), action: Action) => { switch (action.type) { case START_GAME: state = fromJS({}); break; case INVALID_GAME: state = state.set('invalid', true); break; case GAME_PROGRESS: state = state.set(‘currentText', action.payload.text); break; } return state; };

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Component Model Store Dispatcher startGame() dispatch(action) applyReducers(action, store) next(state)

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game.component.ts … get invalid() { return$ .scan((accum: boolean, current: any) => { return current.get('invalid') || accum; }, false); } …

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game.component.ts … get invalid() { return$ .scan((accum: boolean, current: any) => { return current.get('invalid') || accum; }, false); } …

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game.component.ts … get invalid() { return$ .scan((accum: boolean, current: any) => { return current.get('invalid') || accum; }, false); } …

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game.component.html …

The game is invalid...

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game.component.html …

The game is invalid...

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Async Services

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UI components Façade (provides simplified interface to the components) State management Async services Gateways (HTTP, WS, WebRTC) Commands (RESTful, RPC) Payloads (BERT, JSON) Store Reducers

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Remote Service App

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Remote Service App

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export abstract class AsyncService { abstract process(data: Action): Observable; } base.async-service.ts

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export class GameP2PService extends AsyncService { constructor(private _rtcGateway: WebRTCGateway, private _store: Store) { _rtcGateway.dataStream .map((data: any) => JSON.parse(data.toString())) .subscribe((command: any) => { switch (command.method) { case PROGRESS: _store.dispatch(P2PActions.progress(command.payload.text)); break; } }); } process(action: Action) { const commandBuilder = buildP2PCommand(action); if (!commandBuilder) { console.warn('This command is not supported'); return Observable.create((obs: Observer) => obs.complete()); } else return commandBuilder(baseCommand).invoke(); } } game-p2p.async-service.ts

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export class GameP2PService extends AsyncService { constructor(private _rtcGateway: WebRTCGateway, private _store: Store) { _rtcGateway.dataStream .map((data: any) => JSON.parse(data.toString())) .subscribe((command: any) => { switch (command.method) { case PROGRESS: _store.dispatch(P2PActions.progress(command.payload.text)); break; } }); } process(action: Action) { const commandBuilder = buildP2PCommand(action); if (!commandBuilder) { console.warn('This command is not supported'); return Observable.create((obs: Observer) => obs.complete()); } else return commandBuilder(baseCommand).invoke(); } } game-p2p.async-service.ts

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export class GameP2PService extends AsyncService { constructor(private _rtcGateway: WebRTCGateway, private _store: Store) { _rtcGateway.dataStream .map((data: any) => JSON.parse(data.toString())) .subscribe((command: any) => { switch (command.method) { case PROGRESS: _store.dispatch(P2PActions.progress(command.payload.text)); break; } }); } process(action: Action) { const commandBuilder = buildP2PCommand(action); if (!commandBuilder) { console.warn('This command is not supported'); return Observable.create((obs: Observer) => obs.complete()); } else return commandBuilder(baseCommand).invoke(); } } game-p2p.async-service.ts

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But what if…

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Model S1 S2

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Model S1 S2 A

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Model S1 S2 A

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Model S1 S2 A

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Model S1 S2 A

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Model S1 S2 A

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Model S1 S2 A

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let user = new Map(); user = user.set('name', 'Joe'); // { name: 'Joe' } console.log(user.toJS()); immutable.js

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No static typing

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Immutability or Static Typing

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Why not Both?

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export interface IUser { id?: number; gender?: number; email?: string; } const userRecord = Immutable.Record({ id: 0, gender: 0, email: null }); export class User extends userRecord implements IUser { id: number; gender: number; email: string; constructor(config: IUser) { super(config); } } immutable-records.ts

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export interface IUser { id?: number; gender?: number; email?: string; } const userRecord = Immutable.Record({ id: 0, gender: 0, email: null }); export class User extends userRecord implements IUser { id: number; gender: number; email: string; constructor(config: IUser) { super(config); } } immutable-records.ts

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export interface IUser { id?: number; gender?: number; email?: string; } const userRecord = Immutable.Record({ id: 0, gender: 0, email: null }); export class User extends userRecord implements IUser { id: number; gender: number; email: string; constructor(config: IUser) { super(config); } } immutable-records.ts

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export interface IUser { id?: number; gender?: number; email?: string; } const userRecord = Immutable.Record({ id: 0, gender: 0, email: null }); export class User extends userRecord implements IUser { id: number; gender: number; email: string; constructor(config: IUser) { super(config); } } immutable-records.ts

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Async services Business facade Business logic Communication logic Immutable app state Component tree root cmp sign-up form user UserModel User Action Creator signup(data) signup(data) RESTful Async Service process(action) userReducer register() RESTful CommandBuilder build(action) Restful Command Restful Gateway invoke() send() creates() uses as user$ uses user$ Stream Dependency Action (manipulation/method call) User registration = email = name

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Async services Business facade Business logic Communication logic Immutable app state Component tree root cmp sign-up form user UserModel User Action Creator signup(data) RESTful Async Service process(action) userReducer register() RESTful CommandBuilder build(action) Restful Command Restful Gateway invoke() send() creates() uses as user$ uses user$ Stream Dependency Action (manipulation/method call) User registration = email = name signup(data)

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Async services Business facade Business logic Communication logic Immutable app state Component tree root cmp sign-up form user UserModel User Action Creator RESTful Async Service process(action) userReducer register() RESTful CommandBuilder build(action) Restful Command Restful Gateway invoke() send() creates() uses as user$ uses user$ Stream Dependency Action (manipulation/method call) User registration = email = name signup(data) signup(data)

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Async services Business facade Business logic Communication logic Immutable app state Component tree root cmp sign-up form user UserModel User Action Creator RESTful Async Service process(action) userReducer register() RESTful CommandBuilder build(action) Restful Command Restful Gateway invoke() send() creates() uses as user$ uses user$ Stream Dependency Action (manipulation/method call) User registration = email = name signup(data) signup(data)

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Async services Business facade Business logic Communication logic Immutable app state Component tree root cmp sign-up form user UserModel User Action Creator RESTful Async Service process(action) userReducer register() RESTful CommandBuilder build(action) Restful Command Restful Gateway invoke() send() creates() uses as user$ uses user$ Stream Dependency Action (manipulation/method call) User registration = email = name signup(data) signup(data)

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Async services Business facade Business logic Communication logic Immutable app state Component tree root cmp sign-up form user UserModel User Action Creator RESTful Async Service process(action) userReducer register() RESTful CommandBuilder build(action) Restful Command Restful Gateway invoke() send() creates() uses as user$ uses user$ Stream Dependency Action (manipulation/method call) User registration = email = name signup(data) signup(data)

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Async services Business facade Business logic Communication logic Immutable app state Component tree root cmp sign-up form user UserModel User Action Creator RESTful Async Service process(action) userReducer register() RESTful CommandBuilder build(action) Restful Command Restful Gateway invoke() send() creates() uses as user$ uses user$ Stream Dependency Action (manipulation/method call) User registration = email = name signup(data) signup(data)

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Async services Business facade Business logic Communication logic Immutable app state Component tree root cmp sign-up form user UserModel User Action Creator RESTful Async Service process(action) userReducer register() RESTful CommandBuilder build(action) Restful Command Restful Gateway invoke() send() creates() uses as user$ uses user$ Stream Dependency Action (manipulation/method call) User registration = email = name signup(data) signup(data)

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Async services Business facade Business logic Communication logic Immutable app state Component tree root cmp sign-up form user UserModel User Action Creator RESTful Async Service process(action) userReducer register() RESTful CommandBuilder build(action) Restful Command Restful Gateway invoke() send() creates() uses as user$ uses user$ Stream Dependency Action (manipulation/method call) User registration = email = name signup(data) signup(data)

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Async services Business facade Business logic Communication logic Immutable app state Component tree root cmp sign-up form user UserModel User Action Creator signup(data) RESTful Async Service process(action) userReducer register() RESTful CommandBuilder build(action) Restful Command Restful Gateway invoke() send() creates() uses as user$ uses user$ Stream Dependency Action (manipulation/method call) User registration = email = name signup(data)

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Properties… • Predictable state management • Testable (easy to mock services thanks to DI) • Not coupled to any remote service • Not coupled to any message format • Model can use different services based on context • Easy management of async events

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Properties… • Predictable state management • Testable (easy to mock services thanks to DI) • Not coupled to any remote service • Not coupled to any message format • Model can use different services based on context • Easy management of async events

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Properties… • Predictable state management • Testable (easy to mock services thanks to DI) • Not coupled to any remote service • Not coupled to any message format • Model can use different services based on context • Easy management of async events

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Properties… • Predictable state management • Testable (easy to mock services thanks to DI) • Not coupled to any remote service • Not coupled to any message format • Model can use different services based on context • Easy management of async events

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Properties… • Predictable state management • Testable (easy to mock services thanks to DI) • Not coupled to any remote service • Not coupled to any message format • Model can use different services based on context • Easy management of async events

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Properties… • Predictable state management • Testable (easy to mock services thanks to DI) • Not coupled to any remote service • Not coupled to any message format • Model can use different services based on context • Easy management of async events

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Properties… • Predictable state management • Testable (easy to mock services thanks to DI) • Not coupled to any remote service • Not coupled to any message format • Model can use different services based on context • Easy management of async events

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Resources • redux • ngrx • Scalable Single-Page Application Architecture • Demo

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Thank you!