A social model of disability moves the
location of the disability out of the person
and into social structures
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Social perceptions, attitudes, institutions,
and policies all contribute to the creation of
Slide 23
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Individuals with an
impairment are disabled by
society’s failure to build an
inclusive environment
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Who’s responsible?
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Brand & graphic designers
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UX designers
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Front-end developers
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Back-end developers
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Why should we care?
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Legal obligation
Slide 31
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Legal obligation
Slide 32
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Legal obligation
Decent human beings
If auto-tabbing stops just a few people
from using a service successfully, their
needs take priority over the many people
who might prefer but don’t need the
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Avoid animation wherever
Slide 86
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Makes sure colour contrast
is good
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Avoid using colour to
communicate meaning
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No content
Slide 89
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Summing up
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Think about accessibility
from the very start
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A lot of your design
decisions make themselves