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Human Factors & PostMortems Daniel Schauenberg [email protected] @mrtazz

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We deploy quite a lot

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realtalk: things break

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New View

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Complex Socio- Technical Systems

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Erkenntnis und Irrtum fließen aus denselben psychischen Quellen; nur der Erfolg vermag beide zu scheiden. — Ernst Mach, Erkenntnis und Irrtum (p. 116)

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Things made sense at the time

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People don't come to work to do a bad job

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Nietzschean Anxiety

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So I always get off the hook whatever I do?

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There is a difference between explaining and excusing human performance. — Sidney Dekker, The Field Guide to Understanding Human Error (p. 196)

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Blameless Postmortems

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Open Meeting

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Everybody is Invited

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What happened?

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Describe the past Don't excuse it away

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The Facilitator

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Guide the Discussion

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Look out for indicators of Old View thinking

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- she should have - if he would have - if they just had - you failed to

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Hindsight Bias Confirmation Bias Outcome Bias

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there are many more

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Who is in charge?

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Etsy School

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Taught Facilitator Course

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3 x 90 minutes

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Remediation Items

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incorporate learning and takeaway from the meeting

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turn surprises into known factors

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Near Miss

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Pre Mortem

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"Hey all, I just ran rm -rf $DIR/ and since the variable was empty I deleted my whole VM. This would have been bad in production. Don't do that."

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Architecture Reviews

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Operability Reviews

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It is also worth pointing out that the bias towards investigating failures rather than success itself represents a trade-off. — Erik Hollnagel, The ETTO Principle: Efficiency- Thoroughness Trade-Off

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Investigate Success

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Why did it work?

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Human Error is where you stopped looking

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Human Factors & PostMortems Daniel Schauenberg [email protected] @mrtazz