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Introduction to GitHub Actions 2019/05/15 Bo-Yi Wu

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About me • Software Engineer in Mediatek • Member of Drone CI/CD Platform • Member of Gitea Platform • Member of Gin Golang Framework • Teacher of Udemy Platform: Golang + Drone

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(JU)VC'MPX 14 Develop Git Push Git Tag Develop Git Push Git Tag Testing Deploy Deploy Deploy Production Staging Production Testing Deploy Staging

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GitHub Flow + Git Flow in opensource IUUQTHJUIVCDPNHPHJUFBHJUFB

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Container Based CI/CD Platform

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Current runtime resource • 1 virtual CPU • Up to 3.75GB of memory • 100GB of disk space

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Write Simple Workflow

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|-- hello-world (repository) | |__ .github | |__ main.workflow |

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workflow "Remote ssh commands" { on = "push" resolves = [ "Remote ssh commands", ] } main.workflow

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action "Remote ssh commands" { uses = "appleboy/ssh-action@master" secrets = [ "HOST", "PASSWORD", ] args = [ "--user", "actions", "--script", "whoami", ] } main.workflow

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Scheduling a workflow ┌───────────── minute (0 - 59) │ ┌───────────── hour (0 - 23) │ │ ┌───────────── day of the month (1 - 31) │ │ │ ┌───────────── month (1 - 12 or JAN-DEC) │ │ │ │ ┌───────────── day of the week (0 - 6 or SUN-SAT) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ * * * * * workflow "New workflow" { on = "schedule(*/15 * * * *)" resolves = ["Hello World"] }

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What’s problem in UI?

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$ git reset —soft HEAD^ $ git commit -a -m ‘foo’ $ git push origin master -f 3FTUBSUUIFKPC

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Secrets in Github Actions Setting -> Secrets in left sidebar

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No content

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action "Remote ssh commands" { uses = "appleboy/ssh-action@master" secrets = [ "HOST", "PASSWORD", ] args = [ "--user", "actions", "--script", "whoami", ] } main.workflow

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What’s problem in Secrets?

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Don’t support organization secrets duplicate of secrets in many repository of organization

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Don’t support thirty party secret service

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You need to write CLI flag in command drone-ssh -u foo -p foopass -s whoami drone-ssh -u bar -p barpass -s whoami

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main.workflow secrets = [ "PASSWORD", ] args = [ "--user", "actions", "--script", "whoami", ] secrets = [ "PASSWORD", ] args = [ "--user", "actions", "--script", "whoami", ] 4FSWFS 4FSWFS EPDLFSSVOF1"44803%YYYBQQMFCPZESPOFTTI VBDUJPOTTXIPBNJ

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main.workflow secrets = [ "PASSWORD01", ] args = [ "-p", "$PASSWORD01", "--script", "whoami", ] secrets = [ "PASSWORD02", ] args = [ "-p", "$PASSWORD02", "--script", "whoami", ] 4FSWFS 4FSWFS

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action "Publish" { needs = "Tag" uses = "actions/npm@master" args = "publish --access public" secrets = ["NPM_AUTH_TOKEN"] } IUUQTHJUIVCDPNBDUJPOTOQN

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How to add multiple auth token of npm registry?

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kind: pipeline name: default steps: - name: build image: appleboy/drone-ssh environment: USERNAME: from_secret: username PASSWORD: from_secret: password

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Creating GitHub Actions

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|-- ssh-action (repository) | |__ .github | |__ main.workflow | |__ Dockerfile | |__ | |__ | |__ LICENSE

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Support any language you want

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FROM appleboy/drone-ssh:1.5.0-linux-amd64 # Github labels LABEL ""="SSH Commands" LABEL "com.github.actions.description"="some description" LABEL "com.github.actions.icon"="terminal" LABEL “com.github.actions.color"="gray-dark" LABEL "repository"="" LABEL "homepage"="" LABEL "maintainer"="Bo-Yi Wu " LABEL "version"="0.0.1" ADD / RUN chmod +x / ENTRYPOINT ["/"]

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#!/bin/sh set -eu export GITHUB="true" sh -c "/bin/drone-ssh $*"

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action "Tag Docker Image" { needs = ["build"] uses = "actions/docker/cli@master" args = "tag hello:$GITHUB_SHA" }

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action "Tag Docker Image" { needs = ["build"] uses = "actions/docker/cli@master" args = ["tag", "hello:$GITHUB_SHA"] }

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Environment variables

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action "Hello World" { uses = "./my-action" env = { FIRST_NAME = "Mona" MIDDLE_NAME = "Lisa" LAST_NAME = "Octocat" } }

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runtime environment

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I don’t know how to get the author email, name or commit message 3FTPMWFUIJTQSPCMFNVTJOH(JU)VC"1*SFRVFTU

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Publishing your action in the GitHub Marketplace

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FROM appleboy/drone-ssh:1.5.0-linux-amd64 # Github labels LABEL ""="SSH Commands" LABEL "com.github.actions.description"="some description" LABEL "com.github.actions.icon"="terminal" LABEL “com.github.actions.color"="gray-dark" LABEL "repository"="" LABEL "homepage"="" LABEL "maintainer"="Bo-Yi Wu " LABEL "version"="0.0.1" ADD / RUN chmod +x / ENTRYPOINT ["/"] QMFBTFNBLFTVSFUIBUUIFSFJTOPQSPCMFNXJUI%PDLFSpMFJO-"#&-

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Create New Tag and Publish Release

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Some action I created • appleboy/ssh-action • appleboy/scp-action • appleboy/facebook-action • appleboy/telegram-action • appleboy/jenkins-action • appleboy/gitlab-ci-ation • appleboy/discord-action

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Thank You