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The Laravel Core Demystify The Beast

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@christophrumpel OUR JOURNEY LifeCycle Facades Eloquent

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@christophrumpel WHY DO I CARE ABOUT THE CORE?

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@christophrumpel It is a tool It takes a lot of time It can be overwhelming COMMON EXCUSES

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@christophrumpel It speaks to you Debugging Learn from the best Become a better dev WHY YOU SHOULD CARE

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@christophrumpel OUR JOURNEY LifeCycle Facades Eloquent

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Send It Back Handle Request Boot Laravel Browser / HTTP Request

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@christophrumpel LET IT BEGIN public/index.php

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@christophrumpel Application instance Also serves as DIC Bind kernels to the container Register Base Providers Set base paths

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@christophrumpel REQUEST & ROUTER Illuminate/Foundation/Http/Kernel.php

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@christophrumpel REQUEST & ROUTER Illuminate/Routing/Router.php

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@christophrumpel REQUEST & ROUTER Illuminate/Routing/Router.php

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@christophrumpel OUR JOURNEY LifeCycle Facades Eloquent

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@christophrumpel Magic Proxies Helpers Static interfaces Service Container FACADES ARE

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@christophrumpel Misleading Hard to test Tightly coupled Bad practice OR

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@christophrumpel OUR EXAMPLE

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@christophrumpel REQUEST FACADE Illuminate/Support/Facades/Request.php

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@christophrumpel BASE FACADE Illuminate/Support/Facades/Facade.php

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@christophrumpel BASE FACADE Illuminate/Support/Facades/Facade.php

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@christophrumpel BASE FACADE Illuminate/Support/Facades/Facade.php

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@christophrumpel FOUND IT Illuminate/Http/Request.php

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@christophrumpel OUR EXAMPLE

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@christophrumpel SAME AS

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@christophrumpel Misleading Hard to test Tightly coupled Bad practice TRUE OR FALSE

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@christophrumpel OUR JOURNEY LifeCycle Facades Eloquent

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@christophrumpel ORM Active Record Models Builder ELOQUENT

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@christophrumpel DATABASE

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@christophrumpel OUR EXAMPLE

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@christophrumpel OUR EXAMPLE

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@christophrumpel CONFERENCE MODEL

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@christophrumpel STATIC WHERE METHOD DOES NOT EXIST Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Model.php

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@christophrumpel STILL NO WHERE METHOD Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Model.php

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@christophrumpel STILL NO WHERE METHOD Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Model.php

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@christophrumpel FOUND IT Eloquent/Builder.php

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@christophrumpel OUR EXAMPLE

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@christophrumpel GET FIRST CONFERENCE Eloquent/Builder trait BuildsQueries

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@christophrumpel GET FIRST CONFERENCE Eloquent/Builder trait BuildsQueries

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@christophrumpel GET FIRST CONFERENCE Eloquent/Builder trait BuildsQueries

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@christophrumpel OUR EXAMPLE

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@christophrumpel NO SPEAKERS PROPERTY

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@christophrumpel Content-Security-Policy: policy NO SPEAKERS PROPERTY Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Model.php

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@christophrumpel CHECK ATTRIBUTES Base Eloquent Model HasAttribute concern

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@christophrumpel CHECK ATTRIBUTES Base Eloquent Model HasAttribute concern

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@christophrumpel OUR EXAMPLE

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@christophrumpel OUR JOURNEY LifeCycle Facades Eloquent

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@christophrumpel Master your tools. Laravel is one of them.

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@christophrumpel NO SPEAKERS PROPERTY Base Eloquent Model Laravel Core Adventures @christophrumpel

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@christophrumpel RESOURCES