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Storytelling through Creative Coding Hardik Chandrahas ( @18Hardik) Information Design @ NID, Bangalore Processing Community Day // 19

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intro( ) // Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) Processing Community Day // 19 Currently pursuing Post Grad NID,Bangalore - Information Design Graduation: BITS Pilani Goa Campus - EEE + Phy Work Exp: 2 yrs UX Designer Data Viz || Generative Art sift it . clean it . sketch it. make it

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.storytelling ( ) Storytelling is the act of describing narratives generally comprising of a beginning, middle and an end resolution. Breaking down a larger event (novels, larger essays) into comprehensible bits // Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) Processing Community Day // 19 Allows viewer to develop meaning by their own impact (self-choosing stories). // Harry Potter Book 1 - JKR // // Bandersnatch - Charles Brooker //

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.narrative ( ) A narrative is a framework through which a story is presented to the reader. The structure of a narrative represents the form and structure: the protagonist, his journey, the climax, conquest and final resolution. Storytelling // Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) Processing Community Day // 19

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// Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) Processing Community Day // 19 Call to Action Meets Guardian Crossing 1st Threshold Tests, trials - friends, enemies Challenge - Reward Resurrection Final Trial Return with Elixir //Start// //End// .harrypotter-1 ( )

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“ Data is the new soil, because for me, it feels like a fertile, creative medium. Over the years, online, we've laid down a huge amount of information and data, and we irrigate it with networks and connectivity.” - David McCandles / / .data driven Narrative / / // Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) Processing Community Day // 19

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Insights derived through data enable a newer angle to look at the story; Allowing the reader to absorb in a better manner. / / .data driven Narrative / / // Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) Processing Community Day // 19

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// Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) Processing Community Day // 19 / / .data driven Narrative / / // // // //

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// Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) Processing Community Day // 19 Code as a tool aids us to delve deeper into stories to unearth newer insights; What does { CODE * } do ? Allowing an elaborate understanding of the story.

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// Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) Processing Community Day // 19 creative.coding( ) { * } “Creative coding refers to a practice where the artist uses a system, such as; // A set of natural language rules, A computer program, A machine, or other procedural invention, set into motion with some degree of autonomy creating a design piece. //

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// Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) Processing Community Day // 19 Creative coding as a practice to delve deeper into stories, deriving insights to aid comprehension. // Algorithm as the protagonist, Variables as the conditions, Inputs as the events shaping it and final multiple resolutions on choices taken. // { creative.coding ( ) * } Tracks { c.c ( ) } to derive insights { c.c ( ) } as a framework

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// Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) Processing Community Day // 19 { Creative Coding * } Tracks Data Visualisation. Generative Art Range of Expression President Speeches - Sentiment Analysis :

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// Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) Processing Community Day // 19 { Creative Coding * } Tracks Simulated Dendrochronology - Pedro Cruz (2018) - Data Visualisation. Generative Art Range of Expression

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// Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) Processing Community Day // 19 { Creative Coding * } Tracks Casa da Musica Identity Design - Sagmeister & Walsh: Generative Art Data Visualisation Range of Expression

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// Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) Processing Community Day // 19 { Creative Coding * } Tracks Generative Artwork - Manuel Gamboa Naon: Generative Art Data Visualisation Range of Expression

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// Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) Processing Community Day // 19 Data Visualisation What is the intent behind visualising ? Describe ( ) Detail ( ) Explore ( ) The lens guiding our visualisation’s framework is often based on a story, we are trying to put forth before our users. List out Data Answer Questions Seek multiple interpretations

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// Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) Processing Community Day // 19 Quantified Self Visualising Personal Data “In all of these patterns, I do think there is an essential idea of who we are,” - Laurie Frick Mood + Quantify - Laurie frick:

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// Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) Processing Community Day // 19 Quantified Self Visualising Personal Data Visualising cycle rides over the past two years Motivations in this endeavour were to observe seasonal variation in my cycling rides.

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// Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) Processing Community Day // 19 Quantified Self Visualising Personal Data How do I use my bike for commuting ? How often and how much do I train on my cycle? Train enough to claim myself as a serious cyclist ? How does the community respond to my cycling ? How has college life affected my training routine ?

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// Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) Processing Community Day // 19 Quantified Self Visualising Personal Data // Initial Analysis //

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// Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) Processing Community Day // 19 Quantified Self Visualising Personal Data // Code Renders // //2016// //2017//

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// Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) Processing Community Day // 19 Quantified Self Visualising Personal Data // Viz. Key //

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// Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) Processing Community Day // 19 Karna has always been righteous, yet never fortunate. Whereas Arjuna has been consistently favoured by the gods. A story of contrast between the two epic warriors. A tale of fate // Grant Morrison’s 18 Days // Visualising the World’s Longest Poem Decoding an Epic

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// Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) Processing Community Day // 19 Which characters are frequently mentioned with Karna and Arjuna? What events in the book cause these associations and interactions ? How are Karna and Arjuna described qualitatively in the book? What events brought them closer ? Visualising the World’s Longest Poem Decoding an Epic

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// Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) Processing Community Day // 19 python + spaCY Using spaCy to find out mentions around the protagonist and the adjectives used to describe them. Visualising the World’s Longest Poem // Initial Analysis // Decoding an Epic

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// Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) Processing Community Day // 19 Visualising the World’s Longest Poem // Code Renders // Decoding an Epic

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// Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) Processing Community Day // 19 Visualising the World’s Longest Poem Decoding an Epic // Code Renders //

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// Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) Processing Community Day // 19 Visualising the World’s Longest Poem Decoding an Epic // Code Renders // Plotting the counts of the protagonists & their acquaintances.

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// Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) Processing Community Day // 19 Visualising the World’s Longest Poem // Visualisation Key // Decoding an Epic Bhima Vasudeva Krishna mighty illustrious

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// Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) Processing Community Day // 19 Data Visualisation Generative Art / / > > > / /

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// Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) Processing Community Day // 19 Generative Art Computer Generated // Artist Generated algo( ) random( ) modular.patterns( ) Determine base form and behaviour of artwork. An avenue for chance ,to add an element of surprise. Smaller patterns that depend on static + live inputs. The laws to setup a framework generating multiple variants of an artwork using data (preset/live) as the variable

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// Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) Processing Community Day // 19 Evolving perceptions on cultural art Keep it Today Depicting the impact on a traditional art form in modern times , using contemporary production techniques Ajrakh block & resist printing technique Lippan Mirror & White Clay relief wall art

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// Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) Processing Community Day // 19 Evolving perceptions on cultural art Keep it Today Projecting Lippan patterns to a surface from a distorted arrangement of mirrors in its base form. Visualising live sound input to depict the changing perception of people on the craft.

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// Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) Processing Community Day // 19 Evolving perceptions on cultural art Keep it Today Broken Mirror patterns -> Artform Disorganisation -> fragmented state of the craft in current times. As people appreciate Ajrakh, its perception evolves; modernisation causing decreased authenticity.

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// Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) Processing Community Day // 19

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// Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) Processing Community Day // 19 Processing Video Stroke thickness = Amplitude of sound

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// Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) Processing Community Day // 19 Face reflecting the self Abstractionism Welcoming the Information Design juniors ,@ NID. Generative Identity artworks embedded in an abstract face.

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// Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) Processing Community Day // 19 Face reflecting the self Abstractionism Crowd Filled datasheets. Marks developed to signify the aspects // Initial Analysis//

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// Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) Processing Community Day // 19 Face reflecting the self Abstractionism // Visualisation Key//

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// Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) Processing Community Day // 19 // Code Render//

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// Hardik Chandrahas (@18Hardik) Processing Community Day // 19 “Most of us need to listen to the music to understand how beautiful it is. But often that’s how we present statistics: we just show the notes, we don’t play the music.” - Hans Rosling

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Processing Community Day // 19 Thank You! .exit() Github Twitter Behance @18Hardik