How do builds affect
developer produc vity?
failures: about 20% of builds fail due to code defects
5‑10% of a team’s capacity is spent on fixing
slowness: a team’s capacity is reduced by 4% for
each extra minute of build me
unreliability: 5% of a team’s capacity goes into
debugging build problems
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Fast builds
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Fast builds
faster = avoid doing needless work
reuse results!
incremental builds
build cache
3 . 2
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Incremental builds
3 . 3
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Incremental builds
Gradle can reuse results
of the last me
this build ran
on this machine.
3 . 4
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We can do be er!
3 . 5
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Why not…
of any me
and any build
that ran anywhere.
3 . 6
Build Cache for Gradle
out‑of‑the‑box for Java, Groovy, Scala, C++ and
Swi projects
supports compile, test and verifica on tasks
high‑performance remote backend from Gradle
Docker Hub: gradle/build‑cache‑node
3 . 10
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Build Cache for Maven
custom extension (part of Gradle Enterprise)
ini al release: March 2019
supported plugins: Java Compiler, Surefire/Failsafe,
Javadoc, JAXB, Checkstyle
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Build Cache – Demo
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How does it work?
Calculate cacheKey of a task/goal from its inputs:
cacheKey(javaCompile) = hash(sourceFiles, … )
Store its outputs under cacheEntry:
cacheEntry(javaCompile) = fileTree(classFiles)
Gradle task
Inputs Outputs
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Local and remote cache
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Reliable builds
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monitoring of builds to discover
both builds by developers and CI
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What are Build Scans?
persistent record of what happened during a build
permanent and shareable URL
for developers and build engineers
4 . 3
(with extension registered in .mvn/extensions.xml)
$> mvn clean verify
[INFO] Total time: 5.262 s
[INFO] Finished at: 20190423T09:55:36+02:00
[INFO] 13 goals, 8 executed, 5 from cache, saving at least
[INFO] Publishing build scan...
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Build Scans – Demo
4 . 6
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Build Scans
support Gradle and Maven
public scans are free on
without build comparison, performance
dashboard etc.
Gradle Enterprise provides addi onal features and
on‑premise hos ng
h ps:/
4 . 7
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Custom analyses
use Export API
h ps:/
4 . 8
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Slide 39 text
Free trainings on , e.g.
Build Cache Deep Dive
Maven + Gradle Enterprise
Gradle Build Tool:
Gradle Enterprise:
h ps:/
YouTube channel
h ps:/
h ps:/
5 . 1
Slide 40
Slide 40 text
See you tomorrow?
From Revolu on to Con nuous Evolu on
Tomorrow, 16:10, Track C
News from JUnit 5.x
5 . 2