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य़䋊翕ᒊ羬翄薹究ො礯 OpenScholar by Drupal charles | 2016/11/02
 "The future is here. It's just not evenly distributed yet." 翕妏ᤈ㵕ᑀದ磪褖獍ݪ

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蚋ࣁ蚏᪒讨牦 䟖አ膏ӮኴӞ窕य़䋊ፘݶጱ翕ᒊ獉਻ᓕቘ羬翄

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OpenScholar? • OpenScholar is a full featured solution for creating and maintaining academic websites, powering web presence at academic institutions including Harvard University, Princeton, Berkeley and others. • OpenScholar is a Drupal-based content management system designed specifically for academic use, created by Harvard University and released under an open source license. • It enables the creation and management of multiple web sites upon a single Drupal installation.

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• To achieve this goal, a Drupal distribution was created by bundling modules such as Organic Groups, which allows running multiple websites on the same database, Spaces and Context, which powers a friendly drag & drop UI and Feeds, which helps import content from diverse sources. • Over 5,400 Harvard University websites have been created with OpenScholar so far, serving over a million page views a week — plus it has good multilingual support.

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ग़ᑄ䜛ದ蔩 • ग़ᑄ䜛ದ蔩ҁ舣承物multi-tenancy technology҂౲圸ग़ ᯿ᑄ虹ದ蔩牧ฎӞ圵敟誢礍䯤ದ蔩牧ਙฎࣁ矐懵膏䋿֢ ই֜ෝग़አ䜛ጱ絑हӥوአፘݶጱ羬翄౲纷ୗزկ牧㪔 ӬՖݢ嘦狒ݱአ䜛樌虻碘ጱᵍ櫝௔牐 • ኧෝ襇ᒒ螀ᓒ捍氂ጱ咳籞牧ࣁوአጱ虻碘Ӿஞ獉ই֜犥 㻌Ӟ羬翄礍䯤膏๐率൉׀ग़碍አ䜛ᒒፘݶ綍ᛗݢਮ蕣玕 ጱ๐率牧㪔ӬՖ簁ݢ犥狒ᵑਮ䜛ጱ虻碘ᵍ櫝牧虏ग़ᑄ䜛 ದ蔩౮傶襇ᒒ螀ᓒದ蔩ӥጱ氥䋊牐 %E6%88%B6%E6%8A%80%E8%A1%93

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Drupal? • Drupal ฎӞॺ樄რ嘨獉਻ᓕቘ羬翄ҁcontent management system; CMS҂牧ᤩ౮܉Ӥ苭ጱጱ㮆Ո膏奲而አ㬵ୌᗝ୚Ոဳ ፓᘒӬ獉਻掘੄ጱݱ圵翕ᒊ牐 • አ Drupal 㬵ୌ缏翕ᒊ疰ฎ݄奲ݳݱ圵̿坌๙̀牧礬硁眅加粬 ጱ襑穩㬵懪蕣翕ᒊጱۑ胼牐 • Drupal 翕ᒊݢ犥蝚螂ֵአ娄Ӥ蔭㻌ጱොୗ㬵姘虁牧ᘒ犋襑ᥝಋ 㵕狕硬纷ୗ嘨牐 • Drupal ݢ犥ع揲ֵአ牧㪔Ӭٍ磪Ӟፗࣁᄍ蝱ጱय़ᰁૡٍ牧虏眅 አ㬵಑蝨犝讀ጱ翕ᒊ牐

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獉਻ᓕቘ໛礍 • Drupal犖ฎӞॺ獉਻ᓕቘ໛礍ҁcontent management framework; CMF҂牐ᴻԧ虏翕ᒊᓕቘᘏݢ犥ୌᗝ翕ᒊ ԏक़牧ਙ犖ݢ犥虏纷ୗ戔懯䒍޾樄咳Ո㹓ֵአक़䟑秇 奲㬵ਮ蕣玕 Drupal牐 • Drupal 皃Ԓಅ磪ᶎݻጱ螀֢᮷ݢ犥አ蝡犚秇奲㬵ਮ蕣 玕牧磪౮܉Ӥ苭ጱ秇奲ݢ犥አ㬵ीႲݱ圵ۑ胼牧ℂፘ 罏ک搳ᇔ敋牏ٚکܨ碻ᘉ捌ૡٍ缛缛᮷磪牐战ग़秇奲 ᮷ฎ篷㱘揙糽妔 Drupal ᐒᗭጱ牧ݢ犥ع揲ӥ斉㪔Ӭࣁ 眅ጱ Drupal 翕ᒊӤֵአ牐

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粬ᜋ • 䕃௔ጱ秇奲羬翄 • ਮ蕣玕ጱ粚ࣳ羬翄 • ݢ硌獅ጱ獉਻膏㻌ز羬翄 • 獉ୌ矾疨୚砻磧֯玕 • चෝ薫ᜋጱਂ玲稗褖 • ᐒᗭڊ粚膏㶧֢ૡٍ • ਠ碉ጱ櫕承牏ग़承翕ᒊۑ胼 • SSO 碉ݳҁLDAP牏CAS牏Shibboleth牏SAML҂ • 獉ୌ篷ᵑ繸牧ඪൔ W3C WCAG 2.0 and ATAG 2.0

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OpenScholar ጱ෈կඪൔ

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OpenScholar ጱ羬翄襑穩 • PHP 5.2 • PHP GD extension • 96 MB memory limit • MySQL 5 • Apache • Apache mod_rewrite module for clean urls

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ਞ蕕 OpenScholar

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֦ጱ螡䢔牫 翕妏ᤈ㵕ᑀದ磪褖獍ݪ